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Послания любви. 365 писем Ошо
Послания любви. 365 писем Ошо
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Послания любви. 365 писем Ошо

Seeing this

I am surprised that some people say

man has lost all interest in religion.

This can never be.

No interest in religion means no interest in life,

bliss, the ultimate.

Consciousness is by nature God-oriented

and it can only be satisfied by attaining God –

the state of satchitananda,

the truth-awareness-bliss state of being.

Hidden within one in the form of a seed

is the very source of religious birth,

therefore whilst religions may come and go

religion can never die.

I am glad to know that you feel patient

about your progress towards the light.

Patience is the most important thing of all

in spiritual life.

How long one must wait after sowing the seed!

At first all the effort seems wasted,

nothing seems to happen, and then one day

the waiting ends and there is actuality –

the seed breaks, pushes through the earth, into a plant!

But remember that even when nothing seemed to be happening

the seed was working away under the soil.

It is the same with the seeker for truth –

when nothing appears to be happening

much is happening.

The fact is that all growth of life-energy

is unseen and unknown.

Only the results can be observed not the progress.

I am in bliss.

I want you to come closer to God.

Forget about results, just keep going on your path;

let the fruits come by themselves.

One day one wonders: What has happened!

What was I!

What have I become!

Compared to the results all the effort seems negligible.

My love to all.

13. My respects to you.

I have just returned from Rajnagar in Rajasthan.

I was invited to a religious function there

organized by Acharya Shree Tulsi.

I put four hundred monks and nuns

through an experiment in meditation.

The results were extraordinary.

In my view, meditation is the essence

of all religious practice.

All the rest –