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The Element Encyclopedia of 20,000 Dreams: The Ultimate A–Z to Interpret the Secrets of Your Dreams
The Element Encyclopedia of 20,000 Dreams: The Ultimate A–Z to Interpret the Secrets of Your Dreams
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The Element Encyclopedia of 20,000 Dreams: The Ultimate A–Z to Interpret the Secrets of Your Dreams

If you are hiding your face, you may be ashamed of something or be feeling low in confidence. If your forehead is fine and smooth in your dreams, this suggests good judgment and intellectual ability. To see a wrinkled forehead, however, suggests worries and burdens. If you see your cheeks in your dream, this symbolizes commitment, intimacy and closeness. To see rosy-colored cheeks in your dream signifies enthusiasm and energy. Bear in mind the significance of puns too; are you facing up to your problems, or do you need to deal with someone or something face to face? Ancient dream oracles say that to see your face in a mirror in a dream means that a secret will be discovered.

Idioms: face the facts; face the music; face value; flat on one’s face; face-lift; long face; blue in the face; poker-face; two faced.


If you see your own feet in your dream, your unconscious may be advising you to keep your feet firmly on the ground, as feet symbolize your foundation, stability and sense of understanding. Such a dream signifies your need to be more practical and sensible. Alternatively, it represents mobility, independence and freedom. Perhaps you are reconsidering the direction of your life and your dream is advising you to move forward one step at a time. Slow-walking or lazy feet may reveal uncertainty, whereas feet marching powerfully link to feelings of confidence and purpose. Thereafter, the strength and determination of your dream feet may indicate how you are approaching a certain task.

For a Christian, dreaming of washing feet is a sign of forgiveness, but it can also mean that you are keeping a safe distance from a current problem and will return to it when you feel better able to tackle it. In India, to dream of the feet may symbolize divine qualities in the dreamer, since the feet are considered the holiest part of the body. Consider also the pun of putting your foot in your mouth or putting your foot in it. If you are walking barefoot in your dream, you have your feet firmly placed on the ground in waking life. Loss of a foot or feet in a dream indicates feelings of helplessness in waking life. To see toes in your dream represents the minor details of life and how you deal with them. If your toenails are growing in your dream, this symbolizes an extension of your understanding in a particular matter. If your toe is hurt, perhaps you are feeling anxious about moving forward with someone. If someone is kissing your toe, they may be trying to reassure you in waking life.


According to Freud, fingers and thumbs are prime examples of phallic symbols. They can, however, also represent physical and mental dexterity or quickness, as well as their opposite: clumsiness and ignorance, as expressed in the saying ‘being all thumbs’. In some cases, fingers may be expressive of your feelings, and many of the idioms involving fingers—the finger of scorn, the accusing finger, the finger of suspicion—suggest problems with self-image and trust. If a finger is pointing at you in your dream, you could feel guilty about something you have done. Alternatively, the dream could be pointing you in a new direction.

Fingers can also denote partnership, especially if the wedding finger is highlighted. If your fingers are injured or cut off, perhaps you feel anxious about your ability to accomplish some demanding task or perform in some waking situation. Consider what aspect of yourself the dream is pointing out. If the dream focuses on your finger-nails, this suggests that you enjoy being surrounded by grace, beauty, glamor and art. If your finger-nails are dirty, you may be disappointing your family in some way. If your finger-nails break, you may be trying to avoid some situation or trying to get out of a responsibility. Dreaming of a thumb suggests awareness of how powerful you are, depending on whether the thumb is pointing upwards (positive) or downwards (negative). The latter was used as a death signal by the ancient Romans in gladiatorial games. According to ancient dream oracles, an extra finger suggests that you will receive an inheritance.

Idioms: at your fingertips; snap your fingers; itchy fingers; fingers crossed; get one’s finger out; beckoning finger; fingering things; put your finger on.


If you dream of your genitals, this most likely represents your feelings and attitudes towards sex, and towards your femininity or masculinity. To see an exceptionally large or small penis suggests doubts and anxieties about your sexual drive and libido. For a man, a penis represents not just sex, but the whole drive of life, and his self-expression and capability in the world. In a woman’s dream, the penis represents desire for a partner as well as a relationship to so-called male characteristics, such as ambition and aggression. If the penis is bleeding, this suggests emotional hurts that are inhibiting libido and self-expression. Testicles in a dream depict the male sexual drive, so loss of testicles, or small testicles in a man’s dream, could suggest anxiety about sexual performance with a woman. In a woman’s dream, testicles could indicate her feelings about sex with a man or what she is doing to the man in herself.

Dreams of a vagina are more to do with self-image. In a woman’s dream, a vagina represents her receptivity, her nurturing feelings, her desire for a mate and the sense of connection with other women. In a man’s dream, it highlights his need to thrust forward both physically and mentally. If the vagina is bleeding, this suggests fears about sexuality and femininity. See also SEX.


In dreams, hair is a symbol of strength and virility. If the hair is in a good condition, the dreamer may be feeling vital or strong, but if hair is in a bad condition, this can reveal feelings of low self-esteem or a lack of strength. If you are combing hair, this suggests your attempts to untangle a particular problem or attitude you have in waking life. If your hair is being cut, perhaps you are trying to create order, or sort out your responsibilities. Traditionally, a haircut represents success or an achievement in a new project, but if you are unhappy with the haircut it can also indicate a loss of strength and worries about your self-image. Another interpretation is that cutting hair suggests conformity, as long hair was a symbol of rebellion in the 1960s. If you are cutting someone else’s hair, this may be a warning to be on your guard in relation to anyone around you who is acting negatively towards you.

Hair blowing in the wind or flowing free suggests you need to feel free and express your feelings in an uninhibited way. Brushing hair indicates clarity of thought. Changing your hairstyle or washing your hair suggests a change in attitudes or a change of mind; you may want to ‘let your hair down’. If hair is disheveled, this suggests mental confusion. A plait or a ponytail suggests discipline and self-restraint, and also links in with childhood. If the hair is overly perfumed, this can be linked to your vanity. If you applied the perfume yourself, then perhaps you are acting in an arrogant way about something in your life. A wig signifies a false attitude or persona. If you are bald in your dream, this can highlight your intelligence, but it can also highlight anxiety about growing older. Alternatively, it could suggest a loss of self-esteem or, according to Freud, a fear of castration. Dreams about hair loss can also represent worries about getting older.

If a beard appears in your dream, this suggests feelings about manhood, or so-called masculine qualities within yourself. If the beard is cut off, it suggests uncertainty, whilst a long, thick beard suggests the opposite. Hairs on the chest or other parts of the body can also indicate male characteristics or expressions of sexuality.

Idioms: keep your hair on; make your hair curl; hair-raising; didn’t turn a hair; put hairs on your chest; let your hair down; tear your hair out; split hairs.


Hands can signify power and creativity. You use them to express yourself and as extensions of your personality. Consider the nature of the gesture of your hands in your dreams because it signifies what sentiments your dream is trying to express. If the hands are dirty, perhaps you are behaving in an inappropriate manner and you need to think about cleaning up your act. A fist can suggest anger or passion, folded hands can suggest acceptance, joined hands affection, and upheld hands justice or a blessing. Clasped hands indicate friendship, a hand on the breast submission, and, if the hands are placed together, this suggests vulnerability. If hands are covering the eyes, this represents shame or disgust, whilst hands bound or tied up suggest feelings of restriction. If you place your hand on someone else in a dream, this can suggest a pledge of service and wringing your hands suggests grief. If hands are raised to the head, this can indicate the need for greater care and thought. A handshake suggests contacting an aspect of yourself or the growth of a new friendship.

Generally, left hands symbolize feminine, receptive qualities, whilst right hands symbolize so-called masculine, active attributes. Sometimes in dreams the left hand can suggest cheating. If you hold a different object in each hand in your dream, this indicates some kind of conflict between your beliefs and your actions in waking life. To dream that your hands are injured denotes an attack on your ego. Large hands signify enormous powers of self-expression. To dream that your hands are hairy denotes that you will play a part in falsely incriminating someone. To see blood on your hands signifies that you are experiencing some sort of guilt. To dream that you are washing your hands represents a worrisome issue that you need to work through. If you dream about the palm of your hand you may be thinking about your future (see PALMISTRY). Thankfully you have free-will, so positive actions taken now can determine your future.

Idioms: second hand; in the hands of; bite the hand that feeds; hands are tied; soil one’s hands; hand to hand; hand to mouth; hands off; hands on; helping hand; hard hand; open handed; lend a hand; upper hand.


To see a head in your dream signifies wisdom, intellect and logic; it may also represent your accomplishments. That the head stands for the themes of decision making, intellect and thought is fairly obvious, given the huge number of idioms for head and face; if we think of an idiom such as ‘to lose one’s head’ or ‘to lose face’, it is fairly clear what dreams of headless or faceless bodies might mean. Dreams may also use the image of a head to show that you are in two minds about something, or in the process of changing your mind. For example, if you change your head in your dream, this indicates a change of attitude, being uncertain about something, or even being two-faced.

Idioms: in over your head; swollen or big head; head in the sand; egghead; square head; off the top of my head; hold your head up high; head over heels; get it through your head; heads up.


To see your legs in your dream suggests that you have gained enough confidence to stand up for yourself. If your legs are weak, then you may be feeling emotionally vulnerable. If you see the legs of someone else in your dream, this may indicate your admiration for them. Perhaps you need to adopt some of the attitudes of this person. If your legs are wounded or crippled, this signifies an inability to stand up for yourself. Perhaps you are lacking courage and refuse to make a stand. If one leg is shorter than another in your dream, this suggests some kind of imbalance in your life. You are placing too much emphasis on one thing and ignoring other important aspects of your life. If you have three legs in your dream, then perhaps you have taken on too many responsibilities. According to ancient dream lore, if you have a wooden leg in your dream, you will have many new worries. Bear in mind leg-related idioms such as: legless, didn’t have a leg to stand on, can’t stand up for myself, ball and chain on my legs.

To see thighs in your dream indicates strength and endurance, and it refers to your ability to make things happen. To dream of your knees indicates feelings of inadequacy and vulnerability. You may have taken on more than you can handle. To see your calves in your dream suggests movement and versatility, and your ability to jump from situation to situation. It can also suggest that you are involved with someone who is needy and over-dependent. To dream about your ankles indicates that you are seeking support and direction in your life. Ask yourself where you want to be headed. Bear in mind the phrase ‘Achilles heel’; could dream of heels be referring to your vulnerability or a particular weakness?


The mouth represents the devouring, demanding aspects of yourself; it can also signify your need to communicate about something that is upsetting you. If the mouth is open, this may represent your receptive side, as in mouth-watering. On the other hand, perhaps too much has been said and it is time to close your mouth—in other words shut up. A dream of your mouth being buttoned or sewed up can again suggest regret over what has been said or done. If you dream that you are chewing, it might suggest that you are mulling over, or considering, something. If you are pulling something out of your mouth, perhaps you need to clear the air by expressing your feelings, or do you have a nasty taste in the mouth?

To see your own tongue in your dream signifies self-expression. Have you said too much or do you need to say more? If you rip someone’s tongue out in a dream, this means that you are extremely upset by what someone has said in waking life but have been unable to express your anger. To dream of your own jaw in your dream represents your stubbornness, determination and forcefulness. If your jaws are tight, this could suggest unexpressed anger and other powerful feelings that you are holding back. If lips appear in your dream, this is associated with sensuality, sex, love and romance, as well as communication, as in ‘read my lips’.


To see your own or another person’s neck in your dream signifies your need to control your feelings and keep them in check. Consider the familiar phrase, ‘don’t stick your neck out’, which serves as a warning against a situation. If your neck is injured, this can indicate a separation between heart and mind. If your neck is thick, perhaps you have been quick-tempered recently. Consider also the following idioms: breaking one’s neck, up to one’s neck, stick one’s neck out, dead from the neck up/down. Shoulders in a dream suggest strength, responsibility and burdens. Do you feel that you have much responsibility to bear in waking life? On the other hand, shoulders can also represent support and your ability to soothe others, as in the phrase ‘a shoulder to cry on’. To see your throat in your dream symbolizes the ability to express yourself and communicate your thoughts and ideas. If your throat is sore, perhaps you are having problems expressing yourself. Alternatively, you may need to swallow your pride. If a graceful, long neck appears in your dream, this suggests good fortune in waking life.


The nose in dreams represents curiosity and intuition. To dream that hair is growing on your nose signifies extraordinary undertakings needing a strong will and character to be carried through. To dream of a bleeding nose is prophetic of disaster and danger. Consider also the following idioms: have a nose for, nose out of joint, rub one’s nose in, up one’s nose.


Your skin is your shield against the outside world and your dream may be referring to the way you present yourself to others. A skin rash may be a pun, suggesting that you are making rash decisions or it may highlight concerns about your appearance. Are you thick skinned and reluctant to express your feelings?

Idioms: under one’s skin, a thick skin, skin alive.


Dreaming about teeth falling out represents feelings of insecurity or inadequacy, and such dreams often occur at transition times in a person’s life. This is because losing your milk teeth is associated with the loss of childhood innocence. The dream could also highlight anxieties about getting older. According to Jung, if a tooth is being pulled out in a woman’s dream, this represents giving birth and in general it has associations with some kind of painful experience or loss that will lead to a new beginning. Animal teeth represent aggression and false teeth concern about self-image.

If you are toothless or see someone without teeth, this suggests loss of effectiveness or feelings about aging. Don’t, however, neglect the possibility that the dream may have been triggered by toothache or a recent trip to the dentist. If teeth are rotten or decayed in your dream, perhaps you have said something you regret. Spitting out lots of teeth indicates something you need to spit out or admit in waking life. If you are brushing your teeth in your dream, this may suggest you are experiencing a hard struggle in waking life; it could also, of course, echo your dentist’s plea to take better care of your teeth. If something is lodged between your teeth, this suggests that a problem which seemed impossible in waking life may be easily resolved.

If one tooth is far larger than the rest of the teeth in your mouth, you may be worried that something in your personal and working life won’t be the success you hoped it would be. Clean teeth or teeth that glisten are linked to strong friendships or financial security. If the roots of the teeth are featured, you may be thinking about the stability of your waking relationships. If the roots are healthy, you are satisfied with these, but if the roots are twisted or unhealthy, this suggests concerns in that area of your life.

Idioms: show one’s teeth; get one’s teeth into; grit your teeth; teething troubles; long in the tooth; milk teeth; tooth fairy; cutting one’s teeth.

Body wisdom

If you look at the body in your dreams as a representation of your life and potential, the images can translate into a view of your current well being. Don’t worry overly about dreams that seem to be a kind of warning; instead try to be honest with yourself, put the pieces of the puzzle together in your mind and begin to make positive changes.

1 (#ulink_8915af4b-7881-5554-bad8-35e4166c9d72) or dreams of internal organs, fluids and other bodily functions, see under SICKNESS AND HEALTH.

BUILDINGS (#ulink_4e80192e-2765-5b92-a697-5cc7c036ebb4)

Carl Jung talked about recurring dreams he had in which he would discover parts of his house that he didn’t know existed.

In these dreams he believed the house represented his personality, and the new things he discovered in the house related to new developments in his work. Many dream researchers subscribe to Jung’s theory and believe that buildings in dreams represent aspects of the self, or constructions we make in our lives. The upstairs represents the conscious mind, and the lower floors and cellars the unconscious, or hidden, mind. Different parts of the building might represent different times in your life, and the attitudes and beliefs you have built from experience. The features of your dream building can also mirror features of your personality; by so doing, they reflect your character, hopes and dreams, and how you feel about yourself.

If you dream of a house or a building, ask yourself what aspect of you the building represents. Does it represent how you see yourself? Is it a symbol of your body, mind or spirit? If the house is crumbling or decaying, are you in need of some kind of psychological, spiritual or physical cleaning and renewal? If the building is burning, does this show your desire to get rid of something that is holding you back? If the building is in ruins, do you feel worthless and manipulated by others? If the building is tall, does this suggest ambitions yet to be fulfilled? Is the house symbolic of your feelings in childhood or other past experiences? What are the conditions like in the house? Ask yourself what personal associations the buildings in your dreams have and what they represent to you.

The environment and your feeling reaction to the building in your dream will all contribute important clues as to its meaning, but it is also important to bear in mind the purpose for which the building is used in waking life. For example, castles and fortresses suggest protection and royalty, whereas factories suggest work and routine. Although high-rise buildings are believed to be phallic symbols, as a type they all have different functions: skyscrapers are homes and workplaces, lighthouses offer hope to sailors at sea, and towers isolate, elevate and imprison.