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Zhandalee And The First Metamorphosis
Zhandalee And The First Metamorphosis
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Zhandalee And The First Metamorphosis

Zandi got up from the bed and sat down next to them at the table, she took a cup in which Efia pour an infusion, and tasting it she said:

-- It's really good. Biko, I'm not the divinity you're looking for, I'm sorry, and I do not have any magic power, I do not know what I'm doing here and why I am here, I want to be clear, I'm sorry, I think there's a reason to explain the fact I am here and I'll have to find it. --

--Take some fruit, there is a lot, this morning they have brought it for each person of the village, they have brought it as a gift for you. you know, in these days it is difficult to see so much fruit because fruit trees keep dying, -- Ima said.

--What makes plants die?—Zandi asked in a tone of curiosity and regret.

--The invader, he's killing us all, he has come from hell and he wants to bring us all with him, but I'll fight him with all the strengths I have! -. Biko said battler.

--Who is this invader, Efia? Is he the same your father told about last night? --

--Yes, he is him,-- Efia replied with resignation.

-- But the trucks that I felt this night, where do they go?- - Zandi asked

--Ah, you mean the vehicles with wheels carrying loam?-- Ima added

-- I tell you – Biko interrupted her --They go to the sacred mountain, they dig tunnels underground, they pull out a bag of land that load it on these trucks, then they go down to the valley directed to the place where you cannot access, because there are very high walls, they enter in there and then they come out empty. From that place comes out so much noise and so much bad smell. I can tell you that the source that passes in the middle of this construction enters clear water and comes out stinking water with a horrendous colour, the same water that Efia drank for the first time, making her hill in this way. Even animals die, but unfortunately where the water is good, it is difficult to access for anyone --

--Can we go there?-- Zandi asked, -- but first I have to find a phone to call my father and mother in Sicily, they'll be worry for me not seeing me this morning, do you know where I can get a phone?—

--What is a phone? – Ima pronounced.

-- It is a thing that allows you to talk with people very far away, it is so little, -- Zandi said simulating the size of the phone with her hands.

--I understood,-- Biko interrupted. –I know what you talk about, I saw it to the invaders when they came with the trucks, they used it to communicate with each other. Come with me, not far from here there is a house where we deliver the written letters, there must be one of those gadgets. --

-- It is mail, can we go there now?-- Zandi asked.

--Yes, we can go if you want, -- Efia said.

--Let’s go, please,-- Zandi said, rising from the table.

They came out from the hut, they put Efia in a rudimentary wheelchair that she used when she had to cover long distances, but before starting Efia wrote on a piece of paper something and put it in Biko's hand saying:

-- Put it on the table, so my father knows where we are if he come back before us --

-- Ok—He go to deposit it inside.

--Are you not blind at all?,-- Zandi asked.

--No, I see a little bad, I can distinguish things -- said Efia with a smile.

--Sorry for the question,-- Zandi said.

--Quiet, come on, let's go, --Efia said.

Biko stood behind Efia to push the wheelchair and they began to walk.

After about thirty minutes of road, they could see the destination house, it gradually became closer and closer, when they arrived in front of the gate Biko stopped.

--Attention, there should be Yao, let's be careful – Biko murmured scrutinizing the inside of the house’s gate.

--I do not see and I do not hear anybody here –Efia said then she continued.. -- Maybe it will be running around chasing someone or some passing animal.

-- Who is Yao?-- Zandi said.

--Yao is Mrs. Clara's watchdog,-- Efia replied.

--It is good even if its size is so big to scare, it has never bitten anyone even if it always barks, and Biko has a great fear – Ima ended with a big smile to which Zandi and Efia joined smiling.

--You laugh, but for me it is not a normal dog, it like a horse and with a bite it swallows us all even without chewing. However strangely I do not hear it, I think it is not here. Let's hurry up before it returns -- so very quickly he pushed the wheelchair inside the gate in front of the house’s entrance, the other two girls followed him just a few steps behind, as soon as they were in front of the entrance, they knocked entering.

--Is it allowed? Can we get in? Mrs. Clara? -- Efia and Ima asked.

-- Yes, who's so early riser to visit me?—Clara said.

Clara is a about sixty miss, she came from England, she had been working there for about thirty years, her hair was white with curls, she was chubby and she was the only person who managed the correspondence in that area, she was very kind and she knew everything and everyone, thanks to her work having to do with many people, she had remained Miss but everyone called her Mrs. Clara in sign of respect.

--Come on, but Why has not Yao announced you? Usually it makes himself heard when someone enters --Clara said, arranging a few letters in her desk full of envelopes to be fixed.

--It must have come out, we did not even see it,-- Biko said.

-- It cannot be, I have seen it through the window 5 minutes ago in front of its dog’s bed as always next to the gate -- Clara said getting up from the chair and heading to the window.

--You see where it is, right there where I told you, why did not you see it? -- Clara added opening the window and calling Yao, it replied, getting up and barking, wagging its tail.

--It is strange, ok it’s nothing, it will be distracted, after all age goes also for it, it is becoming old too, -- Clara said, closing the window and heading in front of the boys.

Biko was speechless with a vague and unexplained look, it was the first time that Yao did not chase him.

--I'm here, but who is your host? Wait, do not tell me, you are the divinity that all the inhabitants of Zebenjo are talking about. I do not know whether or not to believe to these rumours, in fact it has been the first news I received this morning. What's your name? And what can I do for you? -- Clara said.

-- Mrs. Clara, my name is Zhandalee Niversa, I came here with them because I would like to call my parents, and they told me that here I could find a phone, I wanted to warn them that I am here and that I am well--

--Zandi, help me get up, I can stretch a bit my legs,-- Efia asked.

--Come on, guys, come with me,-- Clara suggested.

Together they went into the room behind the desk, and as they entered they saw a telephone near some stools on a small table.

-- I put this phone here because when some family comes to phone I leave privacy. Zandi, give me the number, I ask the switchboard to connect with the phone of your parents' house -- Clara concluded.

Zandi communicated the number expecting that Miss Clara succeeded in her intent, but after several attempts and various tests discussed with the operator of the switchboard Mrs. Clara closed the phone and turning to Zandi said:

--Dear girl, I'm sorry but I have to give you a bad news: the number you gave me does not match the name you told me, at that house number, at that phone number does not live any Niversa family, an old gentleman called Cardelli lives there, are you sure about the number? -- Miss Clara asked.

--Yes, I’m very sure, how is it possible?-- Zandi answered casually.