Книга Comprehensive Handbook of Social Work and Social Welfare, Human Behavior in the Social Environment, Karen M. Sowers — скачать онлайн в pdf, epub, fb2, txt бесплатно в электронной библиотеке Fantasy Worlds.
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Karen M. Sowers - Comprehensive Handbook of Social Work and Social Welfare, Human Behavior in the Social Environment

Comprehensive Handbook of Social Work and Social Welfare, Human Behavior in the Social Environment
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Автор: Karen M. Sowers
Название: Comprehensive Handbook of Social Work and Social Welfare, Human Behavior in the Social Environment

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Автор: Karen M. Sowers
Название: Comprehensive Handbook of Social Work and Social Welfare, Human Behavior in the Social Environment
Аннотация на книгу:

Comprehensive Handbook of Social Work and Social Welfare, Volume 2: The Profession of Social Work features contributions from leading international researchers and practitioners and presents the most comprehensive, in-depth source of information on the field of social work and social welfare.

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