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Juan Moisés De La Serna - My Verses About Cats

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Название: My Verses About Cats
Аннотация на книгу:

One day, a giraffe was quietly eating when a mosquito arrived and immediately said. ―Do you like that food?― ―Yes― she replied. ―What does it taste like this time?― The mosquito asked.
One day, a giraffe was quietly eating when a mosquito arrived and immediately said. ―Do you like that food?― ―Yes― she replied. ―What does it taste like this time?― The mosquito asked. ―Delicious― the giraffe told the mosquito. ―But what does it taste like?― He asked and he seemed to be curious. She thinks about it a little bit and then she replied ― It tastes like grass― and then she shut up. LOVE

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