Книга A Daughter's Dilemma, Miranda Lee — скачать онлайн в pdf, epub, fb2, txt бесплатно в электронной библиотеке Fantasy Worlds.
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Miranda Lee - A Daughter's Dilemma

A Daughter's Dilemma
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FORBIDDEN! Look – but don't touch! Carolyn was delighted when her mother married Julian. She waved off the happy couple on their honeymoon and prepared to oversee the renovation of their new home… only to discover that the architect her stepfather had commissioned was Vaughan Slater, the man who'd turned her life upside down ten years ago.It seemed that Vaughan wasn't deterred by Carolyn's hostility. To him, those past events were hardly his fault; now he wanted Carolyn in a way he'd never wanted a woman before. Did he mean that this time he would seduce her, make her fall in love with him – and stay?

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