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Послания любви. 365 писем Ошо
Послания любви. 365 писем Ошо
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Послания любви. 365 писем Ошо

Intellect knows of the present

but for the heart the future is also the present.


45. Love.

I received your letter.

The time of my birth will have to be looked up.

I think the day was the eleventh of December,

but even this is not certain.

But tell your astrologer friend not to worry;

the future will simply come,

there’s no point in worrying about it.

Whatever happens – ultimately it is all the same.

Dust returns unto dust

and life disappears like a line drawn on water.

My regards to everyone.

46. Love.

It is a long time since I received your letter,

you must be tired of waiting for a reply.

Still, patient waiting has its own joy.

On the path to God,

timeless waiting is the true sadhana.

Waiting and waiting and waiting.

And then,

just as a bud blooms,

everything happens by itself.

You are coming to Nargol, aren’t you?

My regards to all.

47. Love.

I was glad to receive your letter.

Truth is unknown,

and to know it one has to die to the known.

Once the banks of the known are left behind

one enters the ocean of the unknown.

Be brave and take the jump!

Into emptiness, the great emptiness!

Because that’s where God lives.

Love to all,

or to the only one!

For only the one is.

He alone is.

He is in all.

He is in all and in the emptiness also.

48. Love.

I have your letter and your question.

Wherever I is there is a barrier;

In fact, the I-attitude is the one and only barrier,

so sleeping, waking, sitting, walking –

always be aware of it;

see it,

recognize it