Книга Ghost Memories: Prequel to the Bone Island Trilogy, Heather Graham — скачать онлайн в pdf, epub, fb2, txt бесплатно в электронной библиотеке Fantasy Worlds.
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Heather Graham - Ghost Memories: Prequel to the Bone Island Trilogy

Ghost Memories: Prequel to the Bone Island Trilogy
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Автор: Heather Graham
Название: Ghost Memories: Prequel to the Bone Island Trilogy

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Автор: Heather Graham
Название: Ghost Memories: Prequel to the Bone Island Trilogy
Аннотация на книгу:

In the early nineteenth century, pirates and privateers still wreaked havoc in the Caribbean. Bartholomew Miller had been one of them. After years of plying the seas for England as a privateer, he finally found a home and love on Bone Island off the Florida coast.But Bartholomew also made enemies in his time–enemies that would take everything Bartholomew loved and create a curse to haunt Bone Island for centuries….

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