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The Treasured One
The Treasured One
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The Treasured One

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SKELL JODANSON OF JORMO (#litres_trial_promo)

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THE SOUTH COAST (#litres_trial_promo)

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THE TREASURED ONE (#litres_trial_promo)

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THE GREAT WALL (#litres_trial_promo)

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THE SEA OF GOLD (#litres_trial_promo)

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THE BRIDGE (#litres_trial_promo)

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MANY VOICES (#litres_trial_promo)

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THE INLAND SEA (#litres_trial_promo)

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Keep Readings (#litres_trial_promo)

By David Eddings (#litres_trial_promo)

About the Publisher (#litres_trial_promo)

Maps (#ulink_676a7eeb-370d-5a69-a288-53ed5c3e65b7)

PREFACE (#ulink_663b2f77-fb45-54bb-be32-fe3a8a327bef)

It was a time of uncertainty in the nest of the Vlagh, for no word of success had yet reached the nest from the warrior-servants which had followed the burrows below the face of the ground toward the broad water which lies beneath the sunset.

All had gone as it should at first as the warrior-servants had moved down through the burrows toward the land of the sunset, killing the man-things of that land as they went, and the joy of our dear Vlagh had known no bounds, for once the land of the sunset was ours, there would be much to eat, and the Vlagh which had spawned us all could spawn still more, and our numbers would grow to beyond counting, and the overmind of which we are all a part would expand, for it grows larger and more complex with each new hatch.

Impatient was our Vlagh, for none of its servants of whatever form had yet brought word of victory, and without that assurance, our Vlagh could not spawn. Though our Vlagh reached out with its senses toward the land of the sunset to question the overmind about the success of the warriors of strange form, the overmind did not respond, and that was most unusual.

And as the days came and went, our Vlagh grew more and more

irritable as the need to spawn was frustrated by the lack of certainty. ‘Go!’ our Vlagh commanded the warrior-servants which protect the hidden nest. ‘Go and look, and then return and tell me that which I must know.’

Many warrior-servants of venomous fangs hurried away, and those of us which are the true servants who care for our Vlagh and the newborns sought to assure our dear Vlagh that all was as it should be.