Книга Becoming a Parent. The Emotional Journey Through Pregnancy and Childbirth, Jackie Ganley — скачать онлайн в pdf, epub, fb2, txt бесплатно в электронной библиотеке Fantasy Worlds.
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Jackie Ganley - Becoming a Parent. The Emotional Journey Through Pregnancy and Childbirth

Becoming a Parent. The Emotional Journey Through Pregnancy and Childbirth0
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Автор: Jackie Ganley
Название: Becoming a Parent. The Emotional Journey Through Pregnancy and Childbirth

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Автор: Jackie Ganley
Название: Becoming a Parent. The Emotional Journey Through Pregnancy and Childbirth
Аннотация на книгу:

An emotional survival guide to pregnancy and childbirth Like the other volumes in the Family Matters series, this authoritative new book provides expert advice to ordinary people struggling with everyday challenges-in this case, the emotional trials of new mothers. Enduring the stresses of pregnancy and giving birth are only half of what it takes to become a parent. The other half involves adjusting emotionally to the reality of a newborn. With tips on getting outside help and «discussion points» useful in self-therapy, Becoming a Parent offers real-life solutions, based on actual cases, to every sort of difficulty new parents might expect. Jackie Ganley (London, UK) works for Britain's National Health Service.

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