Книга Invitation to Italian, Tracy Kelleher — скачать онлайн в pdf, epub, fb2, txt бесплатно в электронной библиотеке Fantasy Worlds.
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Tracy Kelleher - Invitation to Italian

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Talk about adult education! Obstetrician Julie Antonelli's spontaneous decision to take an Italian Conversation class has backfired. Instead of distracting her from the pressures at work, the course proves she can't escape them.That's because the teacher is none other than cardiologist Sebastiano Fonterra–the recently installed Grantham Hospital CEO who drives Julie crazy.Much to her surprise, Julie gets some fascinating lessons about life, family and love. Not to mention seeing Sebastiano in a much more simpatico light. This is one class she won't skip…especially when he's making her believe this could be the beginning of a beautiful future.

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