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The Aeneid
The Aeneid
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The Aeneid

Remount the hollow horse, and pant in secret there.

“But, ah! what use of valor can be made,

When heav’n’s propitious pow’rs refuse their aid!

Behold the royal prophetess, the fair

Cassandra, dragg’d by her dishevel’d hair,

Whom not Minerva’s shrine, nor sacred bands,

In safety could protect from sacrilegious hands:

On heav’n she cast her eyes, she sigh’d, she cried—

’Twas all she could—her tender arms were tied.

So sad a sight Coroebus could not bear;

But, fir’d with rage, distracted with despair,

Amid the barb’rous ravishers he flew:

Our leader’s rash example we pursue.

But storms of stones, from the proud temple’s height,

Pour down, and on our batter’d helms alight:

We from our friends receiv’d this fatal blow,

Who thought us Grecians, as we seem’d in show.

They aim at the mistaken crests, from high;

And ours beneath the pond’rous ruin lie.

Then, mov’d with anger and disdain, to see

Their troops dispers’d, the royal virgin free,

The Grecians rally, and their pow’rs unite,

With fury charge us, and renew the fight.

The brother kings with Ajax join their force,

And the whole squadron of Thessalian horse.

“Thus, when the rival winds their quarrel try,

Contending for the kingdom of the sky,

South, east, and west, on airy coursers borne;

The whirlwind gathers, and the woods are torn:

Then Nereus strikes the deep; the billows rise,

And, mix’d with ooze and sand, pollute the skies.

The troops we squander’d first again appear

From several quarters, and enclose the rear.

They first observe, and to the rest betray,

Our diff’rent speech; our borrow’d arms survey.

Oppress’d with odds, we fall; Coroebus first,

At Pallas’ altar, by Peneleus pierc’d.

Then Ripheus follow’d, in th’ unequal fight;

Just of his word, observant of the right:

Heav’n thought not so. Dymas their fate attends,

With Hypanis, mistaken by their friends.

Nor, Pantheus, thee, thy miter, nor the bands

Of awful Phoebus, sav’d from impious hands.

Ye Trojan flames, your testimony bear,

What I perform’d, and what I suffer’d there;

No sword avoiding in the fatal strife,

Expos’d to death, and prodigal of life;

Witness, ye heavens! I live not by my fault:

I strove to have deserv’d the death I sought.

But, when I could not fight, and would have died,