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Collins Spurrell Welsh Dictionary Pocket Edition: trusted support for learning

batio vb to bat

batri nm battery

bath (-au) nm kind, sort; stamp; coin

bathdy (-dai) nm mint

bathodyn (-nau) nm medal, badge

bathol adj coin, coined

bathu vb to coin

baw nm dirt, mire, dung, filth

bawaidd adj dirty, vile; sordid, mean

bawd (bodiau) nf thumb, toe

bechan adj f of bychan

bechgynnos npl little boys, youngsters

bedw npl (nf -en) birch

bedydd nm baptism

bedyddfa (-fâu, -feydd) nf baptistry

bedyddfaen (-feini) nm font

bedyddio vb to baptize

bedyddiol adj baptismal; baptized

Bedyddiwr (-wyr) nm Baptist

bedd (-au) nm grave, tomb, sepulchre

beddargraff (-iadau) nm epitaph

beddfaen (-feini) nm tombstone

beddgell (-oedd) nf vault, catacomb

beddrod (-au) nm tomb, sepulchre

Beibl (-au) nm Bible

Beiblaidd adj Biblical

beic (-iau) nm bike; beic modur motorbike; beic mynydd mountain bike

beicio vb to cycle

beiciwr, beicwr (-wyr) nm cyclist; beiciwr modur motorcyclist

beichio vb to burden; to low; to sob

beichiog adj pregnant

beichiogi vb to conceive

beichus adj burdensome, oppressive

beiddgar adj daring, audacious; outrageous

beiddgarwch nm daring, audacity

beiddio vb to dare, to presume

beili (beilïaid) nm bailiff

beio vb to blame, to censure

beirniad (-iaid) nm adjudicator; critic

beirniadaeth (-au) nf adjudication; criticism

beirniadol adj critical

beirniadu vb to adjudicate; to criticize

beisgawn (-au) nf stack, heap of corn sheaves

beiston nf sea-shore, beach; surf

beius adj faulty; blameworthy

bellach adv now, at length

bendigaid, bendigedig adj blessed

bendigedigrwydd nm blessedness

bendith (-ion) nf blessing, benediction

bendithio vb to bless

bendithiol adj conferring blessings

benthyca, benthycio vb to borrow, to lend

benthyciad nm loan

benthyciwr (-wyr) nm borrower, lender

benthyg nm loan

benyw adj female ▶ nf (-od) female, woman

benywaidd adj feminine; effeminate

benywol adj feminine, female

ber adj f of byr

bêr (berau, -i) nm spear; roasting-spit

bera nfm rick; pyramid

berdys npl (nm -yn, nf -en) shrimps

berf (-au) nf verb; berf anghyflawn transitive verb; berf gyflawn intransitive verb

berfa (-fâu, -feydd) nf barrow

Berlin nf Berlin

berth adj beautiful, valuable

berthog adj wealthy, fair

berw nm, adj boiling, seething, ebullition

berwedig adj boiling

berwedydd (-ion) nm boiler

berwedd-dy (-dai) nm brewery

berweddu vb to brew

berwi vb to boil, to seethe, to effervesce

berwr coll n cress

betgwn nmf nightgown

betws nm oratory, chapel; birch grove

betys npl beetroot

beudy (-dai) nm cow-house, byre

beunoeth, beunos adv nightly, every night

beunydd adv daily, every day, always

beunyddiol adj daily, quotidian

bidog (-au) nf dagger; bayonet

bing (-oedd) nm alley, bin

bil (-iau) nm bill

bilidowcar nm cormorant

bilwg (-ygau) nm billhook

bin (-iau) nm: bin sbwriel litter bin

biocemeg nfm biochemistry

bioleg nf biology

bir (-oedd) nm beer

bisgeden nf biscuit, cracker

biswail nm dung

blaen adj fore, foremost, first; front ▶ nm (-au, -ion) point, end, top, tip; front, van, priority, precedence; edge

blaenasgellwr (-wyr) nm wing-forward

blaenbrawf (-brofion) nm foretaste

blaendal nm prepayment, deposit

blaendarddu vb to sprout

blaendir nm foreground

blaenddalen (-nau) nf title page

blaenddodi vb to prefix

blaenddodiad (-iaid) nm prefix

blaenffrwyth nm first-fruits

blaengar adj prominent, progressive

blaengroen (-grwyn) nm foreskin

blaenllaw adj forward, prominent

blaenllym adj sharp, keen

blaenllymu adj sharpen, whet

blaenor (-iaid) nm leader; elder

blaenori vb to lead, to precede

blaenoriaeth nf preference; precedence

blaenorol adj previous, antecedent

blaenu vb to point; to outrun; to precede

blaenwr (-wyr) nm leader; forward

blagur coll n sprouts, buds, shoots

blaguro vb to sprout, to bud; to flourish

blaguryn nm sprout, bud, shoot

blaidd (bleiddiaid, bleiddiau) nm wolf

blas nm taste, savour, relish

blasio, blasu vb to taste

blasus adj tasty, savoury, delicious

blawd (blodion, -iau) nm flour, meal

blêr adj untidy, slovenly

blerwm nm blabberer

blew npl (nm -yn) hairs; hair; fur

blewog adj hairy, shaggy

blewyn nm straw

bliant nm lawn, fine linen

blif (-iau) nm catapult

blingo vb to skin, to flay

blin adj tired, weary; peevish, irritable

blinder (-au) nm weariness; trouble

blinderog, blinderus adj wearisome

blinfyd nm tribulation

blino vb to tire, to weary; to trouble, to vex

blith (-ion) nm milk ▶ adj milch

blith draphlith adv helter-skelter

bloc (-iau) nm: bloc swyddfeydd office block

blodeugerdd (-i) nf anthology

blodeuglwm nm bunch, nosegay

blodeuo vb to flower, to bloom, to flourish

blodeuog adj flowery; flourishing

blodeuyn, blodyn (blodau) nm flower

blodfresychen nf cauliflower

blodiog adj floury, mealy

bloddest nf rejoicing, acclamation

bloedd (-iau, -iadau) nf shout

bloeddio, bloeddian vb to shout, to cry

bloeddiwr (-wyr) nm shouter

bloesg adj lisping, faltering, indistinct

bloesgi vb to lisp, to falter, to speak indistinctly

blog (-iau) nm blog

blogio vb to blog

blogiwr (-wyr) nm blogger

blwch (blychau) nm box; blwch postio mailbox

blwng adj angry, sullen, cheerless ▶ nm anger

blwydd (-au, -i) nf, adj year of age; year-old

blwydd-dal nm annuity, pension

blwyddiad (-iaid) nm yearling, annual

blwyddiadur (-on) nm yearbook, annual

blwyddyn (blynyddoedd) nf year; blwyddyn bwlch gap year

blychaid (-eidiau) nm boxful

blynedd npl years (after numerals)

blynyddol adj annual, yearly

blys (-iau) nm craving, lust

blysig adj greedy, lustful

blysigrwydd nm greediness

blysio vb to crave, to lust

bocs (-ys) nm box

bocsach nm vaunt, boast, brag

bocsio vb to box

bocsiwr (-wyr) nm boxer

boch (-au) nf cheek

bochdew nf hamster

bochgoch adj rosy-cheeked

bod vb to be, to exist ▶ nm (-au) being, existence; Y Bod Mawr God

bod(olaeth) nm(f) existence

boda nmf buzzard

bodio vb to thumb, to finger

bodlon adj content, willing

bodloni vb to satisfy, to content; to be content

bodlonrwydd nm contentment

bodoli vb to exist

bodd nm pleasure, will, consent

boddfa nf flood, drenching

boddhad nm pleasure, satisfaction

boddhaol adj pleasing, satisfactory

boddhau vb to please, to satisfy

boddhaus adj pleased

boddi vb to drown; to flood

boddio vb to please, to satisfy

boddlon see bodlon

bogail (-eiliau) nmf navel; boss, hub

boglwm (boglymau), boglyn (-nau) nm boss, knob, stud, bud, bubble

bol, bola (boliau) nm belly

bolaid (-eidiau) nm bellyful

bolera vb to gorge, to guzzle; to sponge

bolerwr (-wyr) nm sponge, parasite

bolgi (-gwn) nm gourmand, glutton

bolheulo vb to bask in the sun

bolio vb to belly, to gorge

boliog adj big-bellied, corpulent

boloch nm pain, anxiety, destruction

bolrwth adj gluttonous, greedy

bolrwym adj costive, constipated

bolsothach, bolysothach nm hotchpotch; jargon

bolwst nfm gripes, colic

bollt (-au, -ydd, byllt) nf bolt

bom (-iau) nmf bomb

bomio vb to bomb

bomiwr (-wyr) nm bomber; bomiwr hunanleiddiol suicide bomber

bôn (bonau, bonion) nm bottom; stump; yn y bôn basically

boncath (-od) nm buzzard

bonclust (-iau) nm box on the ear

boncyff (-ion) nm stump, trunk, stock

bondigrybwyll adv forsooth ▶ adj hardly mentionable

bondo nm eaves

bonedd nm gentility, nobility

boneddigaidd adj noble; gentlemanly

boneddigeiddrwydd nm gentlemanliness

boneddiges (-au) nf lady

bonesig nf lady; Miss

bonet (-i) nf bonnet

bonheddig adj noble, gentle, gentlemanly

bonheddwr (-wyr) nm gentleman

bonllef (-au) nf shout

bonllwm adj bare-bottomed; bare-backed

Bonn nf Bonn

bonyn (bonion) nm stump

bord (-ydd, -au) nf table, board

bordhwylio vb to windsurf

bore (-au) nm morning ▶ adj early

boreddydd nm day-break, morning

borefwyd nm breakfast

boreol adj morning

bors nf hernia

bos nf palm of the hand, fist

Bosnia nf Bosnia

bost (-iau) nm boast, brag

bostio vb to boast, to brag

botas, en (-asau) nf boot

botwm (-ymau) nm button

botymog adj buttoned

botymu vb to button

both (-au) nf nave of wheel; boss

bowlio vb to bowl

brac adj free, frank, talkative

bracso vb to wade, to paddle

bracty (-tai) nm malt-house, brewery

brad (-au) nm treason; plot

bradfwriadu vb to plot, to conspire

bradlofrudd (-ion) nm assassin

bradlofruddiaeth (-au) nf assassination

bradlofruddio vb to assassinate

bradwr (-wyr) nm traitor

bradwriaeth (-au) nf treason, treachery

bradwrus adj traitorous, treacherous

bradychu vb to betray

braen adj rotten, corrupt

braenar (-au) nm fallow

braenaru vb to fallow, to pioneer

braenu vb to rot, to putrify

braf adj fine

brag nm malt

bragad nf army, battle; offspring

bragaldian vb to jabber, to gabble, to prate

bragio vb to brag, to boast

bragiwr (-wyr) nm bragger, boaster

bragu vb to malt, to brew

bragwair nm moorland hay, coarse grass

bragwr (-wyr) nm maltster, brewer

braich (breichiau) nf arm; branch, handle; headland

braidd adv rather, somewhat

braint (breintiau) nf privilege

braisg adj gross, thick, large; pregnant

braith adj f of brith

brân (brain) nf crow, rook, raven

bras (breision) adj fat; coarse; rich; luxuriant

brasáu vb to grow fat or gross

brasbwytho vb to baste, to tack

brasgamu vb to stride

Brasil nf Brazil

braslun (-iau) nm sketch, outline

braslun bywyd nm curriculum vitae

braslunio vb to sketch, to outline

brasnaddu vb to rough-hew

braster nm fat

brasterog adj fat, greasy

brat (-iau) nm rag, clout; pinafore

bratiaith nf debased language

bratiog adj ragged, tattered

brath (-au) nm stab, wound; sting; bite

brathog adj that bites; biting

brathu vb to stab, to wound; to sting; to bite

brau adj brittle, frail, fragile; kindly; prompt

braw (-iau) nm terror, dread, fright

brawd1 (brodyr) nm brother; friar; brawd yng nghyfraith brother-in-law

brawd2 (brodiau) nf judgment

brawdgarwch nm brotherly love

brawdmaeth nm foster-brother

brawdol adj brotherly, fraternal

brawdoliaeth (-au) nf brotherhood, fraternity

brawddeg (-au) nf sentence

brawddegu vb to construct sentences

brawl nm boast, brag; gabble, tattle

brawychu vb to frighten, to terrify

brawychus adj frightful, terrible

brawychwr nm terrorist

bre (-on, -oedd) nf hill, highland

brebwl (-yliaid) nm blockhead; prattler

brêc nm brake

breci nm wort; spree

brecio vb to brake

brecwast (-au) nmf breakfast

brecwasta vb to breakfast

brech1 nf eruption, pox; brech yr ieir chickenpox

brech2 adj f of brych

brechdan (-au) nf slice of bread and butter

brechiad (-au) nm inoculation, vaccination

brechu vb to vaccinate, to inoculate

bredych (-au, -ion) nm betrayal; fear; rascal

bref (-iadau) nf lowing; bleat; bray

breferad (-au) nm bellowing

brefiad (-au) nm lowing; bleating

brefu vb to low; to bleat; to bray

breg nm guile, blemish, breach ▶ adj fragile, faulty

bregliach vb to jabber

bregus adj frail, brittle, rickety

breichled (-au) nf bracelet

breichrwy, breichrwyf (-au) nmf bracelet

breindal nm royalty