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Иней – внук дедушки Мороза! Мифологическая фантастика
Иней – внук дедушки Мороза! Мифологическая фантастика
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Иней – внук дедушки Мороза! Мифологическая фантастика

And the fact that I am Russian, thank you

And mother and father, and this blue sky!

Seas and rivers, and fields and forests!


I am a friend for those who are Russia's friends!

I will not accept favors from an enemy,

And I will not accept friendship, who is the enemy of the Fatherland,

And with this feeling I go through life!

I have love for Rossii since those days,

How was I born to my mother,

And breathed in a breath of air,

Already Russia, like a mother, I love


I am a friend for those who are Russia's friends!

I will not accept favors from an enemy,

And I will not accept friendship, who is the enemy of the Fatherland,

And with this feeling I go through life!

The nature of Russian villages is dear to me,

And Russian cities, where the darkness of the people,

But the Russian face on the streets, in the subway,

I see, and in the cold it becomes warm!


I am a friend for those who are Russia's friends!

I will not accept favors from an enemy,

And I will not accept friendship, who is the enemy of the Fatherland,

And with this feeling I go through life!

For all nations, I wish well,

But I respect the Russians as my family,

And Russian speech is dearer to me everywhere,

Wherever I am and I will be!


I am a friend for those who are Russia's friends!

I will not accept favors from an enemy,

And I will not accept friendship, who is the enemy of the Fatherland,

And with this feeling I go through life!

En fran?ais

Chanson du chapitre 18!

Je suis Russe!

J'aime la Russie – ma patrie!

Et le fait que je sois russe, merci

Et m?re et p?re, et ce ciel bleu!

Mers et rivi?res, et champs et for?ts!


Je suis un ami pour ceux qui sont les amis de la Russie!

Je n'accepterai pas les faveurs d'un ennemi,

Et je n'accepterai pas l'amitiе, qui est l'ennemie de la Patrie,

Et avec ce sentiment je traverse la vie!

J'ai de l'amour pour Rossii depuis ces jours,

Comment suis-je nе de ma m?re,

Et aspirе une bouffеe d'air,