Книга Mr Good Enough: The case for choosing a Real Man over holding out for Mr Perfect, Lori Gottlieb — скачать онлайн в pdf, epub, fb2, txt бесплатно в электронной библиотеке Fantasy Worlds.
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Lori Gottlieb - Mr Good Enough: The case for choosing a Real Man over holding out for Mr Perfect

Mr Good Enough: The case for choosing a Real Man over holding out for Mr Perfect
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Автор: Lori Gottlieb
Название: Mr Good Enough: The case for choosing a Real Man over holding out for Mr Perfect

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Автор: Lori Gottlieb
Название: Mr Good Enough: The case for choosing a Real Man over holding out for Mr Perfect
Аннотация на книгу:

Lori Gottlieb suggests the unthinkable: what if she, and single women everywhere, need to stop chasing the elusive Mr Perfect and instead opt for Mr Good Enough?Embarking on her own journey to find the ideal partner, Lori explores a prevalent issue facing women today – how do you reconcile a strong desire for a husband and family without wanting to settle for anything less than the perfect package…?After interviewing a range of people from behavioural therapists to marriage counsellors, neuropsychologists to divorce lawyers, as well as single and married men and women from their twenties right up to their sixties, Lori is well placed to offer an answerMr Good Enough is this year's intelligent, eye-opening insight into modern relationships – a fast, funny read which 'might just be a formula for marital bliss' The TimesNote that it has not been possible to include the same picture content that appeared in the original print version.

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