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Collins Spurrell Welsh Dictionary Pocket Edition: trusted support for learning

cymer (-au) nm confluence

cymeradwy adj acceptable, approved, commendable

cymeradwyaeth nf approval; applause; recommendation

cymeradwyo vb to approve; to recommend

cymeradwyol adj commendatory

cymeriad (-au) nm character, reputation

cymesur adj proportionate, symmetrical

cymesuredd nm proportion, symmetry

cymesurol adj commensurate, proportionate

cymhareb (cymarebau) nf ratio

cymhariaeth (cymariaethau) nf comparison

cymharol adj comparative

cymharu vb to pair; to compare

cymhelliad (-elliadau) nm motive, inducement

cymhendod nm knowledge; proficiency; tidiness; eloquence; affection

cymhennu vb to put in order, to trim; to scold, to reprove

cymhercyn adj limping, infirm ▶ nm valetudinarian

cymhleth (-au) adj complex, complicated

cymhlethdod (-au) nm complexity

cymhlethu vb to complicate

cymhorthdal (cymorthdaloedd) nm subsidy, grant

cymhwysiad nm application, adjustment

cymhwyso vb to apply, to adjust

cymhwyster (cymwysterau) nm fitness, suitability; (pl) qualifications

cymod nm reconciliation

cymodi vb to reconcile; to be reconciled

cymodol adj reconciliatory, propitiatory

cymodwr (-wyr) nm reconciler

cymon adj orderly, tidy; seemly

cymorth vb to assist, to aid, to help ▶ nm assistance, aid, help

Cymraeg nfm, adj Welsh

Cymraes nf Welshwoman

cymrawd (-odyr) nm comrade, fellow

Cymreictod nm Welshness

Cymreig adj Welsh

Cymreiges (-au) nf Welshwoman

Cymreigio vb to translate into Welsh

Cymreigiwr (-wyr) nm one versed or skilled in Welsh; Welsh-speaking Welshman

Cymro (Cymry) nm Welshman

cymrodedd nm arbitration; compromise

cymrodeddu vb to compromise, to reconcile

cymrodor (-ion) nm consociate, fellow

cymrodoriaeth nf fellowship

Cymru nf Wales

cymrwd nm mortar, plaster

Cymry see Cymro

cymryd vb to take, to accept; cymryd ar pretend

cymudo vb to commute

cymun, cymundeb nm communion, fellowship

cymuned nf community; y Gymuned Ewropeaidd the European Community

cymunedol adj community

cymuno vb to commune

cymunwr (-wyr) nm communicant

cymwy (-au) nm affliction

cymwynas (-au) nf kindness, favour

cymwynasgar adj obliging, kind

cymwynasgarwch nm obligingness, kindness

cymwynaswr (-wyr) nm benefactor

cymwys adj fit, proper, suitable; exact

cymwysedig adj applied

cymwysiadol adj applicable

cymydog (cymdogion) (f cymdoges) nm neighbour

cymylog adj cloudy, clouded

cymylu vb to cloud, to dim, to obscure

cymyndod nm committal

cymynnu vb to bequeath

cymynrodd (-ion) nf legacy, bequest

cymynroddi vb to bequeath

cymynu vb to hew, to fell

cymynwr (-wyr) nm hewer, feller

cymysg adj mixed

cymysgedd nmf mixture

cymysgfa nf mixture, medley, hotchpotch

cymysgliw adj motley

cymysglyd adj muddled, confused

cymysgryw adj mongrel; heterogeneous

cymysgu vb to mix, to blend; to confuse

cymysgwch nm mixture, jumble

cymysgwr (-wyr) nm mixer, blender

cyn1 prefix before, previous, first, former, pre-, ex-; Cyn Crist Before Christ, B.C.

cyn2 adv: cyn gynted (â phosib) as soon (as possible); cyn wynned â as white as

cŷn (cynion) nm wedge, chisel

cynadledda vb to meet in conference

cynaeafa, cynhaeafa vb to dry in the sun

cynaeafu, cynhaeafu vb to harvest

cynaeafwr, cynhaeafwr (-wyr) nm harvester

cynamserol adj premature, untimely

cynaniad nm pronunciation

cynanu vb to pronounce

cyndad (-au) nm forefather, ancestor

cynderfynol adj semi-final

cyndyn adj stubborn, obstinate

cyndynnu vb to be obstinate

cyndynrwydd nm stubbornness, obstinacy

cynddaredd nf madness; rabies

cynddeiriog adj mad, rabid

cynddeiriogi vb to madden, to enrage

cynddeiriogrwydd nm rage, fury

cynddrwg adj as bad

cynddydd nm day-break, dawn

cynefin adj acquainted, accustomed, familiar ▶ nm haunt, habitat

cynefindra nm use, familiarity

cynefino vb to get used, to become accustomed

cynefinol adj usual, accustomed

cynfas (-au) nfm (bed) sheet; canvas

cynfyd nm primitive world, antiquity

cynffon (-nau) nf tail; tang

cynffonna vb to fawn, to toady, to cringe

cynffonnwr (-onwyr) nm toady, sycophant; sneak

cyn-geni adj antenatal

cynhadledd (cynadleddau) nf conference

cynhaeaf (cynaeafau) nm harvest

cynhaeafa vb see cynaeafa

cynhaeafu vb see cynaeafu

cynhaeafwr nm see cynaeafwr

cynhaliaeth nf maintenance, support

cynhaliol adj sustaining

cynhaliwr (-wyr) nm supporter, sustainer

cynhanesiol adj prehistoric

cynhebrwng (-yngau) nm funeral

cynhenid adj innate

cynhennu vb to contend, to quarrel

cynhennus adj contentious, quarrelsome

cynhennwr (-henwyr) nm wrangler

cynhesol adj agreeable, amiable

cynhesrwydd nm warmth

cynhesu vb to warm, to get warm; cynhesu byd-eang global warming

cynhorthwy (cynorthwyon) nm help, aid

cynhwynol adj natural, congenital, innate

cynhwysedd (cynwyseddau) nm capacity, capacitance

cynhwysfawr adj comprehensive

cynhwysiad nm contents

cynhwysydd nm container

cynhyrchiad (-au) nm production

cynhyrchiol adj productive

cynhyrchu vb to produce

cynhyrchydd (-ion, cynhyrchwyr) nm producer, generator

cynhyrfiad (cynyrfiadau) nm stirring, agitation

cynhyrfiol adj stirring, thrilling

cynhyrfu vb to stir, to agitate

cynhyrfus adj agitated; exciting

cynhyrfwr (-wyr) nm agitator, disturber

cynhysgaeth nf portion, fortune

cyni nm anguish, distress, adversity

cynifer adj, nm as many, so many

cynigiad (-au) nm proposal, motion

cynigiwr (-wyr), cynigydd (-ion) nm proposer, mover

cynildeb nm frugality, economy

cynilion npl savings

cynilo vb to save, to economise

cynio vb to chisel, to gouge

cyniwair vb to go to and fro, to frequent

cyniweirfa (-feydd) nf resort, haunt

cyniweirydd nm wayfarer

cynllun (-iau) nm pattern; plan

cynllunio vb to plan, to design

cynllunydd (-ion, -wyr) nm designer

cynllwyn vb to plot, to conspire ▶ nm (-ion) plot

cynllwynio vb to conspire, to plot

cynllwynwr (-wyr) nm conspirator

cynnal vb to hold, to uphold, to support, to sustain

cynnar adj early

cynnau vb to kindle, to light

cynneddf (cyneddfau) nf quality, faculty

cynnen (cynhennau) nf contention, strife; asgwrn y gynnen bone of contention

cynnes adj warm

cynnig vb to offer; to attempt; to propose, to move; to bid; to apply ▶ nm (cynigion) offer; attempt; motion

cynnil adj economical; delicate

cynnor (cynhorau) nf door-post

cynnud nm firewood, fuel

cynnull vb to collect, to gather, to assemble

cynnwrf nm stir, commotion, agitation

cynnwys vb to contain, to include, to comprise, to comprehend ▶ nm content(s)

cynnydd nm increase, growth, progress

cynnyrch (cynhyrchion) nm produce, product; (pl) productions

cynoesol adj primeval

cynorthwyo vb to help, to assist

cynorthwyol adj auxiliary; assistant

cynorthwywr (-wyr) nm helper, assistant

cynorthwyydd (-ion) nm: cynorthwyydd dosbarth classroom assistant

cynradd adj primary

cynrychioladol adj representative

cynrychiolaeth nf representation

cynrychioli vb to represent

cynrychiolwr (-wyr), cynrychiolydd (-ion) nm representative, delegate

cynrhon npl (nm -yn) maggots

cynrhoni vb to breed maggots

cynrhonllyd adj maggoty

cynt adj earlier, sooner, quicker ▶ adv see gynt

cyntaf adj, adv first

cyntedd (-au) nm court; porch, foyer

cyntefig adj prime, primitive

cyntun nm nap

cynulleidfa (-oedd) nf congregation

cynulleidfaol adj congregational

cynulliad (-au) nm gathering

cynuta vb to gather fuel

cynyddol adj increasing, growing

cynyddu vb to increase

cynysgaeddu vb to endow, to endue

cyplad nm copula

cypladu vb to copulate

cyplu, cyplysu vb to couple

cyplysnod nm hyphen

cyraeddadwy adj attainable

cyraeddiadau npl attainments

cyrbibion npl atoms, smithereens

cyrcydu vb to squat, to cower

cyrch (-au) nm attack

cyrchfa (-feydd) nf resort

cyrchfan nf destination

cyrchu vb to go, to resort, to repair

cyrchwr (-wyr) nm cursor

cyrens npl (nf cyrensen) currants

cyrhaeddgar adj telling, incisive

cyrhaeddiad (cyraeddiadau) nm reach, attainment

cyrliog adj curly

cyrraedd vb to reach, to attain; to arrive; to get back

cyrydiad nm corrosion

cyrydu vb to corrode

cysawd (-odau) nm system; constellation

cysefin adj original, primordial

cysegr (-au, -oedd) nm sanctuary

cysegredig adj consecrated, sacred

cysegredigrwydd nm sacredness

cysegriad (-au) nm consecration

cysegr-ladrad nm sacrilege

cysegr-lân adj holy

cysegru vb to consecrate, to dedicate, to devote

cyseinedd nm alliteration

cysetlyd adj fastidious

cysgadrwydd nm sleepiness, drowsiness

cysgadur (-iaid) nm sleeper

cysglyd adj sleepy

cysgod (-au, -ion) nm shade, shadow; shelter; type

cysgodi vb to shadow, to shade; to shelter

cysgodol adj shady, sheltered

cysgu vb to sleep

cysgwr (-wyr) nm sleeper

cysidro vb to consider

cysodi vb to set type, to compose

cysodydd (-ion, -wyr) nm compositor

cyson adj consistent, constant

cysondeb nm consistency; regularity

cysoni vb to harmonize; to reconcile

cysonwr (-wyr), cysonydd (-ion) nm harmonist

cystadleuaeth (-laethau) nf competition

cystadleuol adj competitive

cystadleuwr (-wyr), cystadleuydd nm competitor

cystadlu vb to compete; to compare

cystal adj as good, so good ▶ adv as well, so well

cystrawen (-nau) nf construction, syntax

cystudd (-iau) nm affliction; illness

cystuddiedig adj afflicted, contrite

cystuddio vb to afflict, to trouble

cystuddiol adj afflicted

cystuddiwr (-wyr) nm oppressor

cystwyo vb to tell off, to chastise

cysur (-on) nm comfort, consolation

cysuro vb to comfort, to console

cysurus adj comfortable

cysurwr (-wyr) nm comforter

cyswllt (-ylltiadau) nm joint, junction

cysylltiad (-au) nm conjunction; joining, connexion; cysylltiadau cyhoeddus public relations

cysylltiedig adj connected

cysylltiol adj connecting; connected

cysylltnod (-au) nm ligature, hyphen

cysylltu vb to join, to connect

cysylltydd (-ion) nm connector, contact

cysyniad (-au) nm concept

cytbell adj equidistant

cytbwys adj of equal weight

cytbwysedd nm balance

cytew nm batter

cytgan (-au) nmf chorus

cytgord nm concord

cytir (-oedd) nm common

cytras adj allied, related; cognate

cytsain (-seiniaid) nf consonant

cytûn adj agreed, of one accord, unanimous

cytundeb (-au) nm agreement, consent

cytuno vb to agree, to consent

cythlwng nm fasting, fast, hunger

cythraul (-euliaid) nm devil, demon

cythreuldeb nm devilment

cythreulig adj devilish, fiendish

cythru vb to snatch, to rush

cythruddo vb to annoy, to provoke, to irritate

cythrwfl nm uproar, tumult

cythryblu vb to trouble, to agitate

cythryblus adj troubled, agitated

cyw (-ion) nm young bird, chick, chicken; baby

cywain vb to convey, to carry; to garner

cywair (-eiriau) nm order; key; tune

cywaith (-weithiau) nm collective work, project

cywarch nm hemp

cywasg, cywasgedig adj diminished

cywasgiad (-au) nm contraction, compression

cywasgu vb to contract, to compress

cywasgydd (-ion) nm compressor

cyweiriad (-au) nm repair

cyweiriadur (-on) nm modulator

cyweirio vb to set in order; to prepare, to dress

cyweirnod (-au) nm key-note

cywen (-nod) nf pullet, young hen

cywerth adj equivalent

cywilydd nm shame; shyness

cywilydd-dra nm shamefulness

cywilyddgar adj bashful, shy

cywilyddio vb to shame; to be ashamed

cywilyddus adj shameful, disgraceful; outrageous

cywir adj correct, accurate, true, faithful

cywirdeb nm correctness; integrity

cywiriad (-au) nm correction

cywiro vb to correct; to make good; to perform

cywirwr (-wyr) nm corrector

cywladu vb to naturalize

cywrain adj skilful; curious

cywreinbeth (-au, cywreinion) nm curiosity

cywreindeb nm skill, ingenuity

cywreinrwydd nm skill; curiosity

cywydd (-au) nm alliterative Welsh poem