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Collins Gem
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Collins Gem

nowñ, doo-zeñtoosh metroosh/seeñkoo mee-nootoosh

No, 200 metres/5 minutes




Bus and coach (#ulink_3690c3ad-e399-5f7d-a4ff-84284e5f397a)


Por favor, senhor/senhora! Que autocarro vai ao centro da cidade?

poor fuh-vor, sun-yor/sun-yoruh! kuh owtoo-karroo vy ow señtroo duh seedahd? Excuse me, sir/madam! Which bus goes to the city centre?

Número 15

noomeroo keeñzuh

Number 15

Onde apanho o autocarro?

oñduh uh-pahn-yoo oo owtoo-karroo?

Where do I catch the bus?

Ali, em frente da farmácia

alee, ayñ freñt duh farmass-yuh

There, in front of the pharmacy

Metro (#ulink_7c2e30bd-5a28-586d-9ef1-2309d33b584d)

There are now four metro systems in Portugal: Lisbon, Porto, Almada (across the river Tagus) and Mirandela (in the North). Mirandela and Almada are both overground networks. You can buy a monthly season ticket with an ID photo (um passe) or a cartão viva viagem which you can top up. These cards allow you to travel on both metro and bus services.

Train (#ulink_933d94c9-a8fe-5a40-8ff5-e2a2dbc7be30)

There are two types of train ticket for all trains: conforto (1st class) and turística (2nd class). On longer trips, where it is advisable to book ahead (reservar lugares), you can book online. The Alfa Pendular is a fast, intercity train and the most expensive. The Intercidades is a fast, long-distance service, and the medium-distance Inter-Regional stops at all the main stations.


Quando é o próximo comboio para…?

kwuñdoo e oo prosseemoo koñboyoo paruh…?

When is the next train to…?

Às 17.00

ash dezuh-setuh orush

At 5 p.m.

Queria três bilhetes, por favorkree-uh traysh beel-yetsh poor fuh-vor I’d like three tickets, please

Só de ida ou ida e volta?

soh duh eeduh oh eeduh ee voltuh?

Single or return?

Ida e volta, por favor

eeduh ee voltuh poor fuh-vor

Return, please

Taxi (#ulink_4a5d9a38-2f65-5ea7-aef2-a24c47dac7bb)

Taxis in Portugal have an illuminated taxi sign on top and are usually painted beige, but some older ones are still green and black. The driver’s ID and the meter should both be displayed inside the car. There is a fixed tariff starting at €3.25, but increasing to €3.90 after 9 p.m., at weekends, and during holidays. Within the city you can get a standard fare, but outside the city limits you’ll be charged per kilometre, and the driver is entitled to charge for the return fare. You’ll also pay a surcharge if you are travelling with luggage. To ask for a receipt, say Queria uma fatura, por favor. It’s a good idea to ask for this in advance, as you get in the car.

Boat and ferry (#ulink_b600d9e1-5a98-5274-a9b9-31e1a6f52578)

Air travel (#ulink_169bd0a8-acf7-52da-b7af-e45c178e6303)

The major airports in Portugal are Lisboa (Aeroporto da Portela), Porto (Aeroporto Francisco Sá Carneiro) and Faro, in the Algarve (Aeroporto de Faro).

Customs control (#ulink_18e2dbb0-4204-5d22-a251-778d21683fcb)

With the Single European Market, EU citizens are subject only to highly selective spot checks and can go through the green customs channel (unless they have goods to declare).

Car hire (#ulink_2f7eaeee-df6c-5ae2-a815-965f80ae6060)

Car rental companies in Portugal normally have a minimum age for hiring a car (21, 23 or 25, depending on the company and type of vehicle). Some companies also have a maximum age limit of 75. A small number of companies will rent to drivers under 21, provided they pay a ‘young driver’ surcharge.

Driving (#ulink_56f41a5a-a9ae-534c-b3f3-4bffe7e98ab8)

Breakdown (#ulink_8f29be32-95ae-5cbe-9770-0668c93b500b)

The Portuguese equivalent of the AA is ACP (Automóvel Clube de Portugal). ACP has partnerships with many foreign associations, so if your car breaks down, you should call your own country’s roadside assistance company (e.g. the AA) and they will contact ACP to help you.

Car parts (#ulink_4e7cf6c2-545a-5014-b75a-5734b1b0079f)

Road signs (#ulink_4177c50b-05e1-5ba4-8043-1039a9702fbe)