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A Witch Alone: Thirteen moons to master natural magic
A Witch Alone: Thirteen moons to master natural magic
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A Witch Alone: Thirteen moons to master natural magic

Hawks and eagles, bats and owls catch their prey by day and night.

Creeping worm and flying fox, teeming ants fulfil their lives,

In tune with me, in Nature’s way, as honey bees enrich my hives.

Only humans rob their kin, despoil the land, pollute the seas,

Kill for fun, destroy the woods, float poisoned vapours on the breeze.

I shall live, for I can heal, even if you humans die,

But you can learn, as Children should, to grow in peace beneath the sky.

LORD OF THE WILDWOOD (#ulink_0f2f1994-fb16-5828-8ab0-e14679d58150)

A silence lies on the Wildwood,

The light of the stars grows dim,

The wind has died in the branches,

But a shadow moves. It is Him!

He is the stag in the moonlight,

The stallion alone on the hill,

The bull that paws at the tussocks,

The salmon that leaps in the rill.

Each is a part of the Hunter,

The Godhead that lives in the Dark,

Lord of the Wild and the Hidden,

At midnight, the small breathing spark.

His is the glory of sunrise,

The greenness that rises in spring,

His is the force of the tempest,

The strength in the wild eagle’s wing.

His is the voice of the pan-pipes,

The power that governs the land,

But She is his wife and his Mother,

And he dwells in the palm of her hand.

THE PARADOXICAL GODDESS (#ulink_e6fc2d9f-b35f-5201-b7fe-269385d6d5b6)

Lady of the threefold shifting light,

Whose form is Earth, by day and night,

And yet about you flows eternal ocean,

Goddess so still, yet in perpetual motion.

Moon, sister-self and triple aspect of the Triple One,

Maiden, God creator, wise and ancient Crone.

Thou who art Earth, and Moon, and Sea,

Mother of All, thou madest me.

From your dark bones, from green and flesh,

From crystal waters and the quiet wind’s breath,

These came from you, and now are me,

Eternal spirit clothed in frailty.

Yet beyond these there endless dwells

A light that from some star-seed fell.

Goddess of Life and Love and Paradox,

Keeper of the keys to all the locks,

Of Mysteries, of Earth and Sky,

Pray answer me. Who am I?

Introduction (#ulink_0067fa57-b689-5a4f-9363-7b362f22de62)

I am brother to dragons and companion to owls…

Old Testament; Job 29:30