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God's Health Plan
God's Health Plan
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God's Health Plan

4. Healing In The Post

God sent his word with healing in his wings to heal. To you who fear My name will the Sun of Righteousness arise with healing in his wings. Christ was sent and anointed by God. And he sent his word and healed them and delivered them from all their destruction. A Physician empowered to heal, not by earthly powers, diplomas, or energies, but simply by the grace of God having compassion on the sick and dead men walking. Physicians and medicine do offer humanity great relief and comfort. Yet how many are wealthy enough to afford their own personal doctor? You know the battles around the world for affordable health care, especially for the poor. Some put their hopes in medicine and its rapidly increasing advances, and others put their trust in the Lord.

Have your bed of sickness crippled you and added great financial stresses to your heart and your home? With a growing list of ailments and its symptoms, some visible and others the imagination of no good physicians, the medical industry has now developed their own distribution of drugs as cures or solutions to suppress the avalanche of emotions that makes man human. The side effects have their own casualty lists. So, in a world of darkness who can see light, and who can find a cure? Your first step towards healing is to believe God is willing and able to forgive you.

Have you been sick at any time, or do you know a sick person? Then the good news is there is a cure. Thank God, he has sent his word to heal. In the gospel of John, we read how the word that was with God and was God became flesh and lived among men. The God who made you came to heal you as well. But it came with much resistance. Even though Jesus came doing good and healing sick folks, there was an establishment that was in charge of the religious ceremonies and medical certification of sick people and of sinners in desperate need for forgiveness.

The more Jesus healed the more the established religious leaders felt threatened by his gift to mankind to heal. They didn’t care if people were feeling better. Nor did they care for the things of God. Fewer followers meant less power, less influence, and a smaller paycheck. But as God has sent his word so he said to his followers: Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believes, and is baptized will be saved, but they who believe not will be condemned. And these signs will follow them that believe. In my name will they cast out devils and speak with new tongues. They will take up serpents and if they drink any deadly thing it will not hurt them. They will lay hands upon the sick and they will recover. These were Jesus' final instructions to his disciples.

The sick, the lame, the blind, the deaf and the dumb who came to the healer, went home healed. They found hope and comfort in the teachings of Christ from Galilee and in the power of God working through him to touch the sick. His mission was clear, it was to do the will of his Father. And the will of God was to heal the sick. The power of God manifested through Jesus Christ as he cast out demons from possessed individuals, causing lame and bedridden sick to get up and walk, raising the dead, opening blind eyes and causing the ears of the deaf to hear again. This is the same Jesus who was crucified on the cross on Golgotha, the place of the skull, whom God raised from the dead. O death, where is your sting?

The first Adam was the cause of the curse, but Christ the second Adam brought a cure to the world in darkness, a light shining as he proclaimed repent for the kingdom of God is at hand Hope for healing is so much more than just a wish. It is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen that in God, founded and carved upon the unmovable rock Jesus Christ for generations. God has sent his word who came and healed the sick. His word is medicine to all your flesh and is God’s healthcare plan. However, obedience was never the requirement for healing, but to stay healthy. It is God’s love and compassion to bring hope and healing to a world sick with sin and sickness. One of man’s deepest desires is to have eternal youth, energy, and life. This is God’s health plan for man.

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