Книга Intrigue Me, Jo Leigh — скачать онлайн в pdf, epub, fb2, txt бесплатно в электронной библиотеке Fantasy Worlds.
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Jo Leigh - Intrigue Me

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Name: Dr. Daniel McCabeMarry, date or one-night stand: The rarest of all…marry.Warning: Gold diggers, keep your distance.Bottom line: Perfect for playing a naughty game of doctor.PI Lisa Cassidy just found the perfect man. Dr. Daniel McCabe is 100 percent hotness. Unfortunately, Daniel's Hot Guys Trading Card doesn't belong to Lisa. It belongs to another woman who's hired Lisa to go undercover and get the real scoop on Dr. Delish.Lisa should keep her distance and stay professional. She certainly shouldn't have hot, lust-filled sex with the subject of her investigation. Especially because Lisa knows never to get too close to anyone…especially a sexy doctor who's hiding secrets.

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