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The Element Encyclopedia of 20,000 Dreams: The Ultimate A–Z to Interpret the Secrets of Your Dreams
The Element Encyclopedia of 20,000 Dreams: The Ultimate A–Z to Interpret the Secrets of Your Dreams
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The Element Encyclopedia of 20,000 Dreams: The Ultimate A–Z to Interpret the Secrets of Your Dreams

A dream of riding a horse may be associated with your sex life, and how fulfilled or inhibited you are. If you are enjoying the ride, it could indicate a rewarding love affair, or the desire for one. On the other hand, if you are afraid of falling, you may feel inhibited sexually, or be unable to commit to your partner. The same meaning is applied to dreams of riding a motor cycle or a bicycle. If you were riding another animal, think about what that animal represents in waking life.


To dream that you are standing suggests that you are asserting yourself and feeling proud of your achievements. To dream that you are sitting indicates indecision and not knowing what to do with your life. It could also suggest laziness.


Dreams of skating suggest that the dreamer is enjoying his or her life. If you are performing like a professional skater (and aren’t one), this could suggest that you are about to take off in some way in your waking life. If, however, your skates are out of control, this could suggest that in your quest for enjoyment you are acting recklessly. On the other hand, this dream could be telling you to get your skates on and put more pace and activity into a particular project or relationship.


Water in a dream almost always indicates emotions. To dream that you are swimming suggests that you are exploring aspects of your unconscious mind and emotions. This is a common dream for people going through therapy or counseling, as it suggests the need for emotional support. To dream that you are swimming underwater suggests that you are completely submerged in your own emotions and need to deal with emotional difficulties. If you dream of diving, perhaps this indicates your desire to throw yourself into a relationship or project. The erotic sensation of water passing over the body led Freud to equate swimming with sexual intercourse. If you feel relaxed and happy, this foretells a long and happy relationship with your partner, but if you are struggling against the tide, the relationship may be in trouble.


If you throw or catch something in a dream, you need to pay attention to what it is you are throwing and catching. Are you throwing something away, or catching something you need, or something you don’t want?


Are you bogged down with routine in your waking life? Dreams of weaving, knitting, crochet and sewing could suggest that you need to broaden your horizons, as these tasks all require attention to detail and constant repetition. If you are joining together pieces of fabric, or creating an exciting design, this could, however, indicate that you are bringing together certain aspects of your waking life. If you make mistakes with your craftwork, drop a stitch or break your thread, perhaps you have recently been tactless in your daily life or had a quarrel with someone. Were you successful in patching up your differences? See also ARTS AND CRAFTS.


In general, activities such as walking, running and cycling are self-sufficient, pro-active and personal modes of progression, owing their movement entirely to will and physical effort. A possible Gestalt interpretation would be to regard dreams of walking, running or cycling as projections of the dreamer’s developing independence and autonomy. Your competence within your dream activity depicts your emotional stage. If you are agile, this suggests you are coping well. If movements flow, you feel in harmony with your emotions and your sexuality. If, however, you get stuck, feel stiff and cannot move easily, this could indicate that your personal development is held back by anxieties and fears. To dream you are walking is probably a comment on the pace of your waking life, and how well you are coping with all your responsibilities. If you are walking confidently, it could indicate that you are in control and taking things in your stride. Consider your destination. Do you know what it is?

To dream that you are walking at night signifies discontent. If you are limping, this refers to a lack of balance in some area in your life. Perhaps you feel that you are giving more than you are getting back at work, or in a particular relationship. To dream that you are marching suggests teamwork, or the need to involve yourself more with other people in order to achieve results. If you were running or racing and keeping up with the others, this is a positive sign, but if you were falling behind or trying and failing to win a race, you need to rethink your schedule in daily life to relieve some of the pressures on you.

When specific activities appear in a dream, you might also need to consider whether or not you are filling your waking hours with productive and positive activities. It may be that changes need to be made. For example, if you dream of running, this could simply indicate your need to exercise more. Alternatively, it could suggest that you are exercising too much, and need to get balance back into your life.


AMBITION AND SUCCESS (#ulink_314afd22-2988-5e56-a1fc-acbe52c89f7e)

We all have ambitions and strive to achieve our ideals of success in waking life. These ambitions often surface in our dreams in symbolic disguise.

According to Adler, dreams are an expression of our ambitious desire for power and success, a way of overcompensating for shortcomings in our waking life. For example, if a person is unable to stand up to their boss, they may safely lash out in anger at him or her in a dream. Thus dreams offer some sort of satisfaction that is socially acceptable.

Although some dreams can be interpreted as wish-fulfillment, most modern dream researchers believe that dreams have another purpose, to periodically present us with reports on our progress to date. Sometimes these updates are purely expressions of wish-fulfillment, and therefore easy to interpret: for example, those fantastic dreams in which you win the lottery, or audition successfully for the lead role in a Hollywood blockbuster. Sometimes, though, dreams are harder to interpret because the dreaming mind speaks in the confusing language of symbols. Understanding such dreams is, however, important because they often contain pertinent observations and warnings—not yet registered by the conscious mind—that can help us achieve our goals in waking life.

Ambition Scenarios


Freud considered dreams of climbing to represent a longing for sexual fulfillment. Other dream researchers believe climbing dreams suggest moving steadily towards your goals. What you climb signifies the scale of the task you have set yourself, whilst reaching the top signifies the height of your aspirations. Did you reach the top, or have you lost sight of your target?

One step at a time

Climbing a hill

This indicates a harder, and perhaps longer, challenge that you anticipated. Did you experience an uphill struggle in your dreams? If you did, how did you tackle it? Did you see the top of the hill, or did you keep your head down, suggesting that you may have lost sight of your goals. Were you climbing the hill with anyone? Did they help or hinder you?

Climbing a ladder

This could signify a corporate or social ladder, with each rung indicating promotion or another step towards social elevation. Alternatively, the ladder could be interpreted as a phallic symbol representing the so-called masculine qualities of power, drive and ambition that you need to adopt if you want to get to the top. The dream oracles say that to climb a ladder to the last rung means you will succeed in business.

Climbing a mountain

This represents the ultimate challenge of endurance, skill, strength and stamina. Were you equal to the task? Did you tackle it bravely, or with feelings of dread and anxiety?

Climbing stairs

You have great ambition, but are you climbing with confidence or with fear? Your unconscious may be reminding you not to become egotistical and climb too high, as other people despise arrogance and may try to knock you down. A meteoric rise to fame is not as easily sustained as a gradual and well-planned move to prominence. Be cautious, and take one step at a time.

Climbing over walls

If you dream that in front of you there is a wall you need to climb over to get to where you want to be, this suggests obstacles you may encounter in life that you need to overcome before you attain success.

On top of the world

If you got to the top, did you feel on top of the world? If you did, your dream mind is motivating you to re-enact that same feeling of success, achievement and liberation in your waking life. What did you see below you? Did you see people and places that you have distanced yourself from in waking life? If you didn’t get to the top, did you retrace your steps? If you did reach the summit, your dream mind may be urging you to reconsider your goals.

Struggling uphill

In this kind of dream you are climbing or driving up a steep incline. Progress is slow, and it seems to take more than you or your engine can handle. You may even wonder why you took this particular route. From a psychological point of view, the uphill struggle represents a challenge you are dealing with right now that feels like it is too much. You hadn’t expected it to be so tough. The overworked junior doctor, the programer who must create complicated software within a week, the busy mum of newborn twins—all may have this dream. The steepness of the incline is an indication of how difficult the challenge feels to you. The only way to reach the top is to pace yourself, so perhaps this dream is suggesting that you take better care of yourself and get plenty of rest. To put this advice into practice will improve your odds of success, and taking things one step at a time will make the process seem less overwhelming.


The act of jumping up in a dream can suggest trying to better ourselves. Jumping down can signify going down into the unconscious and those parts of ourselves we have yet to discover. Jumping on the spot is similar to dancing and signifies joy. If you made a perfect jump, this could suggest that you have made or are about to make a quantum leap in the form of an important decision. If your jump misses the mark, however, you may have made the wrong choice or are about to make it.


If you dreamed of racing against rivals or the clock to achieve personal, national or Olympic records, your dream probably relates to your career, as work is often called the ‘rat race’. The clock represents the pressure you feel you are under and the level of attainment you hope to achieve. The other people in the race represent competition or threats to your chances of winning the prize money, admiration or status. If you fly ahead of the competition, you may feel as if you are ahead in waking life, but if you are just keeping pace, this could suggest that you are coping but could easily fall behind. If you’re struggling to keep up, you may not be making the grade in real life. If you know who your dream rivals are, their position in the race will tell you how you think you compare with them. If you aren’t working, racing dreams could suggest a long, hard struggle for success in love and life. If you win the race, this signifies that your potential will be recognized; but an overzealous will to win may reveal a needy desire for others to acknowledge that potential. On the other hand, if you lose the race, especially if you get pipped at the post, this signifies the frustration of understanding the limits of your potential. It can also suggest that lack of confidence is thwarting your progress.


To dream that you are running is considered a positive sign, as it suggests speed, energy and direction. If you are running forwards, this indicates confidence or taking responsibility. To be running backwards or away from something signifies fear, or an inability to achieve your goals. A spiritual interpretation of running dreams could suggest that you are trying to do something too quickly. To dream that you want to run but cannot suggests that your ambitions are harder to accomplish than you thought.

Running events

Hurdles: In your dreams hurdles represent the obstacles that hinder your progress. Did they knock you over, or did you knock them over? Did you navigate your way successfully over them without touching them?

Marathon: If your race was a marathon, this indicates that work or life has become an exhausting slog. If you win the marathon, this suggests you have the confidence to achieve your aims, but if you fail to finish, this suggests that insecurities in waking life are holding you back.

Relay race: In the relay race of your life, were you successful at passing the baton or did you fumble things and ruin your team’s chances?

Desperate for Success Scenarios