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The Aeneid
The Aeneid
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The Aeneid

Pitied the woes a parent underwent,

And sent me back in safety from his tent.’

“This said, his feeble hand a javelin threw,

Which, flutt’ring, seem’d to loiter as it flew:

Just, and but barely, to the mark it held,

And faintly tinkled on the brazen shield.

“Then Pyrrhus thus: ‘Go thou from me to fate,

And to my father my foul deeds relate.

Now die!’ With that he dragg’d the trembling sire,

Slidd’ring thro’ clotter’d blood and holy mire,

(The mingled paste his murder’d son had made,)

Haul’d from beneath the violated shade,

And on the sacred pile the royal victim laid.

His right hand held his bloody falchion bare,

His left he twisted in his hoary hair;

Then, with a speeding thrust, his heart he found:

The lukewarm blood came rushing thro’ the wound,

And sanguine streams distain’d the sacred ground.

Thus Priam fell, and shar’d one common fate

With Troy in ashes, and his ruin’d state:

He, who the scepter of all Asia sway’d,

Whom monarchs like domestic slaves obey’d.

On the bleak shore now lies th’ abandon’d king,

A headless carcass, and a nameless thing.

“Then, not before, I felt my cruddled blood

Congeal with fear, my hair with horror stood:

My father’s image fill’d my pious mind,

Lest equal years might equal fortune find.

Again I thought on my forsaken wife,

And trembled for my son’s abandon’d life.

I look’d about, but found myself alone,

Deserted at my need! My friends were gone.

Some spent with toil, some with despair oppress’d,

Leap’d headlong from the heights; the flames consum’d the rest.

Thus, wand’ring in my way, without a guide,

The graceless Helen in the porch I spied

Of Vesta’s temple; there she lurk’d alone;

Muffled she sate, and, what she could, unknown:

But, by the flames that cast their blaze around,

That common bane of Greece and Troy I found.

For Ilium burnt, she dreads the Trojan sword;

More dreads the vengeance of her injur’d lord;

Ev’n by those gods who refug’d her abhorr’d.

Trembling with rage, the strumpet I regard,

Resolv’d to give her guilt the due reward:

‘Shall she triumphant sail before the wind,

And leave in flames unhappy Troy behind?

Shall she her kingdom and her friends review,

In state attended with a captive crew,

While unreveng’d the good old Priam falls,