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Collins Gem
Collins Gem
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Collins Gem





no parking


end of roadworks

speed limits are in kilometres per hour

toll station for motorway

on Wednesdays

weekdays from 8 to 20h

from 6 to 15h

Staying somewhere (#ulink_09229251-5617-5b1f-b16d-ed0b9f5f300a)

Hotel (booking) (#ulink_c879a7de-e89e-5f85-98d2-c6f6fa16b9cd)


Queria reservar um quarto para duas noites

kree-uh ruh-zervar ooñ kwartoo paruh dooush noytsh I’d like to book a room for two nights

Individual ou de casal?

eeñdeeveed-wahl oh duh kuh-zahl? Single or double?

De casal com uma cama extra para criança, por favor

duh kuh-zahl koñ oomuh kah-muh aysh-truh paruh kree-uñsuh, poor fuh-vor

Double with an extra bed for a child, please

Qual é o preço por noite/por semana?

kwal e oo pray-soo poor noyt/poor suh-mah-nuh?

How much is it per night/per week?

Hotel desk (#ulink_418ef8f9-f568-5e92-bd1e-6468254a0546)

On arrival at a hotel, the receptionist will ask for your passport to register your stay. This is an official requirement and should not be misinterpreted.

Camping (#ulink_495505e5-8f27-5b62-a3cd-7ebe4054494c)

Self-catering (#ulink_8eddcc1f-8c86-5b9f-8c2c-b8764f32f89e)

If you arrive with no accommodation and want to go self-catering, look for signs saying Aluguer de Apartamentos (apartments for rent).

Shopping (#ulink_eadb0f3c-e9ba-523a-a5fa-bd08345a657e)

Shopping phrases (#ulink_6b7f63e1-3d38-58a8-b201-efc3e0acdbfc)

Many shops still close for lunch between 1 and 3 p.m., but most now remain open throughout the day. Large department stores and food shops are generally open from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., whereas shopping centres are open from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.


Que deseja?

kuh dezayzhuh?

Can I help you?

Um/uma…, por favor

ooñ/oomuh…, poor fuh-vor A …, please

Mais alguma coisa?

mysh algoomuh koy-zuh?

Would you like anything else?

Não, é tudo. Quanto é?

nowñ, e toodoo. kwuñtoo e?

No, that’s all. How much is it?

Shops (#ulink_96cda76c-3248-51cd-bc23-2082fd7f6061)

Food (general) (#ulink_3ea629ce-efb5-5edb-91ce-837122048c6e)

Food (fruit and veg) (#ulink_e0d2c823-5ec1-5a56-a967-07d6be090825)

