Книга Little Cowgirl Needs a Mum / Once Upon a Proposal: Little Cowgirl Needs a Mum, Allison Leigh — скачать онлайн в pdf, epub, fb2, txt бесплатно в электронной библиотеке Fantasy Worlds.
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Allison Leigh - Little Cowgirl Needs a Mum / Once Upon a Proposal: Little Cowgirl Needs a Mum

Little Cowgirl Needs a Mum / Once Upon a Proposal: Little Cowgirl Needs a Mum0
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Автор: Allison Leigh
Название: Little Cowgirl Needs a Mum / Once Upon a Proposal: Little Cowgirl Needs a Mum

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Автор: Allison Leigh
Название: Little Cowgirl Needs a Mum / Once Upon a Proposal: Little Cowgirl Needs a Mum
Аннотация на книгу:

Little Cowgirl Needs a Mum When a tiny girl peers nervously round the door of her quilt shop Jenny’s heart melts. Gracie needs help finishing the quilt her mother started before she passed away. But her father, gruff rancher Evan, is reluctant to let Jenny into his world. Even if she can offer him a second chance at love. Once Upon a Proposal It was only a kiss, meant to get rid of an unwanted suitor. Now Gabriel’s asking Bobbie to pretend to be his fiancée so he can gain custody of his kids. Bobbie wouldn’t even have to fake her attraction to the incredibly sexy tycoon. But that’s just the problem!

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