Книга Fibre-Optic Communications, Pierre Lecoy — скачать онлайн в pdf, epub, fb2, txt бесплатно в электронной библиотеке Fantasy Worlds.
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Pierre Lecoy - Fibre-Optic Communications

Fibre-Optic Communications
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This book describes in a comprehensive manner the components and systems of fiber optic communications and networks. The first section explains the theory of multimode and single-mode fibers, then the technological features, including manufacturing, cabling, and connecting. The second section describes the various components (passive and active optical components, integrated optics, opto-electronic transmitters and receivers, and optical amplifiers) used in fiber optic systems. Finally, the optical transmission system design is explained, and applications to optical networks and fiber optic sensors are detailed, including the most recent developments in switched networks, high bit-rate systems, and FTTH or radio over fiber.

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