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Messages from Angels: Real signs our loved ones are looking down
Messages from Angels: Real signs our loved ones are looking down
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Messages from Angels: Real signs our loved ones are looking down

Feathers and Other Gifts from Our Angels (#u8900fab3-2351-5dc5-81c0-ab64a6a4434a)

You may have heard that white feathers are said to be the calling cards of the angels, but my postbag contains many stories from readers who find white feathers after asking for a sign that their deceased loved ones are around them too. I love these simple and gentle experiences. Who would have thought that something like a feather could change someone’s life?

Birds appear in most places on earth, therefore feathers appear in most places too. Are these feathers, then, from the wings of angels? I doubt it! Angels in the traditional sense are beings of light; they don’t have or need wings. Birds on the other hand do need wings, and feathers are plentiful in our dimension. If I were an angel or a spirit, I would use a feather too. It’s the perfect sign. It’s readily available, light and easy to move around, and you can find them almost everywhere – what could be better? To be a sign from an angel, however, it usually has to have a special story. Maybe you asked for a sign or needed one.

Joanne, from England, got in touch after reading one of my books. In her story the feather signs were subtle at first, but then the experiences became more obvious. This is normal – the spirits don’t want to frighten us. ‘Your real-life stories helped me when Mam passed away,’ Joanne wrote. ‘After she died I started to see white feathers, but they weren’t always in unusual places. The first three I found on the footpath; I was sceptical that these were my sign, so I tested your theory and asked for another sign, which was one of Mam’s favourite flowers – a rose. The flower quickly appeared on a TV advert, but that seemed too easy again, so this time I asked for something else. I was more specific in my request and asked for an “angel” as my sign. It was quite a personal request as Mam used to collect angel ornaments, so it was something which was important to her. Bizarrely, the next TV advert that came on had an angel on it! I couldn’t believe it.’ Joanne’s signs were just the start, and other experiences soon followed.

‘The most unusual feather story I have to share was when my husband was due to go into hospital for a heart operation. We were all frightened and I asked the angels and my mam for a sign that everything would be okay. I just thought that if I knew everything was going to be okay I would cope better. I went up to make the bed and I immediately noticed a white feather on my husband’s pillow. I was really pleased with this and I decided to keep the feather, wondering if this was my sign. Strangely, while I’d been making the bed, a letter had dropped through the letterbox. It was my husband’s appointment letter from the hospital. What were the chances of that happening at the exact same time? I was comforted, feeling I’d got my sign. I knew the angels and Mam were telling me that my husband would be fine. Incidentally, the operation went perfectly and he is now recovering nicely.’

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