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Messages from Angels: Real signs our loved ones are looking down
Messages from Angels: Real signs our loved ones are looking down
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Messages from Angels: Real signs our loved ones are looking down

Messages from Angels: Real signs our loved ones are looking down
Jacky Newcomb

In our deepest darkest hours, we are not alone. The spirits of our loved ones continue to exist after the body dies and many thousands of people around the world have experienced extraordinary signs from heaven to prove this.Afterlife expert and bestselling author Jacky Newcomb knows that the spirit world is real. In this short story she shares some of the thousands of tales she has heard about messages from the other side.•The spontaneous angel gift that gave a woman courage to leave an abusive relationship•The mysterious disappearing doctor who saved a pregnant woman and her premature baby son•The grandma and great grandma who protected their grandson, from heavenOrdinary people from all over the world have experienced signs that their angels are listening and supporting them in their time of need. In Messages from Angels, Jacky will bring hope and comfort and share some of the little signs that can bring magic into your life.



Cover (#ud0776c21-4936-5fd3-a06d-65b70610167e)

Title Page (#ulink_ff502d4f-a13e-5834-b399-9672cb72c85c)

Prologue (#ulink_d7373952-c3aa-5267-92f3-0806e355ef98)

Chapter 1: Signs from my Angels (#ulink_b5905a86-bb15-5998-8ae9-83713edc4514)

Chapter 2: Feathers and Other Gifts from Our Angels (#ulink_b27239e3-297a-593d-acd7-174c74696aa8)

Chapter 3: Watching Over Us (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 4: Mysteries and Magic (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 5: Asking for Signs (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 6: Always Around You (#litres_trial_promo)

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People have spoken of angelic encounters for millennia. They occupy the area of the light-spectrum that we don’t normally see. There are layers of hidden worlds that sometimes cross our own and just occasionally, almost magically, interact in a way we can experience.

Is life as straightforward as we imagine it? Is what we see with our physical eyes all there is to life? No, of course not. The trouble is that our human eyes can only view such a small amount of ‘what is’. So much of what is ‘out there’ we cannot see, and yet we are able to make use of these energies. Infrared, ultra-violet, X-rays, radio waves; we can’t see them but we can scientifically measure them. When I say we can’t ‘see’ them, of course there are always occasions when humans have seen and experienced that which sits outside the visible spectrum; and when we can’t see we might still be able to sense, touch and smell those spaces beyond our normal waking experience.

There have always been reports of angelic visions and contact from the spirits of the deceased; our own loving angels, reaching out from heaven to the earth side of life … We call them miracles.

I’ve been fascinated by angel experiences for as long as I can remember. My own experiences and those of my readers have now filled many volumes. I love the way these magical encounters interact with our own everyday lives, appearing as they do in the most unexpected and often unexplained ways. I began writing my angel-experiences books after doing research to explain the mysterious phenomenon that had been part of my own life. Crossing several generations, we seemed open to the phenomena. My grandmother had psychic encounters, both my mum and dad and now my sisters, daughters, nieces and nephews and even my granddaughter have been witness to spiritual encounters. As time went on we would share our visitations from long-dead relatives or mini miracle-like angelic interactions.

I realised that just as we were comforted by sharing these personal afterlife encounters, others might benefit from hearing about them too. The more stories I shared the more readers responded by confiding their own supernatural interactions. As well as being comforting they were surely enlightening; they bring wonder and a sort of realisation that enchantment is all around. Our whole existence contains concealed aspects that we only rarely get to glimpse. Some things that happen in life appear predestined or pre-planned, others almost appear as lessons we have to work our way through, and it’s at these times that contact from the other side seems stronger.

Sometimes these encounters are subtle, but other times their complexity and genius is mind-blowing. When I publish a story, I usually find another very similar encounter to print right alongside it. Sometimes there are so many stories in my files it is difficult to know which to opt for and which to leave behind. I must confide that for every story I select I have probably rejected another ten that were perfectly viable but were just a little too similar. That in itself is amazing. So many unrelated people all over the world receiving signs from their angels!

While we may encounter one or two of these experiences within a lifetime, they are common when spread among the whole population. We all have those ‘What happened there?’ moments or our ‘How did that happen?’ or ‘Did that just happen?’ times! These are the experiences that I have chosen for you here.

Let’s explore a little …

Chapter 1

Signs from my Angels (#u8900fab3-2351-5dc5-81c0-ab64a6a4434a)

I remember when my stepdad, Brian, was eighty-nine and in hospital with a kidney infection. The infection made him muddled and confused where normally he was very lucid and aware. One day when Mum went in to visit he told her about the man in the bed opposite him. The strange tale went something like this: ‘… and his visitors had squirrels on leads!’ Huh? Squirrels on leads? Yes, he was very muddled indeed! My mum explained carefully and kindly, ‘No, Brian, the medicine is muddling you up. Think about it. Why would squirrels be allowed in a hospital?’ To him the encounter was very real. Was it a hallucination or something else?

On the next visit he was still mixed up. ‘The fire alarms went off in the hospital and we were all evacuated!’ he explained excitedly. In his confused state he ‘recalled’ the entire episode. ‘Me and the man opposite, we climbed out of a window and got a taxi!’ Yet here was a seriously ill man who’d spent the last couple of years in a wheelchair. He couldn’t walk, but in his mind he’d managed to find the money for a taxi in his pyjama pocket and made his escape by climbing out of a window. He explained it in great detail, but it hadn’t happened, of course. It was confusion due to the infection. I’d like to add an extra note here: people who are close to death often have out-of-body experiences (and sometimes people have them for no apparent reason, so don’t get worried if you have had them too). Maybe it was possible that Brian had left the hospital – but it wasn’t in his physical body.

Our lovely man recovered, but not for long. Shortly after the following New Year, now aged ninety, he was rushed into hospital again. Mum called me in the middle of the night and my husband and I jumped in the car, collected Mum and followed the ambulance to the hospital. This time we were told he was dying and Mum and I sat on each side of the bed holding his hand. It was very peaceful; his breathing just became shallower.

Within an hour I could see the outline of a woman standing at the end of the bed. Although I’m not normally clairvoyant in this way it was clear to me that his first wife had come to collect him and take him ‘home’. Despite my own grief I was pleased for him. Then about two hours later he was moved to a side ward. I was stunned to see a bright white shape appear over the top of the privacy curtain – it floated right over the top of the bed. Was it an angel? I know that it was.

As if that wasn’t enough, we were stunned at what happened next. In the early hours of the morning the hospital fire alarms started blaring out – this time for real. The nurse who’d been hovering close by rushed off to check but within five minutes she was back. I believe the fire brigade were normally called automatically in these cases – a dramatic backdrop to our grief – but nothing had been found to be wrong. The nurse muttered something about ‘burnt toast’ and that was that. We knew differently. Was it a coincidence? If you like! But to us it seemed to show that Brian was still lucid and his spirit still around as he slipped slowly from his body. Passing away to the sound of the fire alarms seemed like a final trumpet; something fitting and regal, or maybe just something very silly to make us laugh at a very sad time! On the last occasion he’d imagined the fire alarms, yet this time it had really happened. It was one of those weird coincidences that surround such events.

Six years earlier, when my own dad, Ron, passed away, we were bombarded with symbols of his presence from the other side. Smoke alarms went off, doorbells rang with no one there and Dad appeared in lucid dream-visitation experiences to all of his family. On the day of his passing, Mum walked into the house and the bedside alarm was ringing out – yet no one had set it (and there was no reason why it should be ringing at night). We all believed Dad was letting us know he was okay and, more importantly, that he was still around. There were so many experiences that they filled a whole book (Call Me When You Get to Heaven, which I co-wrote with my sister, Madeline Richardson).

Now it was Brian’s turn. This lovely man – my mum’s companion of the last two years – passed away later that day. His extended family all travelled to Mum’s apartment and we were sitting around chatting and drinking ‘a glass of something’ in his honour. Then it happened. ‘What’s that ringing? Is it your phone?’ someone asked. My husband John started walking round the apartment looking for the mystery sound. Moments later John walked back from the spare room with the bedside alarm clock in his hands. He’d tracked down the source of the mysterious ringing. Yes, you’ve got it: another alarm clock, several years after an alarm clock had rung on the day of Dad’s passing, and one that hadn’t been used for several weeks. Like Dad before him, Brian seemed to be signalling, in his humorous way, that he too was safe after passing on.

I like to think that they were both sat with us as we wished Brian ‘au revoir’ on this side of life, and that his spirit family were welcoming him home on the other side. Two men who had loved the same woman but had never met in life were now having a giggle on the other side … at our expense!

The soul ‘recovers’ on the heaven side of life. When loved ones appear in several dream-visits they look better and fitter each time they appear. Grey hair is often bright with colour, glasses and false teeth are no longer needed and wheelchairs and walking sticks are soon discarded. Other experiences over the years have shown me that, in time, the spirit appears not just fitter than when the person passed over; they appear whole. Those with missing limbs have them back again; people with thinning hair have a glowing crown-full. Children can also appear to ‘grow up’ if they choose; the average age of a ‘spirit’ person seems to be around thirty, when many on earth felt in their prime. They show themselves to us however they wish. If you’re lucky enough to ever have a visit, your loved one may appear in the jumper you bought them for Christmas or their best evening gown! The spirit dream-visit seems real, because it is.

At Brian’s funeral we met another relative. She told us that she’d had a strange dream too. Brian had appeared to her while she slept and said goodbye. She woke up to the sound of the house phone ringing. It was a call from a family member to say Brian had just died for real! Again, his visit was lucid. He’d actually come to say goodbye personally from the other side. Was this another strange coincidence? Of course, you start to see how these things stack-up, the evidence falling into place.

Why do the deceased visit some people and not others, you may ask. My late father explained this to me in a dream once; it depends on the person’s depth of sleep. The visits are more likely to happen during the usual dream-sleep part of the cycle, especially if you’ve already had enough sleep. My husband has never recalled a spirit visitation of this type, strangely, but my sisters and I have them all the time. If you want the deceased to visit you in dreams then the best thing to do is wait until you have a day off work, set your alarm clock in the morning and when you wake up ask them to call (just chat normally in your mind), then go back to sleep. Try this a few times – I bet you’ll be successful eventually. Of course, do write and let me know how you get on!

After the funeral a few days later still, I was sitting at my computer when I thought I heard Brian call out my name. It happened so quickly that I guessed I’d probably imagined it and didn’t really think any more about it. I didn’t mention it to anyone. That afternoon at Mum’s apartment, Brian’s daughter told us that she’d been in the kitchen earlier and she thought she’d heard her dad call her name. Mum, who was listening, said, ‘Oh, me too!’ Now seemed a good time to share the fact that I’d had a similar experience – he’d learned a new trick and had tried it out several times to see if it worked! So that was three of us (that we knew of), unaware of each other’s experiences, but all of us heard his voice call our name … from heaven, no less! Clever, isn’t it?

What I love about these experiences is that many people want to write them off as wishful thinking (as I’ve often done myself), but when you combine them all together you realise they mean something. I’ve spent many years now not just documenting my own family contact, but also sharing those of my readers. People all over the world are experiencing spontaneous afterlife contact and clever communication signs from heaven. Life continues after death and the ‘deceased’ can’t wait to tell us all about it!

Brian, like my dad Ron, loved his earthly family very much. They were both very loving men, with lots of friends. But like us all, they were both scared of dying. Brian visited my sister Debbie one day after he’d passed on. She was sitting at home when she heard his voice quite clearly in her mind. They’d connected telepathically between one realm and the next. He told her: ‘I don’t know what I was so worried about, it was easy!’ He was talking about his transition to heaven, and this is why I’ve devoted my career to sharing these amazing stories. Many people have been lucky enough to experience afterlife contact, but many more haven’t. Contact like this brings comfort and joy; my life mission is to tell you all about them. Here are a few more experiences for you.

Let’s start with Brenda’s. It seems a little like my own. ‘When my mother passed away,’ she explained, ‘all the family were with her in the hospital. As she slipped away I noticed a cloud shape start to form at the end of the bed. It floated up along the bed and as it reached where I was standing I noticed the cloud seemed to have a wing. Across the top was the brightest white light I have ever seen. It appeared to be sparkling, but even though it was so bright it didn’t hurt my eyes. I think about this often and I am comforted to know that an angel came to take her home.’ Over the years I’d hear a lot of similar stories, especially from nurses and care workers who spend a lot of time with the dying. They’d tell me how they watched the spirit of the deceased lift up, out of the physical body, or how sometimes the dying person would sit up in bed (when previously they had been too ill to move) and talk to long-dead relatives or angels who’d come to collect them and take them home. I find it so reassuring.

I was fascinated by Elaine’s letter and knew you would love to read it too. ‘Hi Jacky, I lost my mum twelve years ago after a short illness,’ she wrote. ‘She was just fifty-nine years old. During the week leading up to her funeral I kept her little suitcase and handbag at the foot of my bed. It had many of her personal things inside, including her wedding album, which contained precious photographs of family members who had also passed over. It was a prized item.

‘One night, I was in a deep sleep but woke suddenly to the noise of the wedding album being flicked through. It sounded like the rustling of the fine tissue paper that lined the album. Almost as quickly as I had awoken I fell back to sleep. Then, while I slept, my mum came to me in a dream-visit and I heard her speak. She said she was sorry she hadn’t “made it”, and she told me to make sure I looked after myself. It was a lovely experience.

‘Mum had made a pact with her brother that if she died before him he was to look after me. After Mum left us I was an adult and married, but my uncle still kept his word. One night, the strangest thing happened. My daughter’s phone rang my house at ten to four in the morning, and when I asked her what was the matter, she told me she hadn’t called. Two days later, at five in the morning, my house alarm went off for no reason, and then on the Saturday my uncle passed away. I do believe it was Mum’s way of letting me know she was coming to collect her brother. Your books have brought a lot of comfort to me; thank you for all the fascinating stories you share.’

It’s letters like these that make the work I do worthwhile. Sometimes when people write to me it’s because they have found my details on the internet. At first they may be unaware that many thousands (probably millions) of people have experienced similar phenomena to them. The internet can be a wonderful thing. It brings people together and helps us to source information that can bring us great joy and understanding. I hope people enjoy these afterlife encounters and that we are evolved enough to no longer be frightened by love crossing from one dimension to another.

Chapter 2