Книга A Companion to African-American Philosophy, Tommy L. Lott — скачать онлайн в pdf, epub, fb2, txt бесплатно в электронной библиотеке Fantasy Worlds.
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Tommy L. Lott - A Companion to African-American Philosophy

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Автор: Tommy L. Lott
Название: A Companion to African-American Philosophy

Рейтинг: 3

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Автор: Tommy L. Lott
Название: A Companion to African-American Philosophy
Аннотация на книгу:

This wide-ranging, multidisciplinary collection of newly commissioned articles brings together distinguished voices in the field of Africana philosophy and African-American social and political thought. Provides a comprehensive critical survey of African-American philosophical thought. Collects wide-ranging, multidisciplinary, newly commissioned articles in one authoritative volume. Serves as a benchmark work of reference for courses in philosophy, social and political thought, cultural studies, and African-American studies.

Добавленo: Рейтинг: 3 Комментариев 0 шт.

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