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Зарубежная компьютерная литература

Название: Кибербуллинг
Жанр: зарубежная компьютерная литература
Аннотация на книгу:

Кибербуллинг – это современная форма запугивания (буллинга), жертвой которого может стать каждый, но особое беспокойство оно вызывает тогда, когда от него страдают дети.

Это краткое руководство даст ответы на самые важные вопросы, касающиеся данной проблематики, ответы, которые должен иметь в виду каждый родитель ребенка дошкольного возраста, например: что такое кибербуллинг? Его влияние на жизнь жертвы? Возможно ли предотвратить кибербуллинг? И прежде всего, – что делать, если ваш ребенок стал его жертвой?
Откройте для себя все ключевые аспекты кибербуллинга, в том числе благодаря результатам последних психологических исследований по данной тематике.

Добавлено: 31.08.2023 02:08 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.
Автор: Alan T. Norman
Жанр: зарубежная компьютерная литература
Аннотация на книгу:

Você está procurando um livro fundamental para começar com os conceitos básicos do Aprendizado de Máquina? Meu livro lhe explicará os conceitos básicos de maneira fácil de entender. Um vez que tiver lido esse livro, você terá uma sólida compreensão sobre os princípios fundamentais que facilitarão seu acesso a um livro mais avançado, caso queira aprender mais.
Você está procurando um livro fundamental para começar com os conceitos básicos do Aprendizado de Máquina?

Meu livro lhe explicará os conceitos básicos de maneira fácil de entender. Um vez que tiver lido esse livro, você terá uma sólida compreensão sobre os princípios fundamentais que facilitarão seu acesso a um livro mais avançado, caso queira aprender mais.

Добавлено: 31.08.2023 02:08 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.
Автор: Alan T. Norman
Название: Uczenie Maszynowe W Akcji
Жанр: зарубежная компьютерная литература
Аннотация на книгу:

Czy szukasz książki, która pozwoli Ci zapoznać się z podstawowymi pojęciami uczenia maszynowego?
Moja książka wyjaśni Ci podstawowe pojęcia w sposób, który jest łatwy do zrozumienia.

Po przeczytaniu tej książki, będziesz miał solidny chwyt na podstawowe zasady, które ułatwią krok do bardziej zaawansowanej książki, jeśli chcesz dowiedzieć się więcej.

Добавлено: 31.08.2023 02:08 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.
Автор: James Nino
Жанр: зарубежная компьютерная литература
Аннотация на книгу:

Very often the manuals and user guide that accompany devices tend to provide only basic advice on how to navigate around the iPhone, which means you have to rely on external sources to get the best tricks and tips required to get the best from such devices which is why this book was written to help you get the most out of your iPhone 11 Pro Camera app.

*****************Mastering the iPhone 12 Pro Max Camera*********************

The iPhone camera comes with so many hidden features and tricks than what is obvious at first and only with a good book like this can you expose those hitherto hidden features.

If you have an iPhone 12 Pro Max and want to join many others who are able to take stunning photos with it, then this book is for you.

The triple-lens rear Cameras that protrude from the back of the iPhone 12 Pro Max are incredible but will require that you master the camera setting for you to be able to use it to capture great shots, which is why you should be ordering this book right away because it is going to tell you how to do just that.

Very often the manuals and user guide that accompany devices tend to provide only basic advice on how to navigate around the iPhone, which means you have to rely on external sources to get the best tricks and tips required to get the best from such devices which is why this book was written to help you get the most out of your iPhone 11 Pro Camera app.

In this book, you will learn;How to use the iPhone 12 Pro Max to take selfiesTaking great slofies, QuickTake, Burst and how they improve your iPhone photographyWhy manual camera settings can improve your picture qualityHow to access some hidden camera functions that you probably did not expect a phone camera to haveHave fun with Memojis and Animojis by creating fun personal replicasWhy you should not use the digital zoom and use the optical zoom instead to get the best from your photos.How to use your iPhone with a drone and shoot a full wedding scene

This book shows many more functions than you would expect to find on a phone and helps you better utilize your iPhone 12 Pro Max when next you go on a trip, or at the airport, go on vacation, capture important moments, and document the different stages of your child’s life.

Special Bonus
That is not all, at the end of this book, we have a special gift for you, something we believe you will love.
Click the “Add to Cart” to purchase on your closeout or click the “Buy Now” to purchase at least one copy now.

Добавлено: 31.08.2023 02:08 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.
Автор: Wendy Hills
Жанр: зарубежная компьютерная литература
Аннотация на книгу:

In this guide, you will learn how to set up and master many of the essential features of the new iPhone 12 Pro Max, including basic and advanced tips that you may not be aware of. You will also learn some new tricks that will help you navigate the latest operating system, iOS 14 of the iPhone 12 Pro Max interface so that you can become like a pro in no time.

iPhone 12 Pro Max is great for those who know how to use it!

There is no doubt as to if the iPhone is the best phone in the market. Having such a powerful device can allow you to take great photos and do just about anything. But if you have never used it before or you find it intimidating of you simply want to learn how to get more out, then this book will help!

If you want to learn how to use the phone, take pictures with its camera, use Facetime with the grandkids, and create cute Animoji’s, then this guide is designed for you!
In this guide, you will learn how to set up and master many of the essential features of the new iPhone 12 Pro Max, including basic and advanced tips that you may not be aware of. You will also learn some new tricks that will help you navigate the latest operating system, iOS 14 of the iPhone 12 Pro Max interface so that you can become like a pro in no time.

This guide is ideal for both beginners and experts.

Some of the included topics:How to use Picture in Picture for movies and TV showsTaking, editing, organizing, and sharing photosCreating Animoji'sHow to take Burst PicturesHow to take Night PhotosChange Image Detail and Aspect RatioSet Dark Mode to Turn On and Off AutomaticallyMagnify the iPhone screen with Display ZoomHow to Use Picture in Picture ModeTake Live Photos during FaceTime CallsHow to Record 4K SelfieHow to Rotate or Straighten VideosSet up Live Photo as Wallpaper for Lock ScreenAnd much, much more!

Special Bonus
That is not all, at the end of this book, we have a special gift for you, something we believe you will love.
Are you ready to start enjoying your new iPhone? Then let's get started!
Click the “Add to Cart” to purchase on your closeout or click the “Buy Now” to purchase at least one copy now.

Добавлено: 31.08.2023 02:08 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.
Автор: James Nino
Жанр: зарубежная компьютерная литература
Аннотация на книгу:

Very often the manuals and user guide that accompany devices tend to provide only basic advice on how to navigate around the iPhone, which means you have to rely on external sources to get the best tricks and tips required to get the best from such devices which is why this book was written to help you get the most out of your iPhone 11 Pro Camera app.

*****************Mastering the iPhone 12 Pro Max Camera*********************

The iPhone camera comes with so many hidden features and tricks than what is obvious at first and only with a good book like this can you expose those hitherto hidden features.
If you have an iPhone 12 Pro Max and want to join many others who are able to take stunning photos with it, then this book is for you.
The triple-lens rear Cameras that protrude from the back of the iPhone 12 Pro Max are incredible but will require that you master the camera setting for you to be able to use it to capture great shots, which is why you should be ordering this book right away because it is going to tell you how to do just that.
Very often the manuals and user guide that accompany devices tend to provide only basic advice on how to navigate around the iPhone, which means you have to rely on external sources to get the best tricks and tips required to get the best from such devices which is why this book was written to help you get the most out of your iPhone 11 Pro Camera app.
In this book, you will learn;How to use the iPhone 12 Pro Max to take selfiesTaking great slofies, QuickTake, Burst and how they improve your iPhone photographyWhy manual camera settings can improve your picture qualityHow to access some hidden camera functions that you probably did not expect a phone camera to haveHave fun with Memojis and Animojis by creating fun personal replicasWhy you should not use the digital zoom and use the optical zoom instead to get the best from your photos.How to use your iPhone with a drone and shoot a full wedding scene

This book shows many more functions than you would expect to find on a phone and helps you better utilize your iPhone 12 Pro Max when next you go on a trip, or at the airport, go on vacation, capture important moments, and document the different stages of your child’s life.
Special Bonus
That is not all, at the end of this book, we have a special gift for you, something we believe you will love.
Click the “Add to Cart” to purchase on your closeout or click the “Buy Now” to purchase at least one copy now.

Добавлено: 31.08.2023 02:08 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.
Название: Bullizmi Kibernetik
Жанр: зарубежная компьютерная литература
Аннотация на книгу:

Bullizmi kibernetik është një formë moderne e bullizmit nga i cili mund të preket kushdo, por ai bëhet sidomos shqetësues kur të prekurit janë minorenët. Bullizmi kibernetik është një formë moderne e bullizmit nga i cili mund të preket kushdo, por ai bëhet sidomos shqetësues kur të prekurit janë minorenët. Kjo guidë e shkurtër u jep përgjigje pyetjeve më të rëndësishme që kanë të bëjnë me këtë temë diskutimi, përgjigje që ҫdo prind që ka fëmijë në moshë shkollore duhet t’i ketë mirë parasysh, si për shembull: ҫfarë është Bullizmi kibernetik? Si influencon ai në jetën e atij apo asaj që bëhet viktimë? A mund të parandalohet Bullizmi kibernetik? Dhe mbi të gjitha ҫfarë duhet bërë nëse fëmija jonë është viktimë e tij? Zbuloni të gjitha aspektet kyҫe të Bullizmit kibernetik, në sajë edhe të rezultateve nga kërkimet e fundit shkencore të kryera në këtë fushë të psikologjisë.

Добавлено: 31.08.2023 02:08 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.
Автор: Wendy Hills
Жанр: зарубежная компьютерная литература
Аннотация на книгу:

In this guide, you will learn how to set up and master many of the essential features of the new iPhone 12 Pro Max, including basic and advanced tips that you may not be aware of. You will also learn some new tricks that will help you navigate the latest operating system, iOS 14 of the iPhone 12 Pro Max interface so that you can become like a pro in no time.

★★★ iPhone 12 Pro Max is great for those who know how to use it! ★★★

There is no doubt as to if the iPhone is the best phone in the market. Having such a powerful device can allow you to take great photos and do just about anything. But if you have never used it before or you find it intimidating of you simply want to learn how to get more out, then this book will help!
If you want to learn how to use the phone, take pictures with its camera, use Facetime with the grandkids, and create cute Animoji’s, then this guide is designed for you!
In this guide, you will learn how to set up and master many of the essential features of the new iPhone 12 Pro Max, including basic and advanced tips that you may not be aware of. You will also learn some new tricks that will help you navigate the latest operating system, iOS 14 of the iPhone 12 Pro Max interface so that you can become like a pro in no time.
This guide is ideal for both beginners and experts.
Some of the included topics:How to use Picture in Picture for movies and TV showsTaking, editing, organizing, and sharing photosCreating Animoji'sHow to take Burst PicturesHow to take Night PhotosChange Image Detail and Aspect RatioSet Dark Mode to Turn On and Off AutomaticallyMagnify the iPhone screen with Display ZoomHow to Use Picture in Picture ModeTake Live Photos during FaceTime CallsHow to Record 4K SelfieHow to Rotate or Straighten VideosSet up Live Photo as Wallpaper for Lock ScreenAnd much, much more!

Special Bonus
That is not all, at the end of this book, we have a special gift for you, something we believe you will love.
Are you ready to start enjoying your new iPhone? Then let's get started!
Click the “Add to Cart” to purchase on your closeout or click the “Buy Now” to purchase at least one copy now.

Добавлено: 31.08.2023 02:08 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.
Автор: Alan T. Norman
Жанр: зарубежная компьютерная литература
Аннотация на книгу:

Cherchez-vous un livre d’apprentissage élémentaire pour vous familiariser à l'apprentissage automatique ? Mon livre vous expliquera les concepts de base de façon simple et compréhensible. Une fois que vous l’aurez lu, vous aurez une connaissance robuste des principes de base qui vous permettront de passer plus facilement à un livre de niveau plus avancé si vous souhaitez en connaître davantage.

Добавлено: 31.08.2023 01:08 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.
Автор: Alan T. Norman
Название: Piraté
Жанр: зарубежная компьютерная литература
Аннотация на книгу:

Le livre de piratage est destiné à servir de guide de niveau intermédiaire à certains outils et compétences de test de pénétration courants, en particulier ceux du piratage sans fil et du maintien de l'anonymat. Le livre se concentre davantage sur l'exécution pratique et fournit des procédures étape par étape pour l'installation des plates-formes et des outils essentiels, ainsi que la théorie derrière certaines attaques de base. Acquérez la possibilité de faire du piratage éthique et des tests de pénétration en prenant ce livre sur le piratage!
Le livre de piratage est destiné à servir de guide de niveau intermédiaire à certains outils et compétences de test de pénétration courants, en particulier ceux du piratage sans fil et du maintien de l'anonymat.
Le livre se concentre davantage sur l'exécution pratique et fournit des procédures étape par étape pour l'installation des plates-formes et des outils essentiels, ainsi que la théorie derrière certaines attaques de base.
Acquérez la possibilité de faire du piratage éthique et des tests de pénétration en prenant ce livre sur le piratage!
Obtenez des réponses d'un expert informatique expérimenté à chaque question que vous avez liée à l'apprentissage que vous faites dans ce livre, y compris:
– l'installation de Kali Linux en utilisant les bases de VirtualBox de Linux Rester anonyme avec Tor Proxychains,
– Virtual Private Networks (VPN) Macchanger,
– Nmap cracking wifi aircrack craquer les mots de passe Linux

Quelles sont les exigences?
Connexion Internet fiable et rapide.
Carte réseau sans fil.
Kali Linux Distribution Compétences informatiques de base
Que retirerez-vous du livre sur le piratage?
Réponses à chaque question que vous vous posez sur le piratage éthique et les tests d'intrusion par un professionnel de l'informatique expérimenté! Vous apprendrez les bases du réseau Traitez avec de nombreux outils Kali Linux Apprenez quelques commandes Linux Conseils pour rester anonyme dans les activités de piratage et de test de pénétration. Protégez votre réseau WiFi contre toutes les attaques Accédez à n'importe quel compte client du réseau WiFi Un tutoriel complet expliquant comment créer un environnement de piratage virtuel, attaquer les réseaux et casser les mots de passe. Instructions étape par étape pour l'isolation de VirtualBox et la création de votre environnement virtuel sur Windows, Mac et Linux.

Добавлено: 31.08.2023 01:08 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.