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Challenging Matt
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Challenging Matt

Next she opened Windows Explorer to look for files. There wasn’t much there, except a number of image files. She clicked on the first one, which turned out to be Aunt Dee in her wedding gown, nineteen and luminously hopeful. The next picture was of Layne as a toddler at the reception, held high in Uncle Will’s arms, dashing and handsome in his navy uniform. She pressed the print icon, wanting to take a copy home, but nothing happened. After ten minutes of investigation, she stared at the computer, puzzled.

“What do you think about that, JoJo?” she said to Aunt Dee’s cat. He was lying across a corner of the desk, methodically cleaning his paw.

“Think about what?” Aunt Dee asked. She stood at the door, looking like a Victorian lady in her long flowing gown. Her hair was loosely braided, and the thick gold plait hung over one shoulder, tied with a blue satin ribbon. She could have passed for twenty-five, instead of a woman close to fifty.

“Oh...the computer doesn’t have a print driver for this printer.”

“Speak English, not computerese.”

Layne pointed. “This computer hasn’t been told how to talk to that printer. Did you buy this device in the past few months?”

“Me?” Dee let out a short, humorless laugh. “You have to be kidding. I haven’t been in here since that night. Besides, you know how I feel about computers.”

“The same way I feel about oysters.”

They shuddered together.

Yet Layne glanced at the printer again and frowned. It seemed strange that Uncle Will would type and print a brief suicide note at work, then bring it home. Suicide didn’t fit his nature in the first place, but especially suicide planned in advance. “Uh, I hate to ask this, but where did you find the note that Uncle Will supposedly wrote? I mean the specific location...on the desk...or in his pocket...?”

Dee hugged her arms closer to her body. “I’m not the one who found it. I called 911 when I saw him lying on the floor and it was obvious he was... Anyway, it seemed forever before the ambulance got here, but it couldn’t have been more than a few minutes. The paramedics told me to wait in the living room and I knew they believed it was suicide when they came out and started asking questions. Until then I thought it might have been a heart attack.”

Her aunt was hovering at the door, still unable to come into the room where her husband had died. It gave Layne a peculiar feeling, too, even if she didn’t believe that spirits lingered behind to haunt the living.

“Actually, when the police arrived, I think they said something about finding the note on the printer,” Dee murmured. “They gave it to me to read and I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.”

“Was it in a plastic bag or anything?”


Layne wasn’t an expert on police procedure, but if they hadn’t used an evidence bag, they’d probably never considered anything other than suicide. And the police should have handled it differently...if Aunt Dee was remembering correctly, the suicide note had been found on a machine that couldn’t possibly have printed it. She couldn’t explain why Uncle Will hadn’t set up the printer, but that probably wasn’t important now. All that mattered was the fact that nothing added up.

“Well, I’m going to try to get some sleep,” her aunt said. “I’m glad you’re spending the night. You’ve been stretching yourself too thin.”

“Don’t worry about me.” Layne hesitated, glancing at the computer and printer and back to her aunt. “Is the security system turned on?”

“You know I always turn it on before it gets dark.”

“Okay. Sleep well.”

She listened as Dee’s footfalls faded down the hall, barely discernible going up to the master bedroom. Her aunt didn’t like admitting it, but Layne knew staying alone in the house bothered her, and having her niece spend the night sometimes helped her sleep.

Layne checked the printer again and tried copying something. It worked perfectly and she tossed the copy on the desk. She’d wanted to believe in Uncle Will because she loved him and thought he was a great guy, but this was tangible evidence.

Her heart raced with both excitement and fear. Nobody was idiotic enough to come back seven months after murdering someone, on the off chance they’d left a clue that the police hadn’t found, but she was glad Aunt Dee had a security system, nonetheless.

She pushed the sliding keyboard tray, but it still refused to go fully under the desk. Frustrated, Layne reached under the desk to find which part of the mechanism the cord was catching on. But it wasn’t the cord her fingers encountered, it was paper. She pulled out a thin, crumpled folder.

Uncle Will’s distinctive handwriting was on a sheet of paper inside.

“Notes for lawyer, if needed,” he’d scrawled at the top. Layne’s pulse jumped with hope it would contain the information she needed to investigate, but the short amount of text below seemed more like random thoughts than anything else.

We’ve grown too fast, that’s the problem. We need better IT support in the future.

First priority, assure clients they’ll be compensated.

Can’t believe Peter accused me today. I don’t think he’s responsible for the thefts, but why is he acting this way? Told him to get off his duff and help find the truth. I’m innocent.

My Darling Dee must stop worrying. The truth will come out.

Wire transfers have a time/date stamp. Can prove I wasn’t there, at least some of the nights, just have to get my records and everything else together.

My records?

Layne pulled the keyboard out and searched the sliding tray shelf in the vain hope something had fallen out of the folder, but she didn’t find anything else and could have screamed.

What kind of records, and which wire transfers?

These notes might be the last thing Uncle Will had written and the police weren’t going to take it seriously without something substantive to go with it. But at least she could discuss the printer issue with them—surely it wouldn’t compromise their “open investigation” confidentiality rules to verify where the suicide note was found, and maybe it would make them take another look. In the meantime, she could try to figure out what the “records” were that Uncle Will had referenced. And the “everything else.”

Exhilaration replaced the frustration simmering in Layne. She finally had something real to look for—if Uncle Will had believed he could prove his innocence, surely she could, as well.

* * *

“HERE YOU GO, MATT,” Gillian said on Friday afternoon.

She handed him the copy of the Puget Sound Babbitt that he’d requested and hastily exited the office. It didn’t take long to learn the reason. Just above the table of contents was the headline: Who Is Peter Davidson of the Eisley Foundation?


He flipped the magazine open and began reading.

The article spoke of Peter’s marriage to Katrina Eisley, his recent altruism in donating time to his wife’s family’s charity organization, his investment acumen and his success in private business. It wasn’t negative, exactly, but it had a tone Matt distrusted.

The author didn’t mention the incident at Hudson & Davidson, but Matt knew it could just be the first of several articles, the opening salvo in an attempt to criticize either Peter, or him through his stepfather. The press had been quick to question every step Matt had made at the Eisley Foundation.

Or was he just being paranoid? And there was another question...did Layne McGraw and her aunt have anything to do with it? So far Connor’s background checks had shown that Layne was exactly what she claimed, a researcher for the regional news magazine, while her aunt was a graphic artist.

It was possible they were simply trying to find out more about what had happened so they could deal with it better. Problem was, it could result in the whole mess being dragged out again in public.

Matt’s jaw set.

However much he disliked getting negative press these days, he probably deserved it. Pete didn’t. Hell, Pete had given him the job at Hudson & Davidson. And his mother had virtually become a recluse after her divorce from Matt’s father, so the media had no business arguing she was a “public figure” and not entitled to her privacy because of it. Not that Matt bought that crap about a person giving up the right to privacy simply by choosing a more public life.

Matt had read the preliminary file Connor had put together on Layne. She had a degree in library science, owned a home in the university district and came from a highly successful family of professionals. No red flags. No reason to think she’d make trouble for the sake of making trouble. Yet that was part of the problem...if Layne didn’t have ulterior motives, she might sincerely wonder if her uncle was innocent. It didn’t mean she was right, but by stirring everything up, she could cause trouble with the best of intentions.

Frowning, he picked up the phone and dialed Connor.

“Yeah?” the security chief answered.

“It’s me. Can you come up to my office?”

“Be right there.”

Spinning around in his chair, Matt looked out the window at Lake Union; it was raining, so the view was partially obscured. Despite the weather, he saw a crewing team on the water, rowing toward the docks. He envied them—the effort, the teamwork, the burn of muscles being used, it was cleaner and simpler than changing your ways and running a multibillion-dollar philanthropic foundation.

Even as the thought formed, the door behind him opened. “What’s up, Matt?”

Matt turned and slid the copy of the Babbitt across the desk. “There’s an article in there about my stepfather.”

Connor raised an eyebrow. “Full of crap?”

“Not exactly. More like damning with faint praise. I have no idea if Layne McGraw is behind it or not.”

“Doubtful. It’s unlikely she’d want media attention on her uncle’s case.”

“I agree.” Matt looked down at the magazine, wishing he could get Layne McGraw’s voice out of his head...the voice that questioned whether there might be more to the embezzlement case than what everyone believed. Anything was possible. “Connor, what do you know about the thefts at Hudson & Davidson?”

“Not much. Mr. Davidson didn’t want me becoming involved with security issues at his company, before or after the thefts.”

Matt’s nerves tightened. “Why?”

“Ego, most likely. He’s wealthy, but it’s peanuts compared to Eisley money. Mind if I have a drink?” Without waiting for a response, Connor pressed a button on the wall and two heavy panel doors glided open, revealing the wet bar left from Gordon Eisley’s day. He poured himself a finger of whiskey before sitting and planting his feet on the office’s nineteenth-century mahogany desk.

Matt smiled. Connor didn’t have any reverence for antiques. He’d probably driven Gordon crazy with his offhand ways and strong language. Gordon Eisley had worked hard and made an obscene amount of money, but he believed in a rigid code of how things should be done. He must have tolerated Connor because he had recognized there wasn’t anyone better to handle the family’s security needs. Not that Matt’s grandfather was playing an active role in his business affairs or the foundation these days; he’d finally decided to listen to his doctor and relax.

“I’m getting rid of that bar,” Matt commented.

“Too bad, it’s the only thing I like in this office. Besides the view.” Connor waved his glass as if in a toast. “I hand it to you Yanks—bourbon whiskey is a fine thing the Americans gave the world, and your grandfather stocked the best.”

“Bourbon was never my drink, so I’ll take your word. Do you have any ideas for dealing with Ms. McGraw?” Matt asked.

“Talk to her. It could be a mistake, but there isn’t much else to do without getting heavy-handed.”

“Aren’t you the one who told me speaking with the press was the same as spitting into the wind? Not that I paid much attention at the time, but even if Ms. McGraw isn’t a reporter, she’s still connected to the Babbitt.”

Connor snorted. “When I told you that, you’d just spent three days with a female shark from the worst rag in the business—pillow talk makes for a fool’s interview. Just talk to the McGraw woman and find out what she wants.”

Matt didn’t try to defend himself. He’d met the female “shark” when he was twenty and terminally stupid. He wasn’t sure if age bred wisdom, but it certainly taught caution, particularly when it came to women and the paparazzi. Not that he’d cared about racy pictures or being seen as a player back then; his concern had been keeping his grandfather from cutting off his monthly trust-fund checks.

“Maybe you should contact Layne,” Matt suggested.

“Bad idea. She’ll think you’re trying to intimidate her. But I’ll go meet the aunt. She hasn’t seen me before, so she won’t recognize the connection to the Eisley family.”

“What good will meeting her do?”

Connor’s gaze dropped to his bourbon as he shrugged. “You never know.”

“Whatever. I’ll go see Ms. McGraw.”

“Fine. But a word of advice.” The security chief swung his feet down to the thick carpet and got up. “Try not to lose your temper with the woman.”

“Wow, thanks. I’m glad I have you around—I would never have thought of that.”

“Sarcasm is wasted on a hardheaded Irishman,” Connor said at the door. “Use irony the next time.”

* * *

ON SATURDAY MORNING Layne dug a stubborn weed from her garden and tossed it onto the patio. Lately she’d had little time to dig for anything except answers about her uncle, and in the lush Pacific Northwest, ignoring your yard was a mistake. With the rain they received throughout the summer, blackberry brambles and other unwanted plants could invade in an instant.

Nevertheless, she loved having her own place.

Weeds and all.

Usually she could clear her mind while gardening, yet this morning everything kept going through her head. She’d shown Aunt Dee the brief list Uncle Will had written, but beyond identifying her husband’s handwriting, Dee didn’t have any insights about it. Dee was relieved to have some confirmation of her husband’s innocence, but there were still too many unanswered questions for either one of them to relax.

Layne flung another weed over her shoulder and heard a sharp exclamation. Whirling around, she gaped. Matt Hollister was standing on her patio, brushing bits of dirt from his fine suit. Her stomach did a cartwheel.

“Oh, I didn’t know you were there,” she said.

“I rang the doorbell and nobody answered, but your car was outside, so I came around. That classic Mustang in the driveway belongs to you, right? You should keep it in the garage for safety. Cars like that can be a target.”

Layne tensed. “I left it out because I’m going to Carrollton later.” And what business is it of yours, anyway? Planning some vandalism? she wanted to add, except it would sound rude and challenging. The McGraws and Hudsons probably weren’t his favorite people at the moment, and it wouldn’t be good to antagonize him further...at least not until she got the information she needed.

“I understand. I wanted to talk to you.” Matt held up the latest edition of the Babbitt and Layne winced. So much for not antagonizing him.

She stepped off the low retaining wall to the patio below. “I didn’t have anything to do with that article. Not directly, at least. Noah Wilkie, the Babbitt’s social reporter, overheard part of what my aunt was saying at the gala, so he may have mentioned it to one of the other reporters.”

“I see.”

“But I’d still like to apologize...and also about my aunt getting so upset. It wasn’t like her, but she’s been through a lot. And she...” Layne’s voice trailed. She was in danger of starting to babble, and she reminded herself of her plan to treat Matt Hollister as a fact to be researched, instead of a sexy guy who turned her brain into a mass of overreacting neurons. Problem was, she tended to babble at the oddest times, anyhow.

“Mrs. Hudson seems like a nice lady.”

Layne nodded. “She is. By the way, I appreciated your coming to my uncle’s funeral.”

* * *

MATT RECOGNIZED THE sorrow still shadowing Layne’s eyes and sighed. It would be a lot easier to deal with the situation if he could simply see her as a troublemaker, not as a grieving niece.

She wasn’t his type, but something about her intrigued him. Her small breasts had tightened in the cool, morning air and their firm imprint under her T-shirt was playing havoc with his pulse. What’s more, she didn’t seem to be putting on a feminine act of any kind. She certainly hadn’t primped or been flustered about her casual appearance.

Matt pushed the thought away. Over the years he’d learned to quickly size up women, and Layne was the sort he avoided—unsophisticated, family oriented and likely to develop expectations about the future.

“If you think William Hudson was innocent, who do you think stole the money?” he asked.

“I don’t know, but his death seems awfully convenient. He died before he could even start to defend himself or present his side of things. And his so-called suicide note didn’t have a single personal message to his wife. It just said ‘I can’t face what’s coming, I’m sorry,’ and that’s all. Uncle Will was honorable and decent. It’s hard to imagine him living entirely one way and then suddenly doing something so totally out-of-character.”

“Actually, some people do.” The words came out more stiffly than Matt had intended, perhaps because he was doing something out-of-character and was having to fight an uphill battle in the court of public opinion. Nobody wanted to believe that Matthew Hollister could go from wild partygoer to serious director of a philanthropic foundation. Because of it, most people preferred to criticize, rather than rolling their sleeves up and working with him.

But he was serious.

Dead serious.

“Look, do you have any reason to think your uncle was innocent?” he asked. “The police and D.A. are convinced he was guilty.”

A hint of anger flared in Layne’s eyes, then she drew a deep breath. “My aunt asked me to look into the charges against Uncle Will and I’ve been searching, but it’s hard to get anywhere without knowing how or when the thefts occurred. All I’ve been able to piece together is that it has something to do with wire transfers and they probably happened at night. I wanted to talk to Mr. Davidson about it, only he wasn’t available, so I got the meeting with you instead. Then a few days ago I discovered something that shows Uncle Will didn’t kill himself. It won’t convince the police, but it’s enough for me.”

Matt frowned. “What is it?”

“Aunt Dee was told he died of a massive drug overdose. They found a note and declared it a suicide, even though the letter was typed and unsigned.”

“That’s hardly proof.”

“No, but I’ve done research on suicide. Apparently a note isn’t that common, and when there is one, it’s usually handwritten. On top of which—” she paused “—it was found on the printer in Uncle Will’s home office, but that printer doesn’t work with his computer.”

“The ink cartridge probably just dried out.”

Layne shook her head. “That’s not what I mean. After his personal belongings were delivered from the company, Aunt Dee locked the office. She never goes in there. The other day I tried to print something on my uncle’s computer and discovered the correct print driver wasn’t loaded to the system. So why would the note be in the print tray?”

Matt got a cold chill through his stomach. What Layne was saying wasn’t conclusive, but it was enough to raise doubts.

“Have you told the police?”

“I spoke to Detective Rivera at the Carrollton Police Department earlier this week. The only thing he’d confirm is that the note was found on the printer, but he said that Uncle Will could have brought it from the office and put it there to be sure it was seen quickly.”

“It’s possible,” Matt admitted.

“Anything is possible, but it mostly sounds like he’s trying to explain things away so it doesn’t look as if the police didn’t investigate properly. It’s ironic. He claims I’m biased, but they seem far more biased than me. The detective dismissed the printer issue before I even finished explaining. He says I just want the finding of suicide reversed so Aunt Dee can get Uncle Will’s life insurance money.”

When Matt raised an inquiring eyebrow, she sighed.

“Life insurance policies have suicide clauses. Aunt Dee didn’t get a penny and she’s about to lose her house. But as much as I want to help her, I wouldn’t do anything unethical.”

“What about income from Hudson & Davidson?”

“Your stepfather claims they’re operating at a loss because of the scandal, so there isn’t any income.”

“Oh,” Matt said uncomfortably.

While the company had taken a hit, they’d fully rebounded even before he’d left to run the Eisley Foundation. And even if Peter was directing all profits to himself to repay the personal funds he’d used to restore client accounts, it wasn’t the same as operating at a loss. He hadn’t legally “loaned” the money to the company, so it shouldn’t be claimable as a line item expense.

Surely Layne had misunderstood.

“Aunt Dee won’t accept anything from the family,” Layne added, frustrated. “The only thing I can do is try to learn what really happened. It isn’t just the insurance—clearing Uncle Will’s name is awfully important to her. And with what I’ve found so far, I think I can do it.”

Matt had an odd feeling Layne wasn’t telling him everything. Not that he blamed her. She’d found something that suggested her uncle had been murdered, and he was connected to one of the people she probably suspected. Hell, maybe she even thought he’d try to protect Peter at all costs.

It was a sobering thought.

He wanted to keep Pete’s reputation from being ripped apart for no reason, but he wouldn’t protect him from embezzlement and murder charges. Besides, why would his stepfather embezzle? Peter had inherited money from a distant relative before going into business with William Hudson, parlaying it into a sizable personal fortune by investing in the right places. He didn’t need to steal from anybody.

His stepfather was a good guy, and he’d given Matt a job at Hudson & Davidson when no one else would consider hiring him. But what if in his haste to save the company, Pete had jumped to conclusions?

And equally as bad, what if Matt had jumped to conclusions himself, wanting to tie things up quickly so he could start his work with the foundation? If William Hudson was innocent, it meant a thief and murderer was still out there.

“Where do you plan to go from here?” he asked.

“I’m going to check everything. Every movement, every piece of paper related to the business, public or private. Backgrounds on employees are a possibility...anything I can put my hands on. If Uncle Will didn’t steal from the company, he was framed for someone else’s crime.”

“Okay,” Matt said slowly. “I’m not sure how much I agree with you, but I’m willing to meet you halfway. I’ll help.”

Layne blinked, appearing astonished. “You’ll what?”

“I’ll help.”

“I’m not trying to be difficult, but why?”

“I didn’t have much contact with your uncle when I worked at Hudson & Davidson, but I liked him. It was a shock when everything came out about the thefts. I don’t like to think we missed something when the police were investigating.”

“That was their job, not yours.”

“Nevertheless, I’m serious about getting involved.”

“Then you’ll tell me more about the case?” Layne asked eagerly.

The memory of his stepfather asking what he’d told Dorothy Hudson and her niece flashed through Matt’s head. Giving Layne information could make things sticky with Peter, but it was one of those “damned if you do and damned if you don’t” situations. Besides, the mess obviously wasn’t going away. And even if it caused problems between him and Peter, Layne and her aunt were entitled to the truth.