Книга Optoelectronic Integrated Circuit Design and Device Modeling, Jianjun Gao — скачать онлайн в pdf, epub, fb2, txt бесплатно в электронной библиотеке Fantasy Worlds.
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Jianjun Gao - Optoelectronic Integrated Circuit Design and Device Modeling

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Автор: Jianjun Gao
Название: Optoelectronic Integrated Circuit Design and Device Modeling

Рейтинг: 3

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Автор: Jianjun Gao
Название: Optoelectronic Integrated Circuit Design and Device Modeling
Аннотация на книгу:

In Optoelectronic Integrated Circuit Design and Device Modeling, Professor Jianjun Gao introduces the fundamentals and modeling techniques of optoelectronic devices used in high-speed optical transmission systems. Gao covers electronic circuit elements such as FET, HBT, MOSFET, as well as design techniques for advanced optical transmitter and receiver front-end circuits. The book includes an overview of optical communication systems and computer-aided optoelectronic IC design before going over the basic concept of laser diodes. This is followed by modeling and parameter extraction techniques of lasers and photodiodes. Gao covers high-speed electronic semiconductor devices, optical transmitter design, and optical receiver design in the final three chapters. Addresses a gap within the rapidly growing area of transmitter and receiver modeling in OEICs Explains diode physics before device modeling, helping readers understand their equivalent circuit models Provides comprehensive explanations for E/O and O/E conversions done with laser and photodiodes Covers an extensive range of devices for high-speed applications Accessible for students new to microwaves Presentation slides available for instructor use This book is primarily aimed at practicing engineers, researchers, and post-graduates in the areas of RF, microwaves, IC design, photonics and lasers, and solid state devices. The book is also a strong supplement for senior undergraduates taking courses in RF and microwaves. Lecture materials for instructors available at www.wiley.com/go/gao

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