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Collins Spurrell Welsh Dictionary Pocket Edition: trusted support for learning

carped (-au, -i) nm carpet

carpiog adj ragged, tattered

carrai (careiau) nf lace, thong

carreg (cerrig) nf stone

cart (ceirt) nmf cart

cartaid, certaid (-eidiau) nm cartful

cartilag (-au) nm cartilage

cartref (-i, -ydd) nm home, abode ▶ adj home-made; cartref henoed old people’s home; cartref symudol mobile home

cartrefle (-oedd) nm abode

cartreflu nm militia

cartrefol adj homely, domestic, home; civil

cartrefu vb to make one’s home, to settle

cartŵn (cartwnau) nm cartoon

cartwnydd (-ion) nm cartoonist

carth (-ion) nm tow, oakum; off-scouring

carthen (-ni, -nau) nf Welsh blanket, coverlet; carthen blu duvet

carthffos (-ydd) nf sewer

carthffosiaeth nf sewerage

carthu vb to cleanse, to purge, to scavenge

caru vb to love; to like; to court

caruaidd adj loving, kind

carw (ceirw) nm stag, deer

carwden (-ni) nf back-chain; tall awkward fellow

carwr (-wyr) nm lover, wooer

carwriaeth (-au) nf courtship

cas1 adj hateful, odious; nasty, disagreeable ▶ nm hatred, aversion

cas2 (caseion) nm hater, foe, enemy

casáu vb to hate, to detest, to abhor

casbeth (-au) nm aversion, nuisance

caseg (cesig) nf mare

casét (-iau) nm cassette

casgen (-ni, casgiau) nf cask

casgl nfm collection

casgliad (-au) nm collection; gathering

casglu vb to collect, to gather; to infer

casglwr (-wyr), casglydd (-ion) nm collector

casineb nm hatred

cast (-iau) nm vice, knack

castan (-au) nf chestnut

castanwydd npl (nf -en) chestnut-trees

castell (cestyll) nm castle

castellog adj castled, castellated

castellu vb to castle, to encamp

castio vb to trick, to cheat; to cast, to calculate

castiog adj full of tricks, tricky

casul (-(i)au) nmf cassock

caswir nm unpalatable truth

casyn (casiau) nm case, casing

cat (-iau) nm bit, piece, fragment; pipe

catalog (-au) nm catalogue

catalogio vb to catalogue

catalydd (-ion) nm catalyst

categori (-ïau) nm category

catel coll n chattels; cattle

catgor (-(i)au) nm ember day(s)

catrawd (-rodau) nf regiment

cath (-od, -au) nf cat

cathl (-au) nf melody, hymn, lay

cathlu vb to sing, to hymn

cathod (-au) nf cathode

catholig adj catholic

Catholigiaeth nf Catholicism

catholigrwydd nm catholicity

cau1 adj hollow, concave

cau2 vb to shut, to close, to enclose

caul (ceulion) nm maw; rennet; curd

caw (-(i)au) nm band, swaddling-clothes

cawdel nm hotchpotch, mess

cawell (cewyll) nm hamper, basket, cradle

cawellwr (-wyr) nm basket-maker

cawg (-iau) nm basin, bowl, pitcher

cawl nm broth, soup; hotchpotch

cawn npl (nf -en) reeds

cawod (-ydd) nf shower

cawodi vb to shower

cawodog adj showery

cawr (cewri) nm giant

cawraidd adj gigantic

cawres (-au) nf giantess

caws nm cheese; curd

cawsai, cawsi nmf causeway

cawsaidd adj cheesy, caseous

cawsellt (-ydd, -i, -au) nm cheese-vat

cawsio vb to curd, to curdle

cawsiog adj curdled

CC adv BC

CD (-s, -au) nm CD

cecian vb to stammer

cecren (-nod) nf shrew, scold, cantankerous woman

cecru vb to wrangle, to bicker

cecrus adj cantankerous, quarrelsome

cecryn (-nod) nm wrangler, brawler

cedor nmf pubic hair

cedrwydd npl (nf -en) cedars

cefn (-au) nm back; support

cefndedyn nm mesentery; diaphragm, pancreas

cefnder (-dyr) nm first cousin

cefndir (-oedd) nm background

cefnen (-nau) nf ridge

cefnfor (-oedd) nm main sea, ocean

cefngrwm adj hump-backed

cefnog adj well-off, well-to-do

cefnogaeth nf encouragement, support

cefnogi vb to encourage, to support

cefnogol adj encouraging

cefnu vb to back, to turn the back, to forsake

cefnwlad (-wledydd) nf hinterland

cefnwr (-wyr) nm back, full-back

ceffyl (-au) nm horse

ceg (-au) nf mouth

cega vb to mouth, to prate

cegaid (-eidiau) nf mouthful

cegen (-nau) nf gullet, windpipe

cegid, cegiden (cegidau) nf green woodpecker, jay

cegin (-au) nf kitchen

cegrwth adj gaping

cegyr npl hemlock

cengl (-au) nf band; girth; hank

cenglu vb to hank; to girth; to wind

cei (-au) nm quay

ceibio vb to pick with pickaxe

ceidwad (-aid) nm keeper, saviour

ceidwadaeth nf conservatism; conservancy

ceidwadol adj conservative

Ceidwadwr (-wyr) nm Conservative

ceiliagwydd (-au) nm gander

ceiliog (-od) nm cock; ceiliog rhedyn grasshopper

ceinach (-od) nf hare

ceincio vb to branch out, to ramify

ceinciog adj branched, branching

ceinder nm elegance, beauty

ceiniog (-au) nf penny

ceiniogwerth (-au, -i) nf pennyworth

ceinion npl beauties, gems

ceintach vb to grumble, to croak

ceintachlyd adj querulous

ceintachwr (-wyr) nm grumbler, croaker

ceirch (nf -en) coll n oats

ceirios npl (nf -en) cherries

ceisbwl (-byliaid) nm catchpole, bailiff

ceisio vb to seek; to ask; to try, to attempt, to endeavour; to fetch, to get

cêl adj hidden, concealed ▶ nm concealment ▶ npl kale

celain (celanedd) nf dead body

celanedd coll n carnage, slaughter

celc nfm concealment; hoard

celf (-au) nf art, craft

celfi npl (nm -cyn) tools, gear; furniture

celfydd adj skilled, skilful

celfyddgar adj ingenious; artistic

celfyddwr (-wyr) nm artificer, artist

celfyddyd (-au) nf art, craft; skill; celfyddydau graffig graphic arts

celfyddydol adj relating to art/the Arts

celu vb to hide, to conceal

celwrn (-yrnau) nm tub, bucket, pail

celwydd (-au) nm lie, falsehood, untruth

celwyddgi nm liar

celwyddog adj lying, mendacious; false

celwyddwr (-wyr) nm liar

celyn npl (nf -nen) holly

cell (-oedd, -au) nf cell, chamber; celloedd cenhedlu germ cells; enyniad y celloedd cellulitis

celli (cellïau, -ïoedd) nf grove

cellog adj cellular

cellwair vb to jest, to trifle ▶ nm fun

cellweiriwr (-wyr) nm jester, trifler

cellweirus adj playful, jocular

cemeg nm chemistry

cemegol adj chemical

cemegwr (-wyr), cemegydd (-ion) nm chemist

cemegyn (cemegau) nm chemical

cen coll n skin, peel, scales, scurf, film, lichen

cenadwri nf message

cenau (cenawon) nm cub, whelp; rascal

cenedl (-hedloedd) nf nation; gender

cenedlaethol adj national

cenedlaetholdeb nm nationalism

cenedlaetholi vb to nationalize

cenedlaetholwr (-wyr) nm nationalist

cenedl-ddyn (-ion) nm gentile

cenedligrwydd nm nationality

cenfaint (-feiniau) nf herd

cenfigen (-nau) nf envy, jealousy

cenfigennu vb to envy

cenfigennus, cenfigenllyd adj envious, jealous

cenhadaeth (cenadaethau) nf mission

cenhadol adj missionary

cenhadu vb to permit; to propagate, to conduct a mission

cenhadwr (-hadon) nm missionary

cenhedlaeth (cenedlaethau) nf generation

cenhedlig adj gentile, pagan

cenhedlu vb to beget, to generate

Cenia nf Kenya

cenllif nm flood, torrent, deluge

cenllysg coll n hailstones, hail

cennad (-hadau, -hadon) nf leave; messenger

cennin npl (nf -hinen) leeks

cennog adj scaly, scurfy

cennu vb to scale, to scurf

centimedr (-au) nm centimetre

cêr nf gear, tools, trappings

cerameg nmf ceramics

ceramig adj ceramic

cerbyd (-au) nm chariot, coach, car

cerbydwr (-wyr) nm coachman

cerdyn (cardiau) nm card; cerdyn adnabod identity card; cerdyn cof memory card; cerdyn crafu scratch card; cerdyn credyd credit card; cerdyn debyd debit card; cerdyn sweip swipe card

cerdd (-i) nf song, poem; music, poetry

cerddbrenni npl woodwinds

cerddbresi npl brass section (orchestra)

cerdded vb to walk; to go; to travel

cerddediad nm walking, going; pace

cerddgar adj harmonious, musical

cerddin, cerdin npl (nf -en) rowan

cerddor (-ion) nm singer, musician

cerddorfa (-feydd) nf orchestra

cerddorfaol adj orchestral

cerddoriaeth nf music

cerddorol adj musical

cerddwr (-wyr) nm walker

cerfddelw (-au) nf graven image, statue

cerfio vb to carve

cerflun (-iau) nm statue; engraving

cerfluniaeth nf sculpture

cerflunydd (-lunwyr) nm sculptor

cerfwaith nm carving, sculpture

cern (-au) nf cheek, jaw

cernod (-iau) nf buffet

cernodio vb to buffet, to clout

Cernyw nm Cornwall

cerpyn (carpiau) nm clout, rag

cerrynt nmf course, road; current

cert (-i) nf cart

certiwr (-wyr) nm carter

certh adj right; awful

cerub, ceriwb (-iaid) nm cherub

cerwyn (-i) nf tub; vat; winepress

cerydd (-on) nm correction, chastisement; rebuke, reproof, censure

ceryddol adj chastising, chastening

ceryddu vb to correct, to chastise; to rebuke

ceryddwr (-wyr) nm chastiser; rebuker

cesail (-eiliau) nf arm-pit; bosom

cesair npl, coll n hailstones, hail

cest (-au) nf belly, paunch

cestog adj corpulent

cetyn (catiau) nm piece, bit; pipe

cethin adj dark, fierce, ugly

ceubren (-nau) nm hollow tree

ceubwll (-byllau) nm pit

ceudod nm cavity; abdomen; thought, heart

ceudwll nm cavern

ceufad nm canoe

ceuffordd (-ffyrdd) nf tunnel

ceuffos (-ydd) nf drain, ditch

ceugrwm adj concave

ceulan (-nau, -lennydd) nf bank, brink

ceulo vb to curdle, to coagulate

ceunant (-nentydd) nm ravine, gorge

cewyn (-nau, cawiau) nm napkin

ci (cŵn) nm dog, hound

ciaidd adj dog-like; brutal

cib (-au) nm pod, husk

cibddall adj purblind

cibo vb to frown, to scowl

cibog adj scowling

cibws, cibwst nf kibes, chilblains

cibwts (-au) nm kibbutz

cibyn (-nau) nm shell; husk; half a bushel

cic (-iau) nfm kick; cic gychwyn kick-off

cicio vb to kick

ciciwr (-wyr) nm kicker

cidwm (-ymiaid, -ymod) nm wolf; rascal

cieidd-dra nm brutality

cig (-oedd) nm flesh, meat

cigfran (-frain) nf raven

cignoeth adj touching to the quick, caustic

cigog adj fleshy

cigwain (-weiniau) nf flesh-hook

cigydd (-ion) nm butcher

cigyddiaeth nf butchery

cigysol adj carnivorous

cigysydd (-ion) nm carnivore

cil (-iau, -ion) nm back; retreat; corner

cilagor vb to open partly

cilagored adj ajar

cilbost (cilbyst) nm gate-post

cilchwyrn npl (nf -en) glands

cildrem (-iau) nf leer

cildremio vb to leer

cildroi vb to reverse

cildwrn nm tip, bribe

cildyn adj obstinate, stubborn

cildynnu vb to be obstinate

cildynnus adj obstinate, stubborn

cildynrwydd nm obstinacy

cilddant (-ddannedd) nm molar

cilfach (-au) nf nook; creek, bay

cilfilyn (-filod) nm ruminant

cilgant nm crescent

cilgnoi vb to chew the cud, to ruminate

cilgwthio vb to push, to shove, to jostle

cilgynnyrch (-gynhyrchion) nm by-product

cilio vb to retreat, to recede, to swerve

cilo nm kilo

cilocalori (-ïau) nm kilocalorie

cilogram (-au) nm kilogram

cilomedr (-au) nm kilometre

cilowat nm kilowatt

cilwen (-au) nf half smile

cilwenu vb to simper, to smile, to leer

cilwg (-ygon) nm frown, scowl

cilydd (-ion) nm fellow, companion

cilyddol adj reciprocal

cimwch (-ychiaid) nm lobster

ciniawa vb to dine

cinio (ciniawau) nm dinner; cinio gwadd dinner party

cip (-ion) nm pluck, snatch; glimpse

cipdrem (-iau) nfm glance, glimpse

cipedrych vb to glance, to glimpse

cipio vb to snatch

cipiwr (-wyr) nm snatcher

cipolwg nmf glance, glimpse