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The Aeneid
The Aeneid
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The Aeneid

And Grecian fires consume the Trojan walls?

For this the Phrygian fields and Xanthian flood

Were swell’d with bodies, and were drunk with blood?

’Tis true, a soldier can small honor gain,

And boast no conquest, from a woman slain:

Yet shall the fact not pass without applause,

Of vengeance taken in so just a cause;

The punish’d crime shall set my soul at ease,

And murm’ring manes of my friends appease.’

Thus while I rave, a gleam of pleasing light

Spread o’er the place; and, shining heav’nly bright,

My mother stood reveal’d before my sight

Never so radiant did her eyes appear;

Not her own star confess’d a light so clear:

Great in her charms, as when on gods above

She looks, and breathes herself into their love.

She held my hand, the destin’d blow to break;

Then from her rosy lips began to speak:

‘My son, from whence this madness, this neglect

Of my commands, and those whom I protect?

Why this unmanly rage? Recall to mind

Whom you forsake, what pledges leave behind.

Look if your helpless father yet survive,

Or if Ascanius or Creusa live.

Around your house the greedy Grecians err;

And these had perish’d in the nightly war,

But for my presence and protecting care.

Not Helen’s face, nor Paris, was in fault;

But by the gods was this destruction brought.

Now cast your eyes around, while I dissolve

The mists and films that mortal eyes involve,

Purge from your sight the dross, and make you see

The shape of each avenging deity.

Enlighten’d thus, my just commands fulfil,

Nor fear obedience to your mother’s will.

Where yon disorder’d heap of ruin lies,

Stones rent from stones; where clouds of dust arise—

Amid that smother Neptune holds his place,

Below the wall’s foundation drives his mace,

And heaves the building from the solid base.

Look where, in arms, imperial Juno stands

Full in the Scaean gate, with loud commands,

Urging on shore the tardy Grecian bands.

See! Pallas, of her snaky buckler proud,

Bestrides the tow’r, refulgent thro’ the cloud:

See! Jove new courage to the foe supplies,

And arms against the town the partial deities.

Haste hence, my son; this fruitless labor end:

Haste, where your trembling spouse and sire attend:

Haste; and a mother’s care your passage shall befriend.’