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The Element Encyclopedia of 20,000 Dreams: The Ultimate A–Z to Interpret the Secrets of Your Dreams
The Element Encyclopedia of 20,000 Dreams: The Ultimate A–Z to Interpret the Secrets of Your Dreams
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The Element Encyclopedia of 20,000 Dreams: The Ultimate A–Z to Interpret the Secrets of Your Dreams


Symbol of independence that can easily cross over into cockiness. You may be taking credit for the work of others, or getting what you want at all costs.


To see silent nightingales in your dream signifies disagreements among friends that can be easily resolved if communication is resumed. If the nightingales are singing, this suggests harmonious relationships or the desire for them.


The ostrich famously sticks its head in the sand, so are you attempting to run away from responsibility? Are you not facing reality and living in a world of your own? You may be in denial, or unwilling to accept a situation.


Owls have the ability to see in the dark, and therefore represent your intuition or ability to really see what is going on around you and within yourself. The owl is also a wise advisor, but because of its association with darkness, it can also suggest fear or danger. In Jewish lore, it is unlucky to dream of an owl, but lucky to dream of any other bird. In some ancient traditions, the owl is connected to death. Death in this sense may also represent a symbolic death, such as an important transition in life or the end (death) of one phase and the beginning of a new one.

Idioms: wisdom of the owl; night owl. To hear the hoot of an owl denotes disappointments, and forewarns that death creeps closely in the wake of joy and health. To see a dead owl signifies a narrow escape from a difficult situation or illness.


If a parakeet appears in your dream, it might suggest that your unconscious mind is trying to send you a message. The details of the dream should help you discover what that message is.


To see a parrot in your dream represents gossip, repeating what others have said or copying the actions of others. It may also mean that you, or someone else, are being repetitive.


A sign of independence and your leadership skills. On the other hand it can also suggest some kind of deception is occurring.


To see a peacock in your dream is a sign of pride and vanity. In some traditions, however, it is a sign of the soul and because the peacock can shed its feathers and grow new beautiful ones, for Christians it is a symbol of resurrection or new life. As a male bird displaying its feathers, the peacock is a symbol of male sexuality and may be a warning against arrogance over your success. It also indicates a surge of new understanding from the plain and unadorned bird to the beauty of the fully-plumed bird.


To see a pelican in your dream represents devotion, sacrifice and compassion for others.


Penguins are symbols of adaptability, but they can also represent stupidity or coldness in a relationship. They could be a sign that your problems are not as serious as you may think and that you need to keep your cool and remain level-headed.


Depending on the circumstances of the dream and the condition of the pheasant, a symbol of prosperity and good fortune in your waking life.


The phoenix is a universal symbol of rebirth, new life and immortality; of the power in oneself to transform from the depths of darkness or depression into new awareness.


To see a pigeon in your dream represents gossip or news. You may also be expressing a desire to return home.


To see a quail in your dream is a symbol of courage and good fortune. On the other hand it can also represent deviousness. To see a live quail is a sign of good luck. To see a dead quail symbolizes bad luck, especially in gambling. To shoot a quail in your dream suggests disagreements with your best friend. To eat quail in your dream warms against extravagant spending.


To see a raven in your dream can be suggestive of betrayal, disharmony, misfortune and dishonesty, but if the raven is talking, it can indicate insight. The meaning is complex, as it can symbolize both evil and wisdom.


To see a roadrunner in your dream represents intellectual prowess, but might suggest that you are running from idea to idea. Do you feel the need to stop and consider your next plan of action?


Symbol of new beginnings and growth. It may also be a pun on someone whose name is Robin.


Are you, or someone you know, being arrogant and over-confident with little regard for the feelings of others? If you hear a rooster in your dream, this suggests bragging. If roosters are fighting in your dream, this indicates rivalry and disagreements.


Symbol of freedom and ambition.


Symbol of hard work, business and discipline.


Symbol of birth and babyhood, or new life and new beginnings.


Symbol of hope and new beginnings.


The swan is often regarded as a divine bird. In a dream it suggests grace, beauty and dignity, especially if the swan appears swimming in a pond. In mythology, it represents the soul and its connection with the side of your nature that may be hidden. It may also be linked with endings or death (’swan song’) as well as purity and innocence. On the other hand do you sometimes wish you could ‘swan around’ in your waking world?


Have you been foolish or irresponsible in some way? Or have you not been thinking clearly? Alternatively, the turkey is associated with Thanksgiving, and therefore suggests family and a time of togetherness. If you are hunting turkeys in your dream, this suggests that you are trying to succeed through dishonest means. If the turkey is flying, you may soon rise from obscurity into a position of prominence. If you see sick or dead turkeys, your pride may have been injured in some way.