Книга Keeper of the Night, Heather Graham — скачать онлайн в pdf, epub, fb2, txt бесплатно в электронной библиотеке Fantasy Worlds.
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Heather Graham - Keeper of the Night

Keeper of the Night
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There’s no business like bloodlust… New Keeper Rhiannon Gryffald has her peacekeeping duties cut out for her – because in Hollywood, it’s hard to tell the actors from the werewolves, bloodsuckers and shape-shifters. When Rhiannon hears about a string of murders that bear all the hallmarks of a vampire serial killer, she must confront her greatest challenge yet.Together with detective Brodie McKay, she heads to Laurel Canyon, the epicentre of the danger, where they uncover a plot that may forever alter the face of human-paranormal relations…

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