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Нина Ивановна Крюкова - Legal Psychology. (Бакалавриат, Магистратура). Курс лекций.

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Название: Legal Psychology. (Бакалавриат, Магистратура). Курс лекций.
Аннотация на книгу:

The course of lectures on legal psychology reflects the current level of studying the subject. Legal psychology studies the range of issues related to the training of highly qualified legal specialists who need to study the psychological aspects of a
number of legal phenomena - lawmaking, crime prevention, conducting investigative activities and others). Psychological concepts influence criminal legal concepts (guilt, the identity of the criminal, the goals and motives of the crime). Also it could
help us to solve the problem of how to make a psychological portrait of the participant of legal relations.

Добавлено: 29.08.2023 20:08 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.
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