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Kate West - The Real Witches’ Handbook: The Definitive Handbook of Advanced Magical Techniques

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Автор: Kate West
Название: The Real Witches’ Handbook: The Definitive Handbook of Advanced Magical Techniques
Аннотация на книгу:

A down-to-earth introduction to Witchcraft that gives plenty of practical advice on becoming a wiccan. Whether you want to join a group or work as a Solitary this is an invaluable guide to the wiccan lifestyle.The chapters will include:• Myth and Reality – what being a witch is all about, how it compares with the Hollywood image• What Witchcraft is – the beliefs and practices• Moon worship, the elements, Gods and Goddesses, the cycles of death and rebirth• The Sabbats and the Wheel of the Year• Becoming a Witch – what does it involve?• Magic – how it works and the responsibilites involved. How to avoid potential danger• Spellcraft – how to help you pass exams, attract partners, improve family relationships• Herbal work – herbs for skin, hair, scents, traditional recipes• How to tell your family and how to make contact with groups and other teenage Wiccans

Добавлено: 30.08.2023 22:08 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.
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