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Science confirms – 2. Collection of scientific articles
Science confirms – 2. Collection of scientific articles
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Science confirms – 2. Collection of scientific articles

31 And the Israelites saw the great hand that the LORD had shown over the Egyptians, and the people feared the LORD and believed the LORD and Moses his servant. Then Moses and the children of Israel sang this song to the Lord and said: (This is how faith in the Israelite god was born, because naive people thought that some god did it, in fact it was only a natural phenomenon that coincided with the flight of part of the Semitic tribes from Egypt. 10 Egyptian executions to which God subjected Egypt for Pharaoh’s refusal to release the Jews from captivity: he turned water into blood, sent toads, midges, pestilence, etc. they are explained by the impact and influence of a grandiose catastrophe that occurred around 1380 BC (XIV century BC. at that time, the XVIII dynasty, a New Kingdom ruled in Egypt, the pharaohs of which no longer built pyramids) in the Mediterranean Sea in the group of volcanic islands of Santorini (Tyre), some scientists also associate this natural disaster with the vanished Atlantis and the death of the Minoan civilization (ancient Greek culture was based on the developed Minoan culture of the Bronze Age 3—2 millennia BC on the island of Crete and other islands of the Mediterranean Sea, named after the mythological king Minos, this culture has had a huge impact on world culture, which is why we know it well, unlike many of the oldest cultures of European peoples. The Minoan civilization suffered greatly as a result of a natural disaster – a volcanic explosion (between 1628 and 1500 BC) on the island of Fera (Tira, Santorini), which gave rise to a strong earthquake and a catastrophic tsunami. This volcanic eruption may have served as the basis for the myth of the death of Atlantis. Previously, it was assumed that the eruption of the volcano destroyed the Minoan civilization, but archaeological excavations in Crete have shown that the Minoan civilization existed at least about 100 years after the eruption (a layer of volcanic ash was found under the structures of the Minoan culture). To date, the exact cause of the fires that finally destroyed the Minoan palaces in 1450 BC is unknown. After the eruption, the Achaeans seized power on the island. This is how Mycenaean culture (Crete and mainland Greece) emerged, combining Minoan and Greek elements. In the XII century BC Mycenaean culture was destroyed by the Dorians, who eventually settled Crete).»

The Second Book of Kings (excerpts)

David with the ark of the covenant. Engraving on copper by Mattheus Merian

Most likely, a small electric current actually struck the unfortunate Ram when he accidentally touched the ark, and together with auto-suggestion, this led to his death (see «The Second Book of Kings» 6:6—7).

«Battery from a jug

In 1938, an Austrian archaeologist Wilhelm Koenig found a clay jug the size of a man’s fist during excavations in Khujut Rabu, east of modern Baghdad. The neck of the vessel was filled with bitumen, and inside there was a rolled sheet of copper and an iron rod. The characteristic traces of corrosion on the metal suggested that there had once been acid in the jug – vinegar or wine.

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