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The Aeneid
The Aeneid
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The Aeneid

The fire consumes the town, the foe commands;

And armed hosts, an unexpected force,

Break from the bowels of the fatal horse.

Within the gates, proud Sinon throws about

The flames; and foes for entrance press without,

With thousand others, whom I fear to name,

More than from Argos or Mycenae came.

To sev’ral posts their parties they divide;

Some block the narrow streets, some scour the wide:

The bold they kill, th’ unwary they surprise;

Who fights finds death, and death finds him who flies.

The warders of the gate but scarce maintain

Th’ unequal combat, and resist in vain.’

“I heard; and Heav’n, that well-born souls inspires,

Prompts me thro’ lifted swords and rising fires

To run where clashing arms and clamor calls,

And rush undaunted to defend the walls.

Ripheus and Iph’itus by my side engage,

For valor one renown’d, and one for age.

Dymas and Hypanis by moonlight knew

My motions and my mien, and to my party drew;

With young Coroebus, who by love was led

To win renown and fair Cassandra’s bed,

And lately brought his troops to Priam’s aid,

Forewarn’d in vain by the prophetic maid.

Whom when I saw resolv’d in arms to fall,

And that one spirit animated all:

‘Brave souls!’ said I,—‘but brave, alas! in vain—

Come, finish what our cruel fates ordain.

You see the desp’rate state of our affairs,

And heav’n’s protecting pow’rs are deaf to pray’rs.

The passive gods behold the Greeks defile

Their temples, and abandon to the spoil

Their own abodes: we, feeble few, conspire

To save a sinking town, involv’d in fire.

Then let us fall, but fall amidst our foes:

Despair of life the means of living shows.’

So bold a speech incourag’d their desire

Of death, and added fuel to their fire.

“As hungry wolves, with raging appetite,

Scour thro’ the fields, nor fear the stormy night—

Their whelps at home expect the promis’d food,

And long to temper their dry chaps in blood—

So rush’d we forth at once; resolv’d to die,

Resolv’d, in death, the last extremes to try.

We leave the narrow lanes behind, and dare

Th’ unequal combat in the public square:

Night was our friend; our leader was despair.

What tongue can tell the slaughter of that night?

What eyes can weep the sorrows and affright?