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A Witch Alone: Thirteen moons to master natural magic
A Witch Alone: Thirteen moons to master natural magic
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A Witch Alone: Thirteen moons to master natural magic

A Witch Alone: Thirteen moons to master natural magic
Marian Green

This book carries on the tradition of the solo village witch emphasizing white rather than black magic. It is a practical manual of instruction for those who choose the solo path of study and particularly stresses the importance of being in tune with nature. As there are approximately 13 moons each year – the book is divided into 13 parts. Each section is aimed at lasting from the new moon to the dark to make the student fully aware of the changing power in the tides of the sea and the tides of the self. The moon-long sections deal with a variety of traditional arts, skills and mental exercises which enables the aspiring witch to discover the inner world of magic inside him/herself.Note that it has not been possible to include the same picture content that appeared in the original print version.

A Witch Alone

Thirteen moons to master natural magic

Marian Green

Dedication (#ulink_31e2bb7b-502d-5056-8f94-77025264335e)

This book is dedicated to Ronald Hutton,

who has done so much to unveil the mysteries

of witchcraft to the 21st-century world

Table of Contents

Cover Page (#u664e1f70-07fb-5837-b0f3-be2325d8fc64)

Title Page (#ua6697e94-110b-5d29-a950-40a4d2528356)

Dedication (#u58184d27-19d6-5002-8f2e-357dbdaa056b)

SONG OF THE ALL-MOTHER (#uc0d4f681-f2bc-5fc9-8550-8a12162857d8)

LORD OF THE WILDWOOD (#u225bdd3e-f8c3-5def-9ba7-dd44b06a2304)

THE PARADOXICAL GODDESS (#u381465a1-4cb7-59ca-b8a2-d93fd73d759f)

Introduction (#u3c0d9921-49a2-5e87-9539-9bb790c38e76)

ONE A New Moon and a New Dream (#u9973fbdf-20cd-5e70-abc6-2b4e184e35b6)

TWO Meeting the Goddess and God of the Witches (#uc8750198-43bc-5ddb-a6f5-a922f2658253)

THREE The Sacred Cycles (#u1a1af9ef-24a8-57fa-b3a5-25e51d380669)

FOUR A Circle Between the Worlds (#uc040a314-eb75-56e4-9446-09d0829566d8)

FIVE The Journey to the Otherworld (#u8590130a-f1fd-5582-9c73-2c1619424b2e)

SIX Seeking Out Pagan Traces (#uc0b398f0-1f5a-567d-b07d-5864e4281c39)

SEVEN Considering the Healing Arts (#u934d8621-1f2b-59b6-bc2c-949cf4ee9e17)

EIGHT The Old Crafts of Divination and Dowsing (#ubf36b433-672b-568b-b270-731958d8a8ad)

NINE Plant Power (#u159c7375-bd2d-555a-9138-738e84ee7676)

TEN Moon Magic and Solar Cycles (#u761fe716-4da4-569e-b961-befd19d0eacb)

ELEVEN Recovering the Ancient Wisdom (#uf883e3c5-d992-55c5-9103-f84411e90aef)

TWELVE Dedication to the Old Ways (#u3ba15ac0-96c1-5fc7-be6d-8f15a3005405)

THIRTEEN Completing the Circle (#u3a9082c0-7b0a-5f1f-8876-06c15227c289)

To contact an international pagan organization (#uf30749c3-d56a-5308-bfa4-94471fff8b51)

INDEX (#ub6052eb6-fe35-5f80-bb1a-3e322ed8c3d7)

About the Author (#udd1e3eb2-2794-5342-9034-c072e5dc1b45)

Other Books (#u395874bf-4888-5ac9-a8b9-76c598dad65c)

Copyright (#u0f264dc3-ec94-5dbd-b77b-b51b987d3624)

About the Publisher (#u593aca32-48fa-535b-a3a0-0d338c3f2c7d)

SONG OF THE ALL-MOTHER (#ulink_92b892a4-0432-54a7-9e1f-5d88f6ca7011)

I am the Mother Earth, and you’re a Child to me,

Discover who you are and seek divinity.

Rocks and stones and clay and peat – all strata are a part of me,

Jewels and crystals, gems and gold are hidden in the heart of me.

Herbs and flowers, trees and shrubs, these are growing green on me,

Mosses, fungi, lichens, vines, all of these are seen on me.

Horses, cattle, pigs and deer, bears and lions roam on me,

Snakes and spiders, rats and slugs, all creatures have their home on me.

Bubbling brooks and silent springs, living rivers flow on me,

Pools and puddles, lakes and seas, salty oceans grow on me.

Tiny tiddlers, mighty whales, sacred salmon leap for me,

Sharks and squid and crabs and krill fill the waters deep for me.

Wrens and larks and crows and terns fill my skies with darting flight,