Книга Someone Like You, Cathy Kelly — скачать онлайн в pdf, epub, fb2, txt бесплатно в электронной библиотеке Fantasy Worlds.
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Cathy Kelly - Someone Like You

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Автор: Cathy Kelly
Название: Someone Like You

Рейтинг: 5

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Автор: Cathy Kelly
Название: Someone Like You
Аннотация на книгу:

From the No. 1 international bestseller Cathy Kelly, a novel of love and longing, wishes and yearning.They all just want one thing in life – and then they’ll be truly happy.Just married, Emma can’t wait to escape the control of her domineering father and conceive a much longed for child with her beloved husband.For Leonie, divorced mother of three teenagers, happiness means finding true love, something that was missing from her ten-year marriage.Hannah is striking out alone after the love of her life abandoned her. She is yearning for independence and security, yet is uncertain that any man can every provide this for her.But sometimes, when you wish will all your heart for a dream to come true, you risk destroying the happiness within your reach.

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