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Let The Weak Say:

Though we identify the immediate cause of our delays, like a traffic light or the long checkout line but, the Lord is in control. Keep your hopes high, but do not let them become a substitute for your efforts. Most of us have far more courage than we ever dreamed we possessed. Character is always revealed when we are under pressure. “Let your hope keep you joyful, be patient in your troubles, and pray at all times.” (Romans 12:12)

Sometimes you may face difficulties in life, not because you are doing something wrong but, because you are doing something right. Job was not tested because he did anything wrong. He was tested because he lived a life of righteousness before God. Although this may be a hard pill to swallow for some, the reason you are being attacked is due to your decision to obey God. As tough as things got, God never allowed the enemy to have the victory over Job.

And, He will not allow the enemy to be victorious in your situation either. For the Bible says “If you fully obey the LORD your God and carefully keep all his commands…, the LORD your God will set you high above all the nations of the world” (Deuteronomy 28:1).

By the way, have you ever had a door of opportunity slam in your face? A job application…that you did not get; a loan…that was turned down; a friendship or relationship…that ended; a proposal…where the answer was no. Well, when all these happen, do not be afraid to get back up and try again, love again, live again, and dream again. Do not let a hard lesson harden your heart. Life’s best lessons are often learned at the worst times and from the worst situations. Yes, there will be times when it seems like everything is going wrong and you might feel like you will be stuck in this rut forever, but you would not.

When you feel like quitting, remember sometimes things have to go wrong before they can be right. Sometimes you have to go through the worst, to arrive at your best. Yes, life is tough, but you must be tougher. Do not stress over things you cannot change. “And let the peace of God rule in your heart…” (Colossians 3:15)

At some point in life the load just seems too heavy to bear anymore. But, thankfully that is when Jesus steps in. As you just had a door of opportunity slammed in your face. A job that you did not get, a loan application that was turned down; a friendship or relationship that has just ended, and all these has made you hate endings, goodbyes and changes.

But, the endings you are going through right now bring about the beginnings you have been waiting for. No matter how great the anxiety of starting over becomes, the joy of finally getting it right will supersede the frustration of the moment. One of the best feelings is finally being able to say “I am over it.” For promotion comes neither from east nor from west nor from the south. But, God is the judge. May, “the Lord raise up the standard for you when the enemy comes in like floods.” (Isaiah 59:19)

Wherever you are, whatever struggle that you are walking through, know you are not alone, and there is grace, every step along the way. The beginnings are usually scary but, endings are usually better. Do not look back and wonder why things went wrong. It happened for a reason. Your better days are ahead of you. Do not regret for not doing more. It is not the strength of the body that counts, but the strength of the spirit. Do not be stressed as you endure your test. God is yet on the throne and He is working it out for your good. “Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial; for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life” (James 1:12)

If you cannot see clearly while the mist of confusion surrounds, let it settle, then decide your plan of action.

“May your soul wait quietly upon God, for your hope is from him alone.”(Psalm 62:5)

When you lack or have nothing, it seem okay to want things other people have; it is quite natural that we should want good things for ourselves. But, the bible says “do not covert”, meaning to desire (someone or something) obsessively, wrongfully, and/or without due regard for the rights/feelings of others. It is a strong emotion, to be avoided. So, we should not fool ourselves into thinking that other people have picture-perfect lives.

Everyone struggles, everyone hurts, and everyone is enduring something that they probably would not tell you about. Whatever picture people paint their life as, rest assured that any one’s life in all its parts is beautiful and ugly, hopeful and weary, a blessing and an everyday battle.

Focus on the good parts of your life and do not be ashamed for your own set of problems because if you knew what everyone else was going through, you would probably still choose your own life and stop comparing yourself to anyone.

And; while we are at it, let us be a little kinder to each other along the way. Understanding that people do not have to be nice to you, give their time to you. They do not have to believe in you. So, once somebody does, take it, cherish it, reciprocate it. In a nutshell be your brother’s or sister’s keeper.

Beloved, do not hesitate to come to your Heavenly Father. God, who is full of goodness and supply, is always willing to bless and heal you. So, never underestimate what God can do for you even this day. “…you shall receive a hundredfold, and inherit eternal life.” (Matthew 19:29)

For as I mentioned earlier, everyone struggles but, not everyone knows God. Do not be ashamed to ask for directions, God is waiting on your humble spirit so He can take you higher. God does not just point the way. He leads the way. His love is beyond what words can describe. He got His children in the palm of his hand. You are not alone, lean on the One who leads you. As the book of (Isaiah 58:11) said “The LORD will always lead you, satisfy you in a parched land, and strengthen your bones. You will be like a watered garden and like a spring whose waters never run dry.”

“…There is nothing to fear here. I know you are looking for Jesus, the One they nailed to the cross…” (Matthew 28:5)

Sometimes it is hard to move forward in life when you do not have anything to look forward to. Ask yourself what your life would look like if you direct it instead of drifting through it. When you have your life pleases God, everything else will fall into place. He is the One who goes before you and make the crooked way straight. Rest in that assurance knowing that He is ahead of you on your journey. Nobody can determine your end, because God is in full control of your life. In fact how your life turns out depends on who you agree with. God or the devil.

You cannot expect God’s best if you are planning for the worst. God has placed the control of all things in your control. Take charge. Everything is under your feet including the devil. You have the final say and, God has promised to back you up if you call upon Him. For God does not move in your life when you struggle; He moves when you pray. “The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.” (Psalm 145:18)

No person, no sickness, no disappointment can stop God’s plan for your life. What He promised will come to pass. It is not where you are in life, it is who you have by your side that matters. No earthly situation has the power to put you outside God’s care. As long as you know that God is for you, it does not matter who is against you. “If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31)

The fact that you have a difficult time doing things that other people can complete with ease does not make you inadequate. It does not make you incapable or weak. And it does not make you a failure. It makes you human. The truth is that everyone struggles with something. No matter how happy or well-adjusted a person may seem, we all have fears that hold us back. Despite how put together someone may seem on the outside, no one is perfect, and that is okay.

Whether you have a difficult time being social, talking on the phone, becoming independent, using your voice, entering a relationship, connecting with others, finding a job, or getting out of bed each morning to face the world. Know that it is okay. And know that despite your struggle, you are capable, you are talented, you are important, and you are enough.

You know life is worth the struggle when you look back on what you lost and realize what you have now is way better. Sometimes it is hard to realize that right where you are, is where you are supposed to be. The truth is every time you thought you were missing out on something important, you were given the opportunity to experience something valuable in its own right. Every time life’s obstacles rejected you from something good, you were being redirected to something, or someone, equally wonderful.

You may not have ended up where you intended to go, but trust, for once, that you have ended up where you need to be. Trust that you are in the right place at the right time. Trust that every experience has something to offer you. Trust that something that feels like a curse in the moment can blossom into a blessing. Above all trust in the Lord. “For everything comes from him and exists by his power and is intended for his glory. All glory to him forever! Amen.” (Romans 11:36)

Many of us are looking for the right things but, we are looking for them in the wrong places. Real peace comes from within you not outside of you. Things, assets and people cannot bring you lasting peace they can only bring you limited pleasures. Thus, all of the things that will give you enduring happiness, and eternal joy, will all come from God not from man including a good wife or husband. That is why you need the favour of the Lord not luck. Moreover, a good woman is not hard to find but, a virtuous one is (Proverbs 31:10). And, a good man is not hard to find but, a faithful one is. (Proverbs 20:6)

I declare that “May God single you out for uncommon favour this season in Jesus name.”

Perhaps you are looking for a job or promotion and you have been attending interviews and waiting for the results. Tension does not have to mean something is wrong, it could just be something is happening. There can be no movement without tension. It tells us that we are close to something in the purpose of God. When you are right at the door of breakthrough, Satan will send something to get you out of the way. Then, you know you are walking with God especially when the devil keeps getting in the way. The arrival of an enemy is an indicator that you have been or are about to be promoted. So, “Do not fear, for you will not be ashamed; neither be disgraced, for you will not be put to shame…” (Isaiah 54:4).

I declare that “You shall be promoted in the name of Jesus”

No matter what has happened or taken place some weeks ago. No matter how rough it is been. No matter what did not make sense. God’s faithful. Go to bed tonight believing God will have it all worked out in the morning. Sometimes what you need is not a prophetic word, but a more consistent exercise of your faith. I do not know about you, but I believe there is a shift in the atmosphere; some things that I have been praying for will be answered soon. So, I am at peace.

No matter how life has been, there will always be opportunities to experience more goodness. So, we should thank God for all He does for us which we do not deserve. Impatience is the root of most of our problems. You cannot always force life to give you answers now, but you must let them unfold before you with time. For it is not often that you sow and reap in the same day.” Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord.” (Psalm 27:14)

Even though life is full of disappointments, failures and setbacks. None of these things can permanently stop you. But, you are the only person who can do so. You may be growing weary but do not give up, refuse to quit, or to back down. God’s about to open some doors for you and your situation will change. God saw your end before your beginning. He is not indifferent to what is happening with you. He knows your struggles. He will put the pieces back together if you will let Him. It is not too late.

You might have messed up, made some mistakes, been abused, or have been broken-hearted due to circumstances in life. But, you are still alive. You might be broken, but you are unstoppable. You might not be who or where you want to be. But, you are not going down. Where there is a will there is a way. Have courage to stand up, make some adjustments and keep moving forward. God will see you through. You may be “hard-pressed on every side, but you are not crushed…” (2 Corinthians 4:8)

If you are suffering or walking in the realm of not enough it is not Gods fault that is not his will for your life. Your seasons of struggle are not caused by God. So, stop blaming God, for most of the problems you see are man-made, whether it be personal or global, the solution is down to you. Some problems can only be overcome by growing up in the Lord. And, no one ever grows in God by waiting around and saying I do not have time. Rather, you must grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. “All glory to him, both now and forever! Amen.” (2 Peter 3:18)

Everyone has ups and downs, self-doubt, and negative thoughts. So, whenever your perspective on something creates pain, it is because you have yet to see all the good it will make possible. Just because you are struggling does not mean you are failing. Besides, how can you fail if you have not stopped trying? How can you lose something if you are still capable of giving? The same boiling water that softens the potato hardens the egg. Thus, the same heat that melts the candle, hardens the clay. So is the circumstances around you reveals the true character within you.

And, every great success requires some kind of struggle to get there. So, do not submit or quit. I declare that you are victorious, for the things you have been struggling with are coming to an end this season in Jesus name. God is going to do a new thing. (Isaiah 42:9-10)

The challenge you are facing, it is not happening to you; it is happening for you. God is going to use it to your advantage. You may not know when or how long it will take to be victorious, but like Job, there is something better on the other side of your ordeal. So, embrace the possibility that the best is yet to come, and you just may discover that it is. God will make a way just as He did with the Israelites. “By faith they passed through the Red Sea as though they were passing through dry land…” (Hebrews 3:11)

Life is not a fairy-tale. Not everything is a bed of roses and sunshine. There are so much mountains of problems in life to overcome. Some mountains are not meant to be moved but, they are meant to be climbed. You need to work hard, endure pain and pressure all the way. As some would say pressure only makes you stronger. Well, do not forget that burnouts and breakdowns are also real. Sometimes you cannot be “real” until you can relate. Some things are better said than done.

So, it is important to nurture yourself when under duress. And when a mountain look too hard to climb, remember the one who made the mountains. He knows the way to the top and has the power to take you up there. For the Bible says “Before the mountains were formed or the earth and the world were brought forth, you are God from eternity to eternity.” (Psalm 90:2)

You may be going through a difficult time, but be encouraged that you are not alone. Always remember, no matter how many problems you have, there is always someone who has more. I have never met a person who was not weighed down by some kind of problem or burden. So, whatever has thrown you off course, know that the loving arms of God and His endless grace are there to put you back.

For God has promised to give you double for your trouble, if you return to Him. He will give you beauty for all those ashes. As He said “When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you. “For I am the LORD your God, The Holy One of Israel, your Saviour…” (Isaiah 43:2-3)

Even though life is not always easy for everyone, just remember that you are not the only one with problems. There is a battle which is going on every day, fight through it. Bear in mind that everyone is not going to be in your corner but, that does not mean you are doing the wrong thing. God holds tomorrow not people. He is already in your next season, holding open the door and waiting for you to arrive. Yes, there will be obstacles. Yes, there will be doubts. Yes, there will be mistakes. But be strong and just keep moving forward. So, I declare that all obstacles and hindrances to your financial prosperity are dissolved in Jesus Name. For, “It is the blessing of the LORD that makes rich, and He adds no sorrow to it.” (Proverbs. 10:22)

—–Let us pray:“Almighty God I pray that you touch us in a very special way as you visit everyone of us and let this month be our month of LaughterMay all our cares and burdens be rolled unto youMay the Holy Spirit take control as we have faith that everything will change for better”. Amen!—–



Few situations in life are not as bad as we make them, as frightening as we report them. We tend to make good things bad and bad things worse. Yes, things can be so bad in one area, yet so good in another however, it might take a year, it may take a day…but, what is meant to be will always find a way. “So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded.” (Hebrews 10:35)

If you trust and never doubt, He will surely bring you out of that situation, take your burden to the Lord and leave it there through prayer. Pray and forgive yourself, appreciate others, listen to your gut, and remind yourself that we are all loved and connected by grace to the Lord. “So be truly glad. There is wonderful joy ahead, even though you have to endure many trials for a little while” (1 Peter 1:6)

Throughout our lives, there are times when God allows us to go through situations that will cause us to realize our insufficiency and make us depend on Him. No wonder you have dealt with so much and done the best you can in this life. You have been knocked down in the process but, still not out. Take this moment to thank God and appreciate the fact you are still alive. God is in control. No matter how many times you have been disappointed or whatever you have gone through, you are capable of finding peace. He saw you when you cry yourself to sleep.

He always sees your faithfulness. When you stopped running to all sorts of things in trying to find relief from pain and choose to run to Him. If your hope is in Christ alone, you shall never be shaken. From this moment onward you shall never lack again. Never again shall he withhold anything good from you “For the Scripture says, “Whoever believes in him will not be disappointed.” (Romans 10:11)

We all go through unfair situations. Even when we choose God’s way to life, we still face both blessings and troubles, joy and grief. The sudden and unexpected loss of a loved one may raise many unanswerable questions, and as always, tests the depths of our faith and trust. But, believe that God is at your side through it all. “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 8:38-39)

When dealing with things that appear to be stuck, issues and problems that keep recurring with a firm grip, you should move with boldness and perseverance and command them to move in Jesus name. Stumbling blocks are placed in our way by our adversary to cause us to trip and give up the good fight of faith. With the authority you have in Christ, you can order mountains to move out of your path, and mulberry trees to be pulled up by the roots and planted in the sea.

It means that you can order spiritual wickedness, harassing spirits, deeply rooted stumbling blocks, and every hindrance to the works of Christ to go where it can never grow again. It is more than rebuking it; it is bringing its life to nothing because it cannot be planted anywhere else.

What seems immovable can be moved, in Jesus name! What appears to be stuck can be unstuck, in Jesus name! What looks impossible is possible, in Jesus name! So as the Lord said, “If you have faith as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be pulled up by the roots and be planted in the sea,” and it would obey you. (Luke 17:6)

Every situation you are going through is the stage for God’s glory to be put on display. You do not always have to know what is next, but trust God that He has a plan and purpose for every situation in your life. You do not have to wait for someone else to tell you that you can do it. You should know that God created you for something special. Every now and again, remind yourself that God has not changed his mind towards you. For He is the same yesterday, today and forever.

As you know there’d always be oxygen, just know things will work out for good. As you just know there’d always be day and night, just know that there is God who provides all our needs. May God provides you with everything you need now and forever. May, “the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Grace be with you all. Amen! (2 Timothy 4:22)

Sometimes, you may want God to change the situation, but God wants the situation to change you. Some of us, our lives are being shaken up. And as you are crying out to God asking Him to help you, only to learn He is the one doing the shaking. Some of us have people and things attached to us that are hindering our ability to move to the next level in our relationship with God.

And, God is shaking things up to remove all that must go in order to preserve what must remain. So, stop trying to hold on to what God is removing. Do nothing on to what you know God is telling you to walk away from. Go ahead and follow your heart, but do not leave your mind too far behind. Let it go and trust Him. Whatever God removes, He replaces with something better. Sometimes God will literally shake everything up, in order to determine if you will still trust Him. Just like (Job 13:15) when he said “Even if he slay me, yet I will continue trust in him..!”

In troubling times, you may think that God is not watching over you, you could not be more wrong. It could be as simple as you looking in the wrong direction. So, turn and fix your eyes on the Lord. He is the author and finisher our faith. Instead of running to God as an afterthought, you can start with Him right away. We are His creation and He knows what we need. No matter what situation you find yourself in, no matter what is going on in your life right now.

Whenever you find tears in your eyes, especially unexpected ones because of that situation. God sees all the good in it, and will bring the good out of it or is just plain good in spite of it. It is all good. It is well. So, “Is it well with you” Is it well with your wife or husband” Is it well with the child” All is well. (1 Kings 4:26).

The rainbow would not be without first the rain. No matter what is going on in your life, never forget that each new day you get to see is a blessing from God. Get closer to Him and be thankful. For the Lord honours those who look to Him constantly in prayer. “I am Yahweh that is my name. I will not give my glory to another or My praise to idols” (Isaiah 42:8)

It is in the midst of anguish and terror that we realize who really God is and the marvel of what He can do. Your situation may look impossible, but do not ever rule out the favour of God. Things do not have to go your way in order for them to work out in your favour. When you stop seeing things the way they are and begin to see them the way they can be with the eye of faith, everything can be all good. God will restore what is broken and change it to something amazing. Be blessed and refreshed this day, sending love and prayers your way. Expect God’s full restoration in your life. (Joel 2: 25)