Книга Love In Plain Sight, Jeanie London — скачать онлайн в pdf, epub, fb2, txt бесплатно в электронной библиотеке Fantasy Worlds.
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Jeanie London - Love In Plain Sight

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Former bounty hunter Marc DiLeo is not the guy Courtney Gerard wants helping her. But finding a kid who’s been missing for a long time takes priority over her personal preferences. And if anyone can locate the child, Marc can – even with his injury. So she’ll overlook his attitude.As they follow cold leads together, Courtney glimpses beneath his tough exterior to something surprising – caring, compassion… vulnerability. That softer side proves more irresistible than his good looks. An unexpected – and unexpectedly intense – attraction flares between them making her wonder why she never saw this before.Suddenly the man she was determined to avoid is the only man she wants close!

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