Книга Chemical Synthesis and Applications of Graphene and Carbon Materials, Müllen Klaus — скачать онлайн в pdf, epub, fb2, txt бесплатно в электронной библиотеке Fantasy Worlds.
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Müllen Klaus - Chemical Synthesis and Applications of Graphene and Carbon Materials

Chemical Synthesis and Applications of Graphene and Carbon Materials0
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Автор: Müllen Klaus
Название: Chemical Synthesis and Applications of Graphene and Carbon Materials

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Автор: Müllen Klaus
Название: Chemical Synthesis and Applications of Graphene and Carbon Materials
Аннотация на книгу:

This ready reference and handbook is unique in its focus on synthesis and the application of graphene and other carbon materials with an emphasis on chemistry aspects. To this extent, it deals with top-down and bottom-up approaches across the different length scales for graphene from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons to graphene nanoribbons and graphene sheets, as well as carbon materials from quantum dots, nanostructured particles, and fibers, right up to tubes, bulk structures, and much more besides. In so doing, it presents the best synthetic methods: pyrolysis, chemical vapor deposition, templating and surface-mediated synthesis, self-assembly, surface-grafting and modification. Edited by two excellent, experienced and highly renowned editors, both of whom are directors of Max Planck Institutes.

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