Книга A Rumoured Engagement, CATHERINE GEORGE — скачать онлайн в pdf, epub, fb2, txt бесплатно в электронной библиотеке Fantasy Worlds.
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CATHERINE GEORGE - A Rumoured Engagement

A Rumoured Engagement0
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Scandalous seduction?Luke Armytage can't get over the change in Saskia. The moody, ugly-duckling teenager has grown into a very desirable swan. Saskia is surprised at her intense feelings for Luke. He's as assured and good-looking as ever, but now, for the first time, that devastating, sexy charm is all for her.Since both of them are single, there's no reason they shouldn't get involved. Stepbrother and stepsister they may be, but they aren't related by blood. However, rumors of their relationship are running rife in the outside world… .

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