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Послания любви. 365 писем Ошо
Послания любви. 365 писем Ошо
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Послания любви. 365 писем Ошо

It could be that the time is at hand.

God-realization cannot happen without meditation

so you must turn towards this now

with courage and perseverance.

I have great hopes – will you fulfill them?

My regards to other friends there.

I wait for your letter.

Remember what I said about the blank paper?

Everything else is fine.

I am in bliss.

16. Love.

I received your letter.

What you say has made me very happy.

Words that come out of the depth and fullness of heart

echo the infinite

just as a tiny flower expresses infinite beauty.

When love breathes life into words

what is expressed is

not what is said

but what wants to be said.

Inside each of us there is a poet,

there is poetry,

but because we live on the surface

these are never born.

Those who go deep

awaken divine love

and this love fills their lives

with music, beauty, peace and poetry –

their very lives become music

and on to this stage truth descends.

Truth will descend where there is music

so life must be turned into a melody.

Only through music can one reach the truth.

You too have to become music,

the entire life, every little act,

has to be turned into music:

this happens through love.

Whatever is – love it.

Feel love for the whole world.

Feeling love for all with every breath

brings the inner music.

Have you ever seen this happen?

See this,

fill yourself with love and see.

Whatever breaks up the inner music –

that alone is irreligious, that alone is sin.

And whatever fills us with music –

that is religion, that alone is religion.

Love is religion

because love is beauty,