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Scientific research basics in the transportation process
Scientific research basics in the transportation process
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Scientific research basics in the transportation process

A scientific law is knowledge formulated by people in concepts, which, however, has its basis in nature, the objective world.

A position is a scientific statement, a formulated thought.

Doctrine – a set of theoretical provisions about any area of phenomena of reality. For example,

Idea is:

1) a new intuitive explanation of an event or phenomenon;

2) the defining pivotal position in the theory.

A concept is a system of theoretical views united by a scientific idea (scientific ideas); the basic idea.

The empirical level of research is characterized by the predominance of sensory cognition (the study of the external world through the senses). At this level, forms of theoretical knowledge are present, but have a subordinate significance.

The interaction of the empirical and theoretical levels of research is that:

1) the totality of facts constitutes the practical basis of the theory or hypothesis;

2) facts can confirm the theory or refute it;

3) a scientific fact is always permeated with theory, since it cannot be formulated without a system of concepts, interpreted without theoretical ideas;

4) empirical research in modern science is predetermined, guided by theory.

The formation of the theoretical level of science leads to a qualitative change in the empirical level. If before the theory was formed, the empirical material that served as its prerequisite was obtained on the basis of everyday experience and natural language, then when it reaches the theoretical level, it is «seen» through the prism of the meaning of theoretical concepts that begin to guide the setting up of experiments and observations – the main methods of empirical research.

The structure of the empirical level of research is made up of facts, empirical generalizations and laws (dependencies).

The concept of «fact» is used in several meanings:

– an objective event, a result related to objective reality (the fact of reality) or to the sphere of consciousness and cognition (the fact of consciousness);

– knowledge about any event, phenomenon, the reliability of which is proven (truth);

– a sentence that captures knowledge obtained in the course of observations and experiments.

An empirical generalization is a system of certain scientific facts, on the basis of which certain conclusions can be drawn or shortcomings and errors can be identified. Empirical laws reflect regularity in phenomena, stability in relationships between observed phenomena. These laws are not theoretical knowledge. Unlike theoretical laws, which reveal the essential connections of reality, empirical laws reflect a more superficial level of dependencies. For the success of scientific research, it must be properly organized, planned and carried out in a certain sequence (research procedure).

These plans and the sequence of actions depend on the type, object and goals of scientific research. So, if it is carried out on technical topics, then the main pre-planning document is first developed – a feasibility study, and then theoretical and experimental studies are carried out, a scientific and technical report is drawn up and the results of the work are introduced into production.

With regard to the work of students, the following successive stages of implementation can be outlined:

1. Preparatory;

2. Conducting theoretical and empirical research;

3. Work on the manuscript and its design;

4. Implementation of the results of scientific research.

It seems necessary to first give a general description of each stage of the research work, and then consider in more detail those of them that are important for the implementation of scientific research by students. Figure 2 shows a diagram of the stages of scientific research.

The preparatory stage includes: choice of topic; substantiation of the need to conduct research on it; definition of hypotheses, goals and objectives of the study; development of a plan or program of scientific research; preparation of research tools (tools). First, the topic of scientific research is formulated and the reasons for its development are substantiated. By preliminary acquaintance with the literature and materials of previous studies, it becomes clear to what extent the issues of the topic have been studied and what are the results obtained. Particular attention should be paid to questions to which there are no answers at all or they are insufficient.

A list of normative acts, domestic and foreign literature, a card index of published judicial practice is compiled. A research methodology is being developed. Research tools are being prepared in the form of questionnaires, questionnaires, interview forms, observation programs, etc. Pilot studies can be carried out to check their suitability.

The research stage consists of a systematic study of literature on the topic, statistical information and archival materials; conducting theoretical and empirical research, including the collection, processing, generalization and analysis of the data obtained; explanations of new scientific facts, argumentation and formulation of provisions, conclusions and practical recommendations and proposals.

The third stage includes: determination of the composition (construction, internal structure) of the work; clarification of the title, titles of chapters and paragraphs; preparation of a draft manuscript and its editing; text design, including a list of references and applications.

The fourth stage consists of the implementation of the research results into practice and the author’s support of the implemented developments. Scientific research does not always end at this stage, but sometimes students’ scientific works (for example, theses) are recommended for implementation in the practical activities of law enforcement agencies and in the educational process.

3. Methodological bases of scientific knowledge

3.1. Research Methodology

Methodology in the broad sense of the word is a system of principles and methods for organizing and constructing theoretical and practical activities, as well as the doctrine of this system. There is another definition of methodology as «the doctrine of the method of scientific knowledge and

transformation of the world.» The methodology of science characterizes the components of scientific research, its object, subject, tasks, the totality of means necessary to solve research problems, and also forms an idea of the sequence of actions of the researcher in the process of solving the problem.

In modern literature, methodology is primarily an object, subject, a set of tools necessary to solve research problems; methodology also forms an idea of the sequence of actions of the researcher in

problem solving process. Methodological knowledge can act either in a descriptive form or in a normative one, i.e. in the form of direct instructions and instructions for activity.

In this form, the methodology is directly aimed at the implementation of activities.

There are 4 levels of methodology:

1. Philosophical methodology – general principles of knowledge.

2. General scientific methodology (substantial general scientific concepts that affect a fairly large number of scientific disciplines – a systematic approach, a cybernetic approach, etc.).

3. Specific scientific methodology (a set of methods, principles of research and procedures used in a particular scientific discipline).

4. The methodology of this particular study – the methodology and technique of the study, a set of procedures that ensure the receipt of empirical material, its primary processing.

Method, or otherwise, the path of research is a way to achieve a specific goal, a set of techniques and operations of practical or theoretical exploration of reality. In the field of science, the method is the path of knowledge that the researcher paves to his subject. Thus, the method of scientific research is a way of knowing objective reality.

The methods of the empirical level include observation, description, comparison, counting, measurement, questionnaire, interview, testing, experiment, modeling, etc.

The methods of the theoretical level include axiomatic, hypothetical (hypothetical-deductive), formalization, abstraction, general logical methods (analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, analogy) and others.

A method is an action or a system of actions used in the performance of some work, in the implementation of something.

Methodology can be defined as a set of methods and techniques of cognition. Any scientific research is carried out by certain methods and methods, according to certain rules.

3.2. General scientific and philosophical methodology. Essence, general principles