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Послания любви. 365 писем Ошо
Послания любви. 365 писем Ошо
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Послания любви. 365 писем Ошо

I shall be with you then,

always with you,

so don’t worry.

Be patient and wait;

the seed takes its own time to break and bloom.

Give my regards to all.

More when we meet.

51. Love.

I have received your letter and your questions.

About death I have remained quiet on purpose,

because I want to awaken inquiry about life.

Those who ponder over death reach nowhere.

Because, in fact, how can death be known without dying?

Hence, the total outcome of such thinking

is either a belief that the soul is immortal or

that the end of one’s life is a total end, nothing remains after that.

They are both mere beliefs.

One belief is based on the fear of death,

the other on the end of the body.

I want man not to get entangled in beliefs and opinions,

because that is not the direction to experiencing, to knowing.

And what else can be found by thinking about death

but belief systems and dogmas?

Thought never takes one beyond the known.

And death is unknown.

Hence, it cannot be known through thinking.

I want to turn your attention towards life.

Life is – here and now.

One can enter it.

Death is never here and now –

either it is in the future or in the past.

Death is never in the present.

Has this fact ever come to your attention,

that death is never in the present?

But life is always in the present – neither in the past

nor in the future.

If it is, it is now; otherwise it never is.

Hence it can be known, because it can be lived,

there is no need to think about it.

In fact, those who would think about it will miss it.

Because the movement of thought is also only of the past

or in the future;

thought is not in the present.

Thought too is a companion of death.

In other words, thought is dead,

there is no element of life in it.

Aliveness is always in the present – it is the present.

Its manifestation is now, absolutely now;

here, absolutely here.

Hence, there is no thinking about life,