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1000 questions to discuss. Upper-Intermediate +
1000 questions to discuss. Upper-Intermediate +
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1000 questions to discuss. Upper-Intermediate +

How can we improve the quality and quantity of materials recycled?

What are the economic challenges associated with recycling?

How does waste management and recycling affect your daily life?

What are the challenges you face in reducing your own waste footprint?

What motivates you to recycle and dispose of waste responsibly?

How can we improve coordination and collaboration among stakeholders in waste management?

What are the policy and regulatory barriers to sustainable waste management practices?

How can we address the issue of waste exported from developed to developing countries?

What innovative technologies and approaches are emerging to address waste management challenges?

How will the future of waste management and recycling be shaped by population growth and urbanization?

What role can individuals play in creating a more sustainable waste management system?

The Challenges of Water Scarcity and Sanitation

What are the major causes of water scarcity around the world?

How does climate change contribute to water scarcity?

What are the impacts of water scarcity on human health and economic development?

Why is access to safe sanitation essential for public health?

What are the barriers to improving sanitation in developing countries?

How can we address the issue of open defecation?

How does water scarcity affect your daily life?

What are the challenges you face in accessing clean water or sanitation?

What motivates you to conserve water and improve sanitation practices?

How can we improve water management practices to reduce scarcity?

What are the policy and regulatory barriers to sustainable water use?

How can we ensure equitable access to water and sanitation for all?

What innovative technologies are emerging to address water scarcity and sanitation challenges?

How will population growth and urbanization impact water demand and sanitation needs?

What role can individuals play in promoting water conservation and improving sanitation?

The Evolution of Gender Roles in Society

How have gender roles been defined and perceived throughout history?

What social and cultural factors have influenced the evolution of gender roles?

How have technological advancements and economic changes impacted gender roles?

What are the similarities and differences in the evolution of gender roles across different cultures?

How has education played a role in shaping gender roles?

What are the key social movements that have contributed to the transformation of gender roles?

How have traditional stereotypes about gender influenced the experiences and opportunities of individuals?

What are the current trends and emerging issues related to gender roles?

How have advancements in gender equality affected family structures and relationships?

What are the potential consequences of challenging traditional gender roles?

How can we promote gender equity and inclusion in society?

What are the ongoing debates and controversies surrounding the evolution of gender roles?

How does the evolution of gender roles relate to other social and political changes?

What are the implications of the changing gender roles for future generations?

How can we continue to foster progress in the evolution of gender roles and achieve true equality?

The Future of Artificial Intelligence and Its Ethical Implications

What is artificial intelligence (AI) and how is it currently being used?

What are the potential benefits of AI for society?

What are the ethical concerns surrounding the development and use of AI?

How can we ensure that AI is used for good and not for harm?

What are the implications of AI for the future of work and society?

How do you feel about the increasing use of AI in our lives?