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The Element Encyclopedia of 20,000 Dreams: The Ultimate A–Z to Interpret the Secrets of Your Dreams
The Element Encyclopedia of 20,000 Dreams: The Ultimate A–Z to Interpret the Secrets of Your Dreams
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The Element Encyclopedia of 20,000 Dreams: The Ultimate A–Z to Interpret the Secrets of Your Dreams

Dreams of flying are very common and vary from dreamer to dream. Most typically dreamers don’t go on long, high flights; instead they hover about a hundred or so yards from the ground. The most simple explanation of these kind of dreams was put forward by English physician Havelock Ellis in his book The World of Dreams, in which he suggests that it is our breathing whilst asleep that suggests the idea of flying (and falling) to the unconscious mind. Freud suggested that dreams of flying were nothing else but the desire for sexual freedom, and the idea that dreams of flying are associated with sex is shared by some other dream researchers. However, as with all dreams, there can be many interpretations.

Flying dreams and the ability to control your flight can be representative of your own personal sense of power. If you are flying with ease, and enjoying the scene and landscape below, then it suggests that you are on top of a situation. You have risen above something. It may also mean that you have gained a different perspective on things. Having difficulties staying in flight indicates a lack of power in controlling your own circumstances. You may be struggling to stay aloft, and stay on course. Things like birds, trees or telephone poles may further obstruct your flight. These obstructions represent a particular obstacle or person standing in your way in your waking life. You need to identify who, or what, is preventing you from moving forward. If you are feeling fear when you are flying or feel that you are flying too high, then it suggests that you are afraid of challenges and of success. Are you trying to

Varieties of flying dream

Another way of interpreting flying dreams is that they symbolize your strong mind and will. You feel invincible and nobody can tell you what you cannot do and accomplish. Undoubtedly these dreams leave you with a great sense of freedom.

Flying high

Liberation from something that troubles you. Nevertheless, flying high has its perils. The ancient Greek myth of Icarus warns against flying too high. Your dream may show that you are being overambitious.

Flying low

Native Americans, Tibetan Buddhists and others claim that all people have a light body that can leave the physical body during sleep. The light body can travel great distances and communicate with angels. To dream of flying may indicate the need or desire to develop the mystical side of your nature. Alternatively, it could be a warning to keep your feet firmly on the ground.


If you are hovering or floating in the sky and looking down on earth this may represent feelings of optimism and success—the world is at your feet. However, as floating is impossible the dream may also be a warning against pride and over ambition and the possibility of coming down to earth with a bump.


If a parachute opens as you fall, this may express your relief following a dangerous event, such as a car accident that you survived. Alternatively, it could suggest the need to bail out of a difficult situation, as a parachute offers a safe way to fall rather than a means to fly.

Shot at

If you are shot at or hit by something when flying, you need to be on your guard against people who might want to restrain your advancement into the higher spheres.


If you see the sun while flying, this could suggest that your worries will melt away.

Terrain below

If you are flying over muddy or broken places, this could be a warning to be on your guard against potential enemies or misfortune.

Wing color

If you are flying with white wings, this dream could represent the expansion of your awareness and the unfolding of your higher self. If your wings are black this could indicate the need for change in your waking life. See also COLORS.

rise above something in waking life? Are you developing an idea? Are you flying in the face of fortune? Flying into a rage? Flying off the handle? Flying high?


Prisons can often stand for a set of beliefs that limit the dreamer’s personal development or progress. The dream may help us escape this limitations by forcing us to confront them and examine what triggered them. A similar symbol of psychological entrapment, a cage, may also represent some kind of frustration with our life. There may be feelings of inferiority or a desire to break free from social convention.


According to Freudian analysis, a lock is commonly interpreted as a symbol of the female sexual organ with the key representing the phallus. A dream of unlocking a box of treasure may indicate sex as liberating. If, however, the box won’t open this indicates sexual frustration or dissatisfaction with the sexual side of a relationship.


If kidnapping features in your dream, this may suggest the desire to dominate or be dominated by another person. If you are the victim but don’t feel afraid, this could lend a sexual connotation to your dream. If you are held hostage in a dream, this could indicate that you feel someone has a hold on you, or that you are subject to some influence that prevents you from doing what you need to do. Hostage-takers often make demands for money, personal recognition and so on. Is there someone in your waking life who is placing unnecessary demands upon you, or making you feel guilty? In some hostage dreams, as in real life, a rapport develops between the victim and the hostage-taker; if this is the case, it could indicate a love-hate relationship in your waking life. Finally, might this kind of dream not also suggest that you are held hostage, not by a person, but by your fears? See also CHANGE AND CONFLICT; NEGATIVE EMOTIONS.


Courage in dreams involves turning to face your enemy or someone who threatens you, standing up for yourself or someone vulnerable or outwitting those who might want to harm you. How do your dreams display your courage? If you run in fear your dreams are urging you to discover your inner strength. If you stand up for yourself your dreams are telling you about something you need to recognize about yourself in your daily life. The feeling of courage in dreams can play a special role in empowering you in daily life. With or without lucid dreaming techniques the more courage you start to show in your dreams the more courage you are likely to display in your waking life.


To dream that you are in pursuit of someone or something, suggests that you are being denied your power and influence. You may need to re-evaluate your strengths and concentrate your efforts on something more worthwhile. It is important to identify what exactly you are pursuing, but bear in mind that it may not be a person, or an animal, but an idea.

Activities A to Z


Dreams of climbing stairs, hills or mountains reflect on your ambitions and your ability to face up to challenges in daily life. Were you climbing with ease or difficulty? See also AMBITION AND SUCCESS.


To dream that you are crawling on your hands and knees or stomach suggests some kind of humiliation in waking life.


A dream of dancing suggests an enjoyment of life and a go-with-the-flow attitude. This dream may contain elements of wish-fulfillment, but there is the underlying theme of years of hard work and dedication. Such a dream may be encouraging you to have more discipline or, alternatively, to have the courage to take up artistic skills. See also ARTS AND CRAFTS.


If you were digging or excavating in your dream you may need to resolve some deep-rooted emotional problems, with or without the help of a counselor.


Do you need to exercise more in waking life? If you dream of exercising with weights, perhaps you need to lose some weight? Alternatively, your unconscious may be urging you to exercise your mind or your common sense in a particular situation. If you dream that you are jogging, you appear to have your responsibilities under control but you may also feel dissatisfied or bored with certain aspects of your life, especially if you dream you are on a treadmill. If you are jumping or leaping in your dream, this suggests ambition and a desire to move forward with your life, or progress in your career.

If you are kicked, or kick someone else in your dream, perhaps there is something in your waking life that you disagree with or disapprove of. To dream that you are hopping could suggest childish or immature behavior on your part. Alternatively, it may indicate your tendency to jump from task to task, or not being able to stay in one place. If you are stretching in a dream, your unconscious may be reminding you to work on your flexibility, not just in your body, but in your approach to life. To dream that you are skipping suggests you need to be more light-hearted and friendly in waking life. Alternatively, the dream may


Washing in dreams is a fairly common theme, and almost always relates to something that is troubling or worrying the dreamer in waking life. The harder the hands or body are scrubbed, the greater the need for the unconscious to be free of guilt or some kind of burden. The same applies to washing stains in clothes.

If you are taking a shower or bath in your dream, this could indicate a problem that overshadows you in waking life. If you are washing your hair, this is connected to your emotions, and if you are washing your genitals, there may be some kind of sexual adventure in waking life that you are ashamed of. You could also be worried about sexually transmitted diseases. If you are cleaning your home, this could suggest that you want to get more organized in your waking life, but before you can do that you need to dispose of dirt or dust; this may refer to ways of thinking or responding that are clouding your judgments in waking life. If you were watching a washing machine in your dream, this is a reference to your daily routine and the boredom you feel. If you are trapped in the washing machine, you feel stifled by your daily routine; it will therefore be important to make changes in daily life as soon as possible.

indicate that you have skipped something important. See also LEISURE.


To dream that you are pushing something suggests energy and drive to succeed in life. Consider also how you, or someone you know in waking life, may be a ‘pushover’. To dream that you are being pushed signifies that you are under some sort of pressure, or feel coerced into doing something. Alternatively, it implies that you feel you don’t have enough time to complete a task perfectly.